Title Učestalost gestacijskog dijabetesa kod trudnica tijekom pandemije SARS-CoV-2
Title (english) Incidence of gestational diabetes in pregnant women during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic
Author Valentina Rašić
Mentor Ivana Živoder (mentor)
Committee member Melita Sajko (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Živoder (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Duško Kardum (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Nursing) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2022-02-02, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Nursing
Abstract U prilagodbi na trudnoću i tijekom cijelog razdoblja trajanja trudnoće kod žene se događaju fizičke, hormonalne te psihičke promjene. Za osobe koje imaju genetsku predispoziciju, ne bave se tjelesnom aktivnošću, imaju loše prehrambene navike i pretile su, postoji velik rizik od obolijevanja šećernom bolešću. Zbog promjene razine hormona u trudnoći i kod trudnica koje imaju navedene rizične čimbenike je moguće oboljenje koje nazivamo gestacijski dijabetes. Dijagnoza gestacijskog dijabetesa pobuđuje strah u trudnica i zbog toga se može javiti dodatan stres i anksioznost tijekom trudnoće. Gestacijski dijabetes je šećerna bolest koja se po prvi puta dijagnosticira u trudnoći i obilježena je poremećajem metabolizma ugljikohidrata. Gestacijski dijabetes može biti prolazan, a može biti prisutan i nakon trudnoće. Za gestacijski dijabetes važna je regulacija glukoze u krvi. Kako bi se trudnicama omogućilo što bolje razumijevanje potencijalnih komplikacija gestacijskog dijabetesa potrebna je kvalitetna edukacija u kojoj ih treba podučiti važnosti pravilne prehrane, pozitivnog utjecaja svakodnevne tjelesne aktivnosti i učinkovitosti samokontrole. Pravilnom prehranom, raznolikim namirnicama trudnice mogu obogatiti svoju prehranu i na prirodan način regulirati razinu glukoze u krvi.
Pandemija SARS-CoV2 je virusna respiratorna bolest koja je zahvatila cijeli svijet i promijenila životne navike cijelog stanovništva. Neočekivani način života koji se zasnivao na socijalnoj distanci i izbjegavanju socijalnog druženja bio je način obrane od zaraze virusom i širenja virusa, no također je utjecao na različite segmente življenja.
Tijekom izrade rada provedeno je istraživanje s ciljem utvrđivanja promjena koje su bile prisutne u praćenju trudnica s gestacijskim dijabetesom, broju redovitih kontrola, percepciji trudnica o poteškoćama na koje su nailazile tijekom pandemije. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo ukupno 88 sudionica. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da 32 (36,4%) sudionice smatraju da učestalost kontrolnih pregleda nije bila manja za vrijeme pandemije. Ocjenu izvrstan (5) svom liječniku dalo je 28 sudionica (31.8%), a ocjenu 1 su dale 2 sudionice (2.3%). Većina sudionica, njih 50 (56.8%) navode da su dobile sve potrebne informacije o regulaciji gestacijskog dijabetesa tijekom pandemije, dok njih 8 (9.1%) nije bilo zadovoljno dobivenim informacijama. Nadalje, da je stres tijekom pandemije jedan od rizičnih faktora gestacijskog dijabetes smatra 20 sudionica (22.7%), a odgovor „možda“ je odabralo 38 sudionica (43.2%) .
Abstract (english) During pregnancy, women experience physical, hormonal and mental changes. For those who have a genetic predisposition, don't exercise, have poor eating habits and are overweight, there is a high risk of becoming diabetic. Hormonal changes during pregnancy may cause pregnant women who have those risk factors to develop gestational diabetes. Being diagnosed with gestational diabetes is scary for pregnant women and can cause extra stress and anxiety during pregnancy. Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes which is first diagnosed during pregnancy and is characterized by problems in carbohydrate metabolism. Gestational diabetes can betemporary, or it can continue even after pregnancy. Regulation of glucose levels in the blood is very important. To help pregnant women better understand the potential complications of gestational diabetes, quality education is needed, which includes teaching them the importance of a healthy diet, positive effects of daily physical activity and efficiency of self-control. Eating a variety of foods, pregnant women can enrich their diet and regulate their blood glucose levels in a natural way.
SARS-CoV2 pandemic is a viral respiratory disease which has affected the entire world and changed the lifestyle habits of the whole population. New unexpected way of living, based on social distancing and avoiding social gatherings, was used to fight the spread of the virus, but it has also affected many aspects of day-to-day life.
In this paper, a study was conducted with the goal of determining how did the pandemic impact pregnant women with gestational diabetes regarding regular prenatal care checkups and their perception of hardships faced during the pandemic. A total of 88 women participated in the study. The results show that 32 (36.4%) participants thought that there was no difference in regularity of prenatal care checkups. Excellent grade (5) to their doctors gave 28 (31.8%) participants, while grade 1 was given by only 2 (2.3%) participants. Most of the participants, 50 (56.8%) of them, stated that all the information regarding the regulation of gestational diabetes was easily available to them, while 8 (9.1%) of them weren't satisfied with the information they were given. Furthermore, that the stress during pandemic was a risk factor for gestational diabetes thought 20 (22.7%) participants, while the answer „maybe“ was chosen by 38 (43.2%) participants.
gestacijski dijabetes
medicinska sestra
Keywords (english)
pregnant women
gestational diabetes
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:162237
Study programme Title: Nursing Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2022-03-30 09:23:09