Title Fizioterapija kod djece s cerebralnom paralizom
Title (english) Physiotherapy in children with cerebral palsy
Author Patricija Grd
Mentor Anica Kuzmić (mentor)
Committee member Anica Kuzmić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Manuela Filipec (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Nikolina Zaplatić Degač (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Physiotherapy) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2023-07-05, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Abstract Cerebralna paraliza je pojam koji predstavlja kronični, neprogresivni, neurološki poremećaj koji se manifestira kod djece. Danas nije to samo medicinski problem, već treba naglasiti da može uzrokovati i socijalne i psihičke probleme. Ovaj klinički entitet očituju se kao varijabilni poremećaji kretanja koji su posljedica oštećenja mozga u ranoj fazi razvoja ili u razvojnim poremećajima. Etiologija cerebralne paralize može se klasificirati kao multifaktorijalna i heterogena. U prošlosti se vjerovalo da je cerebralna paraliza povezana s nedostatkom kisika u mozgu pri rođenju ili u perinatalnom razdoblju. Otprilike 75-80% slučajeva je perinatalnog uzroka, a 10% je klasificirano kao asfiksija ili trauma poroda. Mnogo je čimbenika koji mogu oštetiti središnji živčani sustav tijekom ranih faza djetetovog razvoja. Abnormalni rast kod djeteta može započeti u maternici, ali se može pojaviti i nakon rođenja. Razvoj abnormalnosti ovisi o lokalizaciji same lezije i događa se u kraniokaudalnom smjeru. Prvi simptomi počinju zahvaćati gornji dio tijela. Istezanje i fleksija se mogu vidjeti tijekom pokreta, odgovor na ispravljanje malo kasni, a rotacija oko tijela je često izborna. Ozljeda mozga je neprogresivna i simptomi se mijenjaju zbog plastičnosti mozga, sazrijevanja i postupaka liječenja. Rehabilitacija je složen proces s ciljem pružanja što bolje kvalitete života djeteta i njegovoj obitelji. Oporavak se odnosi na sve fizičke, psihološke, emocionalne i komunikacijske aspekte pojedinca, kao i na obiteljski, društveni i okolišni kontekst. U procesu rehabilitacije djece s cerebralnom paralizom primjenjuje se multidisciplinarni pristup. Tijekom rehabilitacije neophodno je provođenje fizioterapije i njenih različitih fizioterapijskih intervencije koje uključuju Bobath koncept, Vojta terapiju, hipoterapija, Temple Fay terapija, terapiju senzorne integracije i druge.
Abstract (english) Cerebral palsy is a term that represents a chronic, non-progressive, neurological disorder that manifests itself in children. Today it is not only a medical problem, but it should be emphasized that it can also cause social and psychological problems. This clinical entity is manifested as variable movement disorders that are the result of brain damage in the early stages of development or in developmental disorders. The etiology of cerebral palsy can be classified as multifactorial and heterogeneous. In the past, cerebral palsy was believed to be related to a lack of oxygen in the brain at birth or in the perinatal period. Approximately 75-80% of cases have a perinatal cause, and 10% are classified as asphyxia or birth trauma. There are many factors that can damage the central nervous system during the early stages of a child's development. Abnormal growth in a child can begin in the womb, but it can also appear after birth. The development of abnormalities depends on the localization of the lesion itself and occurs in the craniocaudal direction. The first symptoms begin to affect the upper part of the body. Stretching and flexion can be seen during movement, the righting response is slightly delayed, and rotation around the body is often optional. Brain injury is non-progressive and symptoms change due to brain plasticity, maturation and treatment procedures. Rehabilitation is a complex process aimed at providing the best possible quality of life for the child and his family. Recovery refers to all physical, psychological, emotional and communication aspects of the individual, as well as the family, social and environmental context. In the process of rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy, a multidisciplinary approach is applied. During rehabilitation, it is necessary to carry out physiotherapy and its various physiotherapy interventions, which include the Bobath concept, Vojta therapy, hippotherapy, Temple Fay therapy, sensory integration therapy and others.
cerebralna paraliza
Keywords (english)
cerebral palsy
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:323460
Study programme Title: physiotherapy Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/ baccalaurea) fizioterapije (stručni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/ baccalaurea) fizioterapije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-07-14 14:41:19