Title Euro valuta u Republici Hrvatskoj i državama u Europskoj uniji
Title (english) Euro currency in the Republic of Croatia and countries in the European Union
Author Karmen Kukolić
Mentor Ante Rončević (mentor)
Committee member Ljubo Jurčić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ante Rončević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Trina Mjeda (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Business Economics) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2022-09-26, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics International Economics
Abstract Predmet ovog diplomskog rada je euro valuta u Republici Hrvatskoj i državama u Europskoj uniji. Kroz rad je navedeno i objašnjeno kako Republika Hrvatska pristupa europodručju, te koje uvjete treba ispuniti. Također, analizirane su države članice Europske unije koje su već uvele euro i koje tek planiraju, te države članice koje su izuzete od korištenja eura.
Ciljevi istraživanja su: navesti važnost funkcije vlastite valute kune u Republici Hrvatskoj, prikazati i ukratko opisati procese i
... More potrebne kriterije iz Maastrichta tj. konvergencije uvođenja eura u Republiku Hrvatsku, te objasniti fenomen uvođenja eura u zemlje Europske unije, utvrditi i prikazati spremnost Republike Hrvatske na valutu euro kroz makroekonomske pokazatelje i analizirati i prikazati stanje pojedinih država članica Europske unije prije i nakon uvođenja valute euro.
Rad „Euro valuta u Republici Hrvatskoj i državama u Europskoj uniji“ sastoji se od sedam poglavlja, uključujući uvod, zaključak i literaturu. U uvodnom dijelu rada naveden je glavni predmet i cilj rada, te postavljene hipoteze. Drugo poglavlje donosi opće podatke o valuti kuna, funkcije vlastite valute i objašnjenje autonomije vlastitog novca. Treće poglavlje bazira se na valuti euro, naveden je kratki pregled europske ekonomske i monetarne unije, koji kriteriji trebaju biti zadovoljeni da bi se neka država pridružila europodručju. Na kraju trećeg poglavlja ukratko je opisan i objašnjen fenomen uvođenja eura u zemlje Europske unije. Četvrto poglavlje kroz monetarnu politiku i makroekonomske pokazatelje opisuje stanje Republike Hrvatske i spremnost na uvođenja eura. Peto poglavlje analizira stanje države članice Europske unije koje su već uvele euro i koje tek planiraju, te države članice koje su izuzete od korištenja eura. Na kraju rada je zaključak koji sadrži zaključna razmatranja temeljna na prethodno istraženim podacima. Nakon zaključak slijedi popis stručne korištene literature.
Korištene istraživačke metode su: metoda komparacije, deskripcije, metoda analize i sinteze. Less
Abstract (english) The subject of this master thesis is euro currency in the Republic of Croatia and in countries of European Union. Through the paper, it is stated and explained how the Republic of Croatia approaches the Eurozone, and what conditions need to be met. Also, the member states of the European Union that have already introduced the euro and those that are still planning to do so, as well as the member states that are exempt from using the euro, were analyzed.
The objectives of the research
... More are: to state the importance of the function of the kuna's own currency in the Republic of Croatia, to present and briefly describe the processes and necessary criteria from Maastricht, i.e. the convergence of the introduction of the euro into the Republic of Croatia, and to explain the phenomenon of the introduction of the euro into the countries of the European Union, to determine and demonstrate the readiness of the Republic of Croatia to the euro currency through macroeconomic indicators and to analyze and present the state of individual European Union member states before and after the introduction of the euro currency.
The master thesis "Euro currency in the Republic of Croatia and the countries in the European Union" consists of seven chapters, including an introduction, conclusion and literature. In the introductory part of the paper, the main subject and goal of the paper, as well as the set hypotheses, are stated. The second chapter provides general information about the kuna currency, the functions of the own currency and an explanation of the autonomy of one's own money. The third chapter is based on the euro currency, a brief overview of the European economic and monetary union is provided, which criteria must be met in order for a country to join the euro area. At the end of the third chapter, the phenomenon of the introduction of the euro in the countries of the European Union is briefly described and explained. The fourth chapter describes the state of the Republic of Croatia and readiness for the introduction of the euro through monetary policy and macroeconomic indicators. The fifth chapter analyzes the state of the European Union member states that have already introduced the euro and are still planning to, and the member states that are exempt from using the euro. At the end of the paper is a conclusion containing final considerations based on the previously researched data. The conclusion is followed by a list of professional literature used.
The research methods used are: the method of comparison, description, analysis and synthesis. Less
monetarni suverenitet
europska monetarna unija
makroekonomski pokazatelji
kriteriji iz Maastrichta
Keywords (english)
monetary sovereignty
European monetary union
macroeconomic indicators
Maastricht criteria
euro area
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:743178
Study programme Title: Business Economics; specializations in: Tourism and International Trade Course: Tourism and International Trade Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije (magistar/magistra poslovne ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2023-02-08 14:04:23