Abstract | Gripa ili influenca je akutna infektivna bolest dišnog sustava koju uzrokuju virusi influence A, B i C. Epidemije gripe na našem području najčešće se pojavljuju tijekom hladnijih mjeseci. Najčešći put prijenosa gripe je kapljičnim putem i uporabom inficiranih predmeta. Gripa započinje povišenom tjelesnom temperaturom te općih simptoma kao što su glavobolju, mialgije, gubitak apetita. Najvažniju ulogu za zdravlje respiratornog sustava imaju vitamin C, vitamin E i β-karoten te cink. Prevencija se dijeli na farmaceutske (npr. cijepljenje) i nefarmaceutske mjere (npr. pranje ruku sapunom i vodom). Prvostupnica/prvostupnik sestrinstva utvrđuje potrebe pacijenta zatim postavlja sestrinske dijagnoze i ciljeve te se sukladno njima provodi sestrinske intervencije.
U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 142 sudionika odnosno studenata sestrinstva Sveučilišta Sjever. Anketni upitnik je bio objavljen u razdoblju od 10.04.2022. do 10.06.2022. putem Google obrasca na društvenim mrežama. Od ukupno 16 zatvorenih pitanja, prva 4 pitanja bila su sociodemografska pitanja, druga 5 pitanja su se odnosila na znanje studenta o gripi, treća 4 pitanja na stavove studenata o gripi i zadnja 3 pitanja preispituju iskustva studenta o gripi. Sudionici su sudjelovali dobrovoljno i anonimno u rješavanju anketnog upitnika.
Rezultati istraživanja prikazuju da manje od polovice studenata ne zna definiciju gripe kao ni najčešću komplikaciju gripe no prepoznaju razliku u simptomima gripe i prehlade. Više od polovice studenta zna da antibiotici nisu učinkoviti za liječenje gripe jer je gripa uzrokovana virusima, a antibiotici liječe bakterijske bolesti. Većina studenta zna da je cijepljenje trudnica od velike važnosti jer su djeca mlađa od 6 mjeseci najmanje otporna na viruse influence. Stavovi studenata o gripi pokazuju da većina sudionika zna da cijepljenje najučinkovitija prevencija te cijepljenje jednom dozom nije dovoljno već se potrebno cijepiti jednom godišnje. Procijepljenost studenta veća je od polovice. Zabrinjavajući odgovor dobiven na pitanje „Savjetujete li kao zdravstveni djelatnici ili budući zdravstveni djelatnici bliskim osobama cijepljenje protiv gripe? je ne.
U nekim zemljama poput SAD-a uvedeno je obavezno cijepljenje zdravstvenih radnika, osim ako ne postoje vjerske, filozofske ili medicinske kontraindikacije. Može se zaključiti da je cijepljenje gripe staro 60 godina, no još uvijek ljudi nisu sigurni u učinkovitost, unatoč tome da su nuspojave blage i prolazne. Najbolji način sprječavanja oboljenja je prevencija bolesti te je možemo definirati kao primjenu svih mjera radi poboljšavanja zdravlja, sprečavanja i zaustavljanja bolesti i produljenja života. Kod gripe mogu biti farmaceutske (cijepljenje, lijekovi..) i nefarmaceutske mjere (pranje ruku, izbjegavanje kontakta zaraženom osobom). |
Abstract (english) | Flu or influenza is an acute infectious disease of the respiratory system caused by viruses influenza A, B and C. Influenza epidemics in our area most often occur during the colder months. The most common way of transmission of influenza is through droplets and the use of infected objects. The flu begins with an elevated body temperature and general symptoms such as headache, myalgia, loss of appetite. The most important role for the health of the respiratory system is played by vitamin C, vitamin E and β-carotene and zinc. Prevention is divided into pharmaceutical (eg vaccination) and non-pharmaceutical interventions (eg washing hands with soap and water). A bachelor's degree in nursing applies the nursing process to nursing diagnosis.
Research methods include a survey questionnaire as a research instrument and research respondents. 142 respondents or nursing students of the University of the North participated in the research. The survey questionnaire was published in the period from April 10, 2022. until 10.06.2022. through a Google form on social networks. Out of a total of 16 closed questions, the first 4 questions were sociodemographic questions, the second 5 questions related to the student's knowledge about the flu, the third 4 questions to the students' attitudes about the flu, and the last 3 questions questioned the student's experiences about the flu. Respondents participated voluntarily and anonymously in solving the survey questionnaire.
The results of the research show that less than half of the students do not know the definition of the flu, nor the most common complication of the flu, but they recognize the difference between the symptoms of the flu and a cold. More than half of the students know that antibiotics are not effective for treating flu because flu is caused by viruses and antibiotics treat bacterial diseases. Most students know that vaccination of pregnant women is of great importance, because children younger than 6 months are the least resistant to influenza viruses. The patient's views on the flu show that the majority of respondents know that vaccination is the most effective prevention and that vaccination with one dose is not enough, but it is necessary to be vaccinated once a year. More than half of students are vaccinated. The worrisome answer received to the question "Do you, as health professionals or future health professionals, advise close people to get vaccinated against the flu?" is no.
In some countries, such as the USA, mandatory vaccination of healthcare workers has been introduced, unless there are religious, philosophical or medical contraindications. It can be concluded that the flu vaccination is 60 years old, but still people are not sure about its effectiveness, despite the fact that the side effects are mild and transient. The best way to prevent disease is disease prevention, and we can define it as the application of all measures to improve health, prevent and stop disease and prolong life. With the flu, there can be pharmaceutical (vaccination, medicines...) and non-pharmaceutical interventions (washing hands, avoiding contact with an infected person). |