Title Organizacijski izazovi u prevenciji infekcija u domovima za odrasle osobe
Title (english) Organizational challenges regarding infection prevention in adults nursing homes
Author Barbara Balen
Mentor Tomislav Meštrović (mentor)
Committee member Ivo Dumić-Čule (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Meštrović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marijana Neuberg (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Nursing) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2022-09-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Public Health and Health Care Public Health
Abstract Skrb za odrasle osobe s mentalnim poremećajima složen je zadatak te iziskuje uključenost i dobru suradnju djelatnosti socijalne skrbi i sustava zdravstvene zaštite, kroz sve razine skrbi. Smještaj osoba s mentalnim poremećajima u ustanove trajnog tipa u prošlosti je bio iznimno popularan, što zbog stigme koju sa sobom nosi psihička bolest, što zbog slabe organizacije sustava vaninstitucijske brige. Iako je trend trajnog smještaja u padu te se sve više okreće deinstitucionalizaciji korisnika i dalje je velik broj korisnika smješten u domovima za odrasle osobe te drugim sličnim ustanovama. S obzirom na velik broj korisnika trajnog smještaja i situaciju na tržištu rada, koja govori u prilog nedostatku radnika u gotovo svim djelatnostima, a naročito zdravstvenoj i socijalnoj, nameće se pitanje organizacije rada u domovima za odrasle osobe. Pitanje organizacije rada posebno se ističe prilikom pojave infekcija povezanih sa zdravstvenom skrbi u domovima za odrasle osobe te sa sobom nosi mnogobrojne izazove.
Cilj rada je prikazati na koji način je organizirano funkcioniranje jednog doma za odrasle osobe te izazove s kojima se osoblje susreće prilikom pojave zaraznih bolesti, s obzirom na strukturu korisnika koju zbrinjava.
Iz podataka dobivenih ovim istraživanjem, vidljivo je da u Domu boravi svega 26% korisnika isključivo s dijagnozom mentalnog poremećaja, dok ostatak korisnika boluje i od drugih, somatskih bolesti. Također, dobna struktura korisnika govori u prilog starijoj populaciji, s obzirom da je 52% korisnika starije od 65 godina te je od ukupnog broja korisnika, njih 42% potpuno ovisno o tuđoj njezi i pomoći. Što se tiče pojave zaraznih bolesti u Domu, pregledom petogodišnjih izvješća, vidljivo je da su najčešće infekcije povezane sa zdravstvenom skrbi bile prisutne kod korisnika koji su u Dom vraćeni nakon bolničkog liječenja te je velik broj korisnika u posljednje dvije godine bio izložen i zaražen SARS-CoV-2, pri čemu je prisutan i značajan mortalitet korisnika.
Naročit problem u pružanju adekvatne zdravstvene skrbi jest nedostatak zdravstvenog i drugog osoblja, s obzirom da se broj zaposlenika kreira temeljem Pravilnika koji ustanovu klasificira kao dom za odrasle osobe s mentalnim oštećenjem, zanemarujući druga oboljenja i stanja kojima su korisnici podložni.
Uloga visokoeducirane magistre sestrinstva u domu za odrasle osobe, a u svrhu prevencije infekcija, jest sustavna kontrola metoda i postupaka rada zdravstvenih i pomoćnih djelatnika, zatim edukacija o suzbijanju i kontroli infekcija te važnost uočavanja njihovih pojava i prijava svake sumnje.
Abstract (english) Welfare for mentally ill adults is highly complexed task and it requires engagement of both social and health care system, through all of their components. In the past, it was very commnom for a mentally ill person to be accomodated in long-term care facilities, for reasons such as stigma of mentall illnes and poorly organised outside institution care. Although that tendency has decreased over the years, many mentally ill people are still residents of long-term care facilities. Regarding the number of residents of those long-term care facilities and labor market situation, from which can be seen that there are not enough workers in almost all services, especially in social and healthcare system, it brings up the question of work organisation in those facilities. The question becomes extremely highlighted in the event of any healthcare-associated infection and it brings a lot of challenges along.
The goal is to present general organisation of one of many long – term care facilities for mentally ill adults and challenges which are presented to the personnel in the event of healthcare – associated infection, considering the structure of its residents.
Following given results, it is seen that only 26% of total number of residents has exclusively some mentall illness, while the rest of the residents has some physicall illness too. Also, it is seen that most of the residents, 52% of them is older than 65 years and 42% of them is completely dependent on the help of other people. Regarding the occurrence of healthcare-associated infections in the past five years, most of them were related with residents who were recently hospitalized, while most of the infections in the past two years were SARS-CoV-2 related, whereat significant number of infected residents has passed away.
Also, one of the main problems in providing adequate health care is the shortage of skilled healthcare and other workers, considering the fact that the staff-regulations are determined by laws and Regulations, which classify these kind of institutions as long-term care facillity for mentally ill adults, thereby disregarding other healthcare issues and many other diagnosis their residents have.
The role of a highly educated nurse practitioner in long-term care facilities for mentally ill adults, in purpose of preventing infection outbreaks, is to control methods and work actions made by healthcare workers and other members of personnel, education about methods of prevention and infection control and the importance of early reacting to any kind of suspicion towards infection outbreak.
mentalni poremećaj
dom za odrasle osobe
infekcije povezane sa zdravstvenom skrbi
prevencija infekcija
Keywords (english)
mentall illness
long-term care facility
healthcare – associated infection
infection prevention
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:466968
Study programme Title: Nursing Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sestrinstva (magistar/magistra sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-02-16 15:19:39