Title Percepcija i stavovi žena o važnosti ginekološkog pregleda i prevenciji HPV infekcije
Title (english) Perception and attitudes of women about the importance of gynecological examination and prevention of HPV infection
Author Kristina Fulir
Mentor Ivana Živoder (mentor)
Committee member Danijel Bursać (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Živoder (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vesna Sertić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Nursing) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2022-07-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Nursing
Abstract Treći najčešći rak žena u Republici Hrvatskoj je rak vrata maternice i najčešće se pojavljuje u dobi od 30 do 49 godina. U Hrvatskoj godišnje prosječno od raka vrata maternice oboli oko 300 žena, a umre njih oko 100. Kako bi se rano otkrila bolest, žene moraju redovito raditi preventivne ginekološke preglede minimalno jednom godišnje, a Papa-test i HPV test prema uputi liječnika ginekologa. Glavni rizični čimbenik za razvoj predstadija raka vrata maternice je dugotrajna infekcija humanim papiloma virusom (HPV). HPV infekcija se najčešće prenosi spolnim putem, te je u prevenciji važno odgovorno spolno ponašanje, redoviti preventivni pregledi i cijepljenje protiv HPV-a. Učenici 8. razreda osnovne škole i sve druge osobe mlađe od 25 godina u Republici Hrvatskoj imaju pravo na besplatno cjepivo protiv HPV-a. Dječaci i djevojčice do 14 godina primaju dvije doze cjepiva u razmaku od šest mjeseci. Nakon petnaestog rođendana se primaju tri doze.
Tijekom izrade rada provedeno je online istraživanje u populaciji žena svih dobnih skupina s ciljem uvida u percepciju i stavove žena o važnosti ginekološkog pregleda i prevenciji HPV infekcije. U istraživanju je sudjelovala 191 žena. Anketa se sastojala od 19 pitanja, uključujući opće podatke, te analizu o važnosti ginekološkog pregleda i prevenciji HPV infekcije. Prema rezultatima provedenog istraživanja 123 (64,4%) žena obavlja ginekološki pregled jednom godišnje, a 120 (62,8%) žena radi PAPA test jednom godišnje, dok 15 (7,9%) žena još nikad nije bilo na ginekološkom pregledu, te 22 (11,5%) žena do sad nije nikad radila PAPA test. Rezultati pokazuju da su žene upoznate s rizičnim čimbenicima, prevencijom HPV-a te cjepivom protiv HPV-a, ali samo je njih 19,9% cijepljeno iako se većina izjasnila 100 (52,4%) da bi cijepile svoje dijete. Velika većina žena 165 (86,4%) smatra da zdravstveni radnici ne informiraju dovoljno populaciju o spolno prenosivim bolestima.
Medicinske sestre trebale bi provoditi zdravstveni odgoj i prosvjećivanje žena, kako bi žene što više informacija o raku vrata maternice i njegovom ranom otkrivanju. Edukacija bi trebala uključiti populaciju viših razreda osnovne škole (7. i 8. razredi) i srednje škole s ciljem većeg upoznavanja djevojaka i mladića o važnosti ginekološkog pregleda, odgovornog spolnog ponašanja i cijepljenja protiv HPV-a.
Abstract (english) The third most common female cancer in Croatia is cervical cancer and it most often appears between the ages of 30 and 49. In Croatia, an average of 300 women get cervical cancer every year and about 100 of them die. In order to detect the disease early, women must have regular preventive gynecological examinations at least once a year and a PAPA test and HPV test as directed by a gynecologist. The main risk factor for the development of pre-stage cervical cancer is long-term infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV infection is most often transmitted sexually, so responsible sexual behavior, regular preventive examinations and vaccination against HPV are important in prevention. Students of the 8th grade of elementary school and all other persons under the age of 25 in the Republic of Croatia have the right to a free vaccine against HPV. Boys and girls up to the age of 14 receive two doses of the vaccine six months apart. After the fifteenth birthday, three doses are received.
During the preparation of the paper, an online survey was conducted in the population of women of all age groups with the aim of gaining insight into the perception and attitudes of women about the importance of gynecological examination and prevention of HPV infection. 191 women participated in the research. The survey consisted of 19 questions, including general information and an analysis of the importance of gynecological examination and prevention of HPV infection. According to the results of the conducted research, 123 (64,4%) women perform a gynecological examination once a year, and 120 (62,8%) women do a PAPA test once a year, while 15 (7,9%) women have never had a gynecological examination and 22 (11,5%) women have never had a PAPA test. The results show that women are familiar with risk factors, HPV prevention and the HPV vaccine, but only 19,9% of them have been vaccinated, although the majority of 100 (52,4%) declared that they would vaccinate their child. The vast majority of women 165 (86,4%) believe that health workers do not inform the population sufficiently about sexually transmitted diseases.
Nurses should carry out health education and enlightenment of women, so that women have as much information as possible about cervical cancer and its early detection. The education should include the population of upper grades of elementary school (7th and 8th grade) and high school with the aim of making girls and boys more familiar with the importance of gynecological examination, responsible sexual behavior and vaccination against HPV.
ginekološki pregled
rak vrata maternice
Keywords (english)
gynecological examination
cervical cancer
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:126319
Study programme Title: Nursing Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-02-02 17:00:31