Abstract | Atopijski dermatitis (poznat i pod nazivima neurodermitis, atopijski ekcem ili endogeni
ekcem) česti je oblik upale kože koji se javlja u 15-20% djece širom svijeta[1]. Točan
uzrok bolesti je nepoznat, ali se uglavnom smatra da je bolest posljedica
međudjelovanja više čimbenika kao što su nasljeđe, čimbenici okoliša, poremećaj
integriteta barijere kože i imunološki čimbenici. Atopija je genetska sklonost nastanku
alergijskih bolesti i zato se atopijski dermatitis često javlja udružen s drugim
alergijskim bolestima kao što su alergija na hranu, bronhalna astma, alergijski rinits i
konjunktivitis [4]. Obično se prvi put javlja između 3. i 6. mjeseca života, odnosno u
polovice bolesnika bolest počinje do kraja 1. godine života[12]. Kod većine se
bolesnika simptomi bolesti povuku do puberteta, ali određeni broj oboljelih ima
doživotno tegobe. Intenzitet bolesti najčešće s godinama slabi, tako da do sedme
godine 50 % djece više nema simptome, odnosno do adolescentne dobi njih 70 %
ozdravi[11]. Liječenje je dugotrajno i uključuje pravilnu njegu kože, prepoznavanje i
izbjegavanje čimbenika pogoršanja, te terapiju akutnih pogoršanja ekcema.Uspjeh
liječenja ovisi o dobroj suradnji dermatologa i roditelja, koji moraju biti dobro educirani
o prirodi ove bolesti, potencijalnim čimbenicima koji ju pogoršavaju, kao i o važnosti
pravilne njege kože i u fazama upale i u razdobljima bez znakova bolesti. Većina
oboljele djece, uz dobru dijagnozu te pravilno liječenje i njegu kože, uz izbjegavanje
potvrđenih alergena i iritansa – imaju tek blaže tegobe. |
Abstract (english) | Atopic dermatitis (also known as neurodermatitis, atopic eczema or endogenous
eczema) is a common form of skin imflammation that occurs in 15-20% of children
worldwide [1]. The exact cause of the disease is unknown, but it is believed that the
disease is a consequence of interaction of several factors such as inheritance,
environmental factors, disruption of the integrity of the skin barrier and immune
factors. Atopy is a genetic tendency to develop allergic diseases and therefore,
atopic dermatitis often occurs in association with other allergic diseases such as food
allergies, bronchial asthma, allergic rinits and conjunctivitis[4]. It usually first appears
between 3 and 6 months of age, and in half of the patients the disease begins by the
end of the first year of life[12]. In most patients the symptoms subside until puberty,
but a certain number of patients have lifelong problems.The intensity of the disease
most often weakens with age, so that by the seventh year, 50% of children do not
have symptoms anymore or until adolescence 70% of them are healed[11].
Treatment is long and includes a proper skin care, recognizing and avoiding
deterioration factors, and treatment of acute exacerbation of eczema. The success of
the treatment depends on good cooperation between dermatologists and parents,
who should be well educated about the nature of this disease, potential factors that
exacerbate it, as well as the importance of proper skin care for the phases of
inflammation in periods with no signs of the disease. Most of the affected children,
with good diagnosis and proper treatment and skin care, by avoiding confirmed
allergens and irritants - have only milder symptoms. |