Abstract | Međunarodni je marketing pojam koji u ekonomskoj praksi i trgovinskoj branši egzistira već
dugo vremena. Može se reći da je postojao i u začetcima prekograničnog trgovanja u povijesti,
ali je svoj procvat doživio procesima globalizacije u 20. stoljeću.
Novi je zamah međunarodni marketing dobio razvojem društvenih mreža početkom 21. stoljeća.
Pokazalo se da je novi medij, koji je sveobuhvatan, brz, sveprisutan i koji omogućava (do tada
neviđeno, a to je- izbaciti ) prezentaciju datoga sadržaja u realnom vremenu na neizmjeran broj
adresa, a broj ovisi samo o tome je li netko online ili nije.
Na spomenutome formatu postoje i izazovi koji ograničavaju domete međunarodnog marketinga
i umanjuju njegove ciljeve i pozitivne značajke. U ovom su diplomskom radu svi u teoriji
međunarodnog marketinga poznati izazovi sistematizirani i dodatno pojašnjeni. Težište rada je
na njihovoj prezentaciji i pojašnjenju mehanizma njihova djelovanja na sustav međunarodnog
Radom su obuhvaćeni sljedeći izazovi: Povećana konkurencija (Increased competition),
Neuspjela segmentacija tržišta (Inefficient Campaign segmentation), Nedostatna sredstva (Lack
of resources), Svijest o brendu (Brand awarness), Razlika u podatcima o izvedbi (Difference in
performance data), Razlika angažmana na različitim tržištima (Engagement differs across
markets), Jezična barijera (Language barriers), Problemi s usklađenošću i GDPR-om
(Compliance & GDPR issues) i Lokalni kanali (Local channels). Za svaki izazov dat je primjer
njegova djelovanja u praksi neke od tvrtki na međunarodnoj sceni, a u svrhu sublimacije svega
rečenoga kroz prikaz online razgovora s menadžerima tvrtke Atlantic Grupe i uporabom
analitičkih alata (SWOT/TOWS i PEST) pokušao se dobiti odgovor kako se i na koji način jedna
uspješna hrvatska tvrtka koja posluje na stranome tržištu nosi s navedenim izazovima.
Dakle predmet istraživanja u ovome diplomskome radu su izazovi modernog međunarodnog
marketinga koji su prisutni u organizaciji i provedbi istoga. Izazovi su glavni problem svake
organizacije i moraju se kao takvi detektirati i rješavati. U diplomskom radu su izazovi vezani
uz praćenje rezultata međunarodnog marketinga na društvenim mrežama, danas glavnog medija i
marketinške platforme 21. stoljeća.
Doprinos ovog rada je opisati kako i na koji način funkcioniraju izazovi međunarodnog
marketinga u novom digitalnom okružju, te kako ih u svome radu i razvoju hrvatske tvrtke
uspijevaju prebroditi, na primjeru tvrtke Atlantic Grupa. |
Abstract (english) | International marketing is a term that has been around for a long time in economic practice and
trade. It can be said that it existed in the beginnings of cross-border trade in history, but it
flourished with the processes of globalization in the 20th century.
International marketing gained new momentum with the development of social networks at the
beginning of the 21st century. It turned out to be a new medium, which is comprehensive, fast,
ubiquitous and which enables the previously unseen, which is the presentation of the given
content in real time to an infinite number of addresses, and the number depends only on whether
someone is online or not.
On the mentioned format also has challenges that limit the scope of International Marketing and
diminish its goals and positive features. Through this Graduation thesis, all known challenges in
the theory of international marketing are systematized and additionally clarified. The focus of the
work is on their presentation and clarification of the mechanism of their action on the system of
International Marketing.
Graduation Thesis covers the following challenges: Increased competition, Inefficient Campaign
segmentation, Lack of resources, Brand awareness, Difference in performance data, Engagement
differs across markets, Language barriers, Compliance & GDPR issues and Local channels.
Also, for each challenge, an example of its action in the practice of some of the companies on the
international scene is given. And for the purpose of sublimating everything that was said through
the display of online conversations with the managers of the Atlantic group company and the use
of analytical tools (SWOT/TOWS and PEST), an attempt was made to get an answer as to how
and in what way a successful Croatian company operating on a foreign market deals with the
aforementioned challenges.
Therefore, the subject of research in this thesis is the challenges of modern international
marketing that are present in the organization and implementation of the same. Challenges are
the main problem of every organization and must be detected and solved as such. The thesis
presents the challenges related to monitoring the results of international marketing on social
networks, today the main media and marketing platform of the 21st century.
The contribution of this work is to describe how and in what way the challenges of international
marketing function in the new digital environment, and how Croatian companies manage to
overcome them in their work and development, on the example of the Atlantic Group company. |