Title Upotreba pametnih telefona u generaciji "Z" hrvatskih srednjoškolaca - motivi i očekivano zadovoljstvo
Author Mira Ognjan
Mentor Nada Zgrabljić Rotar (mentor)
Committee member Iva Rosanda Žigo (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Jadranka Lasić-Lazić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Krešimir Pavlina (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2022, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 37 - Education
Abstract Ahonen (2008.) i Goggin (2011.) proširuju sistematizaciju medija te mobilne telefone navode
kao sedmi medij. Srednjoškolci koji su bili predmet ovoga istraživanja rođeni su između 2002.
i 2006. godine te, prema „generacijskoj teoriji“ (Mannheim, 1952.; Strauss i Howe,
1997.), pripadaju generaciji “Z „. Ta je generacija snažno suživljena s pametnim telefonima
te velik dio svojega vremena provodi uporabljujući iste. Cilj disertacije jest istražiti navedeni
segment medijske publike kroz
... More obrasce medijskoga ponašanja na pametnim telefonima te
utvrditi očekivana zadovoljstva koja iz toga proizlaze. Polazeći od teorije medijskih
efekata, ključna paradigma, na kojoj se temelji ovo istraživanje, jest Uses and Gratification
Theory, odnosno teorija upotrebe i zadovoljstva. Ova je komunikacijska teorija pozitivistička
u svojem pristupu, utemeljena na socio-psihološkoj komunikacijskoj tradiciji (Herzog, 1944.;
Katz, Blumler i Gurevitch, 1973.). Pri prikupljanju podataka za istraživanje medijskih navika i
očekivanih zadovoljstava ispitanika u uporabi smartphonea, koristio se mješoviti istraživački
pristup u kojem je došlo do ispreplitanja kvantitativnih i kvalitativnih metoda (Este, Sitter i
Maclaurin, 2009.) Kvantitativno istraživanje provedeno je putem upitnika na slučajnom
stratificiranom uzorku od 1507 hrvatskih srednjoškolaca. Kvalitativno istraživanje provedeno
je kroz fokus grupu u kojoj je sudjelovalo šest srednjoškolaca. Nakon pomnog proučavanja
brojnih tipologija zadovoljstava od uporabe medija i konstatacije njihove velike raspršenosti
pristupilo se zgušnjavanju mnoštva zadovoljstava u četiri pojmovno šire skupine
zadovoljstava/motiva čime se došlo do vlastite tipologije.
Rezultati istraživanje pokazuju da hrvatski srednjoškolci na pametnim telefonima prosječno
dnevno provode 5 sati i 26 minuta. Najčešće korištena aplikacija na pametnom telefonu jest
Instagram, a zatim slijede Snapchat, Whatsapp, YouTube i TikTok. Ispitanici su u
neprestanom medijskom multitaskingu (M = 4,12, SD = 0.17). Nalazi istraživanja upućuju da
učenike na uporabu smartphonea najviše motiviraju socijalni motivi (M = 4.26, SD = 0.69),
potom eudaimonistički (M = 3.98, SD = 0.65), hedonistički (M = 3.89, SD = 0.85) te na kraju
motivi samoizražavanja (M = 3.32, SD = 0.93). Prediktor koji najsnažnije pozitivno predviđa
vrijeme provedeno na smartphoneu predstavljaju hedonistički motivi (β = 0.200, p < .001). Sa
svakim bodom više na ljestvici hedonističkih motiva, sudionici provode u prosjeku 32.6 minuta
više na smartphoneu.
Očekuje se da će ova doktorska studija doprinijeti komunikacijskim znanostima proširenjem
primjene teorije upotrebe i zadovoljstva na proučavanje pametnog telefona s diskursa medija i
njegovih korisnika kao medijske publike. Procjenjuje se da će ovo istraživanje popuniti
prazninu u hrvatskim medijskim istraživanjima u kojima su slabo zastupljena istraživanja
hrvatskih srednjoškolaca pripadnika generacije „Z“ u kontekstu medijske publike. Ovo
istraživanje moglo bi imati i svoju praktičnu vrijednost, i to poticanjem nositelja obrazovnih
politika na strategijske intervencije u kurikulume međupredmetnih tema od 1. do 5. odgojno
obrazovnog ciklusa koje bi učenike već od prvog razreda osnovne škole pa do kraja
srednjoškolskoga obrazovanja, usmjeravalo na preispitivanje vlastitoga medijskog ponašanja
u uporabi pametnih telefona kao i očekivanih zadovoljstava koja ih motiviraju na tu uporabu. Less
Abstract (english) Ahonen (2008) and Goggin (2011) expand the systematization of the media and list mobile
phones as the seventh medium. High school students who were the subject of this research were
born between 2002 and 2006, and according to the Theory of generations (Mannheim, 1952;
Strauss and Howe, 1997) they belong to the Generation Z. This generation is strongly
coexisting with smartphones and spends much of its time using them. The basic research
problem of this doctoral study is based on
... More the fact that Croatian high school students spend a
lot of time on their smartphones. The aim of this study is to test, in the context of the Uses and
gratification theory, the motives and expected gratification that drive Croatian high school
students to use smartphones, as well as to explore their media habits. The mentioned research
problem is a frequent subject of research in many scientific fields such as medicine, psychology,
biology, sociology, and other sciences. The aim of this paper was to approach this research
problem from the discourse of information and communication sciences. At the very beginning
of drafting this doctoral study, the question arose how to find a suitable information and
communication theoretical paradigm that would, as a recognized scientific model, lead such
research to new scientific knowledge and solutions, and direct it to the scientific interpretation
of experimental observations (Kuhn, 1970). As the aim of the research was focused on
understanding the reasons for media consumption, Uses and Gratification Theory was chosen
as a key paradigm. This communication theory is positivist in its approach, based on the sociopsychological communication tradition (Katz, Blumler and Gurevitch, 1973; Severin, 1997). In
collecting data for researching media habits and expected gratification of respondents from the
use of smartphones, a mixed research approach was used with intertwining of quantitative and
qualitative methods (Este, Sitter, and Maclaurin, 2009). Quantitative research was conducted
through a questionnaire on a stratified random sample of 1507 Croatian high school students.
The research was conducted in 30 Croatian high schools and distributed in all four traditional
Croatian regions. The survey was conducted as a quantitative cross-sectional study on a
stratified random sample. The stratification of the sample will be conducted based on data on
secondary schools from the Release of the Central Bureau of Statistics of 30 April 2020 (Central
Bureau of Statistics, 2020). After carefully studying the numerous typologies of gratitude from
the use of media and noting their great dispersion, we began to condense the multitude of
gratifications/motives into four conceptually broader groups of gratifications/motives, which
led to our own typology. Qualitative research was conducted through a focus group in which 6
high school students participated. Prior to the research, a focus group research protocol was
developed based on recent scientific literature dealing with the study of Uses and gratification
theory in the context of smartphone usage. The focus group discussion was based on eight basic
groups of questions with sub-questions that seek to reach new scientific findings and clarify the
findings of quantitative research.
The findings of the research showed that Croatian high school students spend an average of 5
hours and 26 minutes a day on their smartphones. The most used app on a smartphone is
Instagram followed by Snapchat, WhatsApp, YouTube and TikTok. The research showed that
students are mostly driven to use smartphones by social motives (M = 4.26, SD = 0.69), then
eudemonistic (M = 3.98, SD = 0.65), hedonistic (M = 3.89, SD = 0.85) and finally motives of
self-expression (M = 3.32, SD = 0.93). Predictor that most strongly positively predicts the time
spent on a smartphone is hedonistic (β = 0.200, p <.001). With each point up the scale of
hedonistic motives, participants spend an average of 32.6 minutes more on a smartphone.
The difficulty encountered in the research was related to the fact that the motivation of the
respondents in using a smartphone changes from second to second because the respondents are
Multitasking makes it quite difficult to identify and specify the expected pleasures of using
smartphones. It blurs the connection between, for example, information and entertainment and
users surfing imperceptibly through numerous platforms, media channels and media content, in
search of entertainment get information, and vice versa (Martinoli, 2013). All of it leads to an
overlap of expected gratification.
This doctoral study is expected to contribute to the communication sciences by expanding the
application of Uses and gratification theory to the study of the smartphones from the discourse
of the media and their users as media audiences. It is estimated that this research will fill the
gap in Croatian media research in which the research of Croatian high school students belonging
to Generation Z in the context of media audience is poorly represented.
The research could have its practical value, through encouraging educational policy makers to
strategic interventions in the curricula of cross-curricular topics from 1st to 5th educational
cycle, which would direct students from 1st grade to the end of high school, to review their own
media behaviours in the use of smartphones as well as the expected gratification that result from
In future research on the use of smartphones in the context of Uses and gratification theory,
one could compare the expected and obtained gratification from their use. This research would
be particularly interesting because the difference between what media audiences seek through
their patterns of media use and what they actually gain has a strong impact on their media
behaviour. Less
generacija „Z“
pametni telefoni
teorija upotrebe i zadovoljstva
medijska publika
Keywords (english)
Generation Z
Uses and gratification theory
media audience
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:541828
Promotion 2022
Study programme Title: Media and Communication Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: dr.sc. (dr.sc.)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-07-21 11:25:48