Abstract | Pojava novog soja korona virusa i lako širenje virulentnog i nepoznatog patogena,
uzrokovalo je pandemiju bolesti COVID-19. Korona virusi prisutni su kod brojnih vrsta, a mogu
uzrokovati širok spektar bolesti, no aktualna pandemija i više od dva milijuna smrti, posljedica
su infekcije teškim akutnim respiratornim sindromom koronavirusa 2 (SARS-CoV-2).
Nakon izlaganja SARS-CoV-2 virusu, osoba može potencijalno razviti COVID-19 bolest,
a isto tako može i ne mora imati izražene simptome.
Cilj istraživanja bio je usmjeren prikupljanju podataka o respiratornoj funkciji i tjelesnom
stanju pacijenata prije i nakon oboljenja od COVID-19 bolesti te obradi, usporedbi i prikazu
podataka dobivenih putem ispunjavanja anonimne, online dostupne ankete.
U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 96 osoba koje su oboljele od COVID-19 bolesti. Neke od
njih nisu imale simptome, dok je određeni broj ispitanih naveo podatak o mjeri hospitalizacije uz
opskrbu niskim ili visokim dozama kisika. Ni jedna od ispitanih osoba nije opskrbljivana
respiratorom ni ECMO uređajem.
Analizom socio-demografskih podataka, podataka vezanih uz tjelesnu aktivnost prije i
nakon oboljenja od COVID-19 respiratorne infekcije te podataka koji se odnose na COVID-19
infekciju, izveden je zaključak kako je broj tjelesno aktivnih osoba pao nakon preboljenja
COVID-19 bolesti, čiji je pretpostavljeni uzrok pojava post-COVID komplikacija. Najveći broj
ispitanih osoba ženskog je spola te osobe sa završenom srednjom stručnom spremom, a kod
većine je prisutnost uzročnika dokazana PCR testiranjem uzoraka briseva sluznice nazofarinksa.
Najčešći simptom bila je povišena tjelesna temperatura kod simptomatskih osoba, a
najrjeđi upala očne sluznice, dok su simptomi trajali najčešće pet do sedam dana. 67,7%
preboljelih navelo je da je cijepljeno, a gotovo 96% nije potražilo pomoć niti se obratilo
fizioterapeutu, iako su 63 osobe, od 96 ispitanih, imale neke od znakova i simptoma post-
COVID sindroma.
Pacijenti koji su preboljeli COVID-19 bolest, trebali bi se postupno vratiti aktivnostima
svakodnevnog života uz optimalnu multidisciplinarnu skrb i edukaciju cijelog spektra
zdravstvenih djelatnika. |
Abstract (english) | The appearance of the new type of coronavirus and the easy spreading of virulent
pathogens led to COVID-19 diesase. Coronaviruses are present in many species and cas cause a
variety of diseases but the current pandemic and more than two million deaths are repercussions
of heavy acute respiratroy infections.
After exposure to SARS-CoV-2 virus, a person could potentially develop COVID-19
disease. In that case, symptoms may or may not occur. The aim of reasearch was collecting dana
about respiratory functions and physical health of the patient before and after COVID-19 disease
as well as processing, comparing and reviewing the data.
Information was collected by anonymous online questionnaire. There were 96 reasearch
participants who had COVID-19 disease. Some of them did not have any symptomps while
others stated information about being hospitalized and supplied with bigger or smaller amounts
of oxygen. None of the participants were in need of respirator or ECMO.
Analysis od sociodemographic information, information about physical activitiy before
and after having COVID-19 disease and information about COVID-19 disease showed that the
number of physically active people has decreased after getting over COVID-19 disease.
Assumed cause of this phenomenon are post-COVID complications. Most participants were
female and people with high school education. Also, the majority of participants werw testes
with PCR tests.
The most common symptom was raised body temperature and the least common was eye
inflammation. In most cases, symptoms lasted from 5 to 7 days. 67,7% of participants stated that
they received the vaccine. Almost 96% of participants stated they never asked for help or
addressed their physiotherapist even though 63 pf 96 participants stated they had some of the
signs of symptoms of the post-COVID-19 syndrome.
Patients who suffered from COVID-19 disease should gradually come back to their
everyday activities with optimal multidisciplinary care and education of healthcare professionals. |