Abstract | Koronavirus je virus uzročnik bolesti koja se manifestira simptomima sličnim gripi.
Brzo se širi, a može se zaraziti ljudska i životinjska populacija. U nekim slučajevima može doći
do težih respiratornih komplikacija i fatalnog ishoda. Infekcija koronavirusom ima niz
simptoma, među kojima su najčešći: visoka tjelesna temperatura, glavobolja, grlobolja,
drhtavica, gubitak daha te poteškoće u disanju. Istraživanje o ovom virusu provela sam putem
ankete prikupljanjem podataka u elektronskom obliku. Koristila sam softver koji se zove
Google Forms. Taj softver koristi se za izradu upitnika, anketa te kvizova. Istraživanje anketom
provedeno je na populaciji u dobi od 18 do preko 50 godina na području Hrvatske. Pitanja su
se većinom odnosila na koronavirus te na cijepljenje protiv bolesti COVID-19. Kako je ova
tema trenutačno aktualna, moj rad najviše se bazirao na pitanju zašto se dio građana ipak ne
želi cijepiti, što bi uvelike smanjilo negativne učinke pandemije. Prema rezultatima, u anketi
je sudjelovalo više žena nego muškaraca te najviše ispitanika u dobi od 23 do 28 godina. Većina
građana se izjasnila da bi se cijepila, dok je najčešći razlog zašto se ne bi cijepili prisila.
Ispitanici u velikoj mjeri smatraju da je najbolja zaštita protiv koronavirusa pranje i
dezinfekcija ruku. Također, veći dio smatra da su dovoljno informirani o situaciji s
koronavirusom. Prema rezultatima istraživanja, najviše sudionika bilo je zabrinuto kako će
koronavirus utjecati na njihovu svakodnevicu te strahovalo od zaraze članova obitelji i
prijatelja. Tijekom ispitivanja došla sam do zaključka da još ne postoji specifično liječenje
protiv bolesti, odnosno liječe se klinički simptomi. Također kod ove bolesti je specifično da
nema pravila koga će virus napasti, a koga ne. Kad je riječ o koronavirusu, svi uzrasti su u
opasnosti, ali postoji skupina ljudi koja će najvjerojatnije imati teže simptome u slučaju
oboljenja. To su najčešće dijabetičari, srčani bolesnici te bolesnici s respiratornim teškoćama.
Kako je još mnogo nepoznanica o ovoj bolesti, i dalje nastojimo učiniti sve da se otkriju lijekovi
te nove metode protiv sprječavanja širenja virusa. |
Abstract (english) | The coronavirus is a virus, the causative agent of a disease that manifests itself withflulike
symptoms. Its spreads quickly and can infect human and animal populations. In some
cases, severe respiratory complications and fatal outcomes can occur. A coronavirus
infectionhas a number of symptoms, the most common being: fever, headache, sorethroat,
shivering, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties. I conducted research on the virus by
collectingdata through a written electronic survey and used a software called Google Forms.
This software isused to create questionnares, surveys and quizzes. The surveyed population
wasaged 18 to over 50 in Croatia. The questions were mostly related to the coronavirus
andvaccination against COVID-19. As this topic is currently relevant, my work was
mostlybased on the question of why some citizens still do not want to be vaccinated, which
wouldgreatly reduce the effects of this pandemic. According to the results, a larger percentage
ofthe female population took part in the survey, and most respondents were aged 23-28.
According to the results, the majority of citizens want to get vaccinated, while the most
commoncited reason for not getting vaccinated is coercion. Most citizens believe that the
bestprotection against the coronavirus is washing and disinfecting hands. Also, the majority
ofcitizens believe that they are sufficiently informed about the coronavirus situation. According
to the survey, most citizens were worried about how the coronavirus would affect theireveryday
life and about infecting family and friends. While conducting the research, I came to the
conclusion that there is still no specific treatment against the disease available, rather, itis the
clinical symptoms of patients that are treated. What is also specific to this disease isthatthere
are no rules on whom the virus will attack and whom it wont. When it comes to thecoronavirus,
all age groups are at risk, but there is a group of people who are most likely to have more severe
symptoms if they are infected. These are most often diabetics, heart diseasepatientsand patients
with respiratory difficulties. As we have not yet discovered everythingaboutthis disease, we
are still fighting to discover medicine and new methods that couldprevent the spread of the
virus. |