Abstract | Depresija je bolest karakterizirana promjenama u raspoloženju, poput dugotrajne tuge i
nesposobnosti uživanja u stvarima i aktivnostima koje su pojedincu do tada bile izvor sreće i
zadovoljstva. Uz osnovne simptome još se pojavljuju i simptomi poput promjene apetita, nesanice,
nemira, nemogućnost koncentracije, problemi s pamćenjem, osjećaj krivnje i bezvrijednosti,
manjak energije. Bolest utječe na obavljanje svakodnevnih, najvažnijih aktivnosti jer narušava
mogućnost normalnog funkcioniranja pacijenta. Također, depresija dovodi do razaranja
obiteljskih, prijateljskih i poslovnih odnosa. Ukoliko depresija potraje duže vrijeme bez
provedenog adekvatnog liječenja kod oboljele osobe dolazi do pojave suicidalnih misli i pokušaja
samoubojstava kod pojedinih osoba. Depresija je veliki javnozdravstveni problem jer je u
posljednje vrijeme broj oboljelih sve veći i stope smrtnosti su u porastu zbog pojave drugih
tjelesnih bolesti i počinjenja samoubojstva. Važno je potražiti pomoć stručnjaka prilikom pojave
prvih simptoma koji upućuju na depresiju zbog što ranijeg postavljanja dijagnoze i provođenja
sigurnog i učinkovitog liječenja koje će biti prilagođeno svakom pojedincu.
Istraživanje je provedeno sa ciljem provjere znanja studenata sestrinstva o depresiji i saznati
koliki je rizik za razvoj depresije u njihovoj populaciji. U anketi su sudjelovala 102 studenta
sestrinstva od prve do treće godine. 73 (71,6%) sudionika istraživanja bila su ženskog spola, a
ostalih 29 (28,4%) muškog spola. Najviše sudionika bilo je iz treće godine sestrinstva, njih 44%.
Velika većina sudionika nije zaposlena u struci. Analizom dobivenih podataka možemo zaključiti
kako studenti sestrinstva nemaju negativne stavove ili stereotipe o oboljelima od depresije. 30%
sudionika istraživanja je u trenutku ispunjavanja ankete osjećala prisutnost simptoma depresije.
Dobiveni podaci pokazuju visoku stopu pojave simptoma depresije kod mladih ljudi, u ovom
slučaju studenata sestrinstva. Kod većine sudionika do pojave simptoma depresije došlo je upravo
prilikom studiranja zbog svakodnevne izloženosti visokim razinama stresa. Zbog neadekvatnih
načina suočavanja sa stresom pojedini sudionici istraživanja često se osjećaju bezvrijedno i
iskazuju nezadovoljstvo svojim životom te smatraju da su ostali ljudi zadovoljniji od njih. Na
temelju brojnih provedenih istraživanja zaključuje se da je depresija bolest koja je sve više prisutna
i razvoju bolesti jednako su skloni svi ljudi, neovisno o spolu, dobi i stupnju obrazovanja.
Depresija je postala veliki javnozdravstveni problem i potrebno je provoditi edukaciju već od
najranije dobi kako bi se prevenirao nastanak bolesti u kasnijoj životnoj dobi. |
Abstract (english) | Depression is a disease characterized by changes in mood, such as prolonged sadness and the
inability to enjoy things and activities that were previously a source of happiness and satisfaction
for the individual. In addition to the basic symptoms, symptoms such as changes in appetite,
insomnia, restlessness, inability to concentrate, memory problems, feelings of guilt and
worthlessness, lack of energy also appear. The disease affects the performance of everyday, most
important activities because it impairs the patient's ability to function normally. Also, depression
leads to the destruction of family, friendship and business relationships. If depression lasts for a
long time without adequate treatment, suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts occur in some
individuals. Depression is a major public health problem because recently the number of patients
is increasing and the death rate is increasing due to the appearance of other physical diseases and
suicide. It is important to seek the help of a specialist when the first symptoms suggestive of
depression appear, in order to establish a diagnosis as early as possible and implement a safe and
effective treatment that will be adapted to each individual.
The research was conducted with the aim of checking the knowledge of nursing students about
depression and finding out the risk of developing depression in their population. 102 nursing
students from the first to the third year participated in the survey. 73 (71.6%) research participants
were female, and the other 29 (28.4%) were male. Most of the participants were from the third
year of nursing, 44% of them. The vast majority of participants are not employed in the profession.
By analyzing the obtained data, we can conclude that nursing students do not have negative
attitudes or stereotypes about depression patients. 30% of the research participants felt the presence
of symptoms of depression at the time of filling out the survey. The obtained data show a high rate
of depression symptoms in young people, in this case nursing students. In the case of most of the
participants, the symptoms of depression occurred during their studies due to daily exposure to
high levels of stress. Due to inadequate ways of coping with stress, some research participants
often feel worthless and express dissatisfaction with their lives and think that other people are
more satisfied than them. Based on numerous researches, it is concluded that depression is a
disease that is increasingly present and that all people are equally prone to the development of the
disease, regardless of gender, age and level of education. Depression has become a major public
health problem and it is necessary to carry out education from an early age in order to prevent the
onset of the disease in later life. |