Title Streptokokne bolesti u dječjoj dobi
Title (english) Streptococcal diseases in child´s age
Author Nino Slamek
Mentor Tomislav Meštrović (mentor)
Committee member Sanja Zember (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Meštrović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Valentina Vincek (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Nursing) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2023-09-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Medical Microbiology
Abstract Mikroorganizmi su sićušna živa bića koja se nalaze svuda oko nas te su premalena da bi ih se moglo vidjeti golim okom. Neki od mikroorganizama nas čine bolesnima, dok su drugi važni za naše zdravlje. Najčešći tipovi su bakterije, virusi i gljive. Bakterije su mikroskopski jednostanični organizmi koji imaju jezgru i staničnu stijenku izgrađenu od peptidoglikana. Bakterije većinom nemaju stanične organele kao što su mitohondrij te endoplazmatski retikulum, ali imaju svoju membranu. Streptokokne bolesti su bolesti uzrokovane bakterijom iz roda Streptoccocus. To je rod bakterije koji je uveliko raširen po cijeloj planeti, te se infekcije i bolesti izazvane streptokokom javljaju tijekom cijele godine, premda češće u zimskim mjesecima. Infekciji su podložnija djeca, pogotovo ona koja borave u vrtićima ili školama. Najčešći prijenosni put infekcije streptokokom je kapljični put. Najznačajniji streptogeni uzročnik bolesti je S. pyogenes ili poznatiji kao beta–hemolitički streptokok grupe A. Dvije najznačajnije bolesti koje izaziva ovaj uzročnik su faringitis i kožne infekcije. Streptokok grupe B ili u literaturi poznatiji kao beta–hemolitički streptokok grupe B (Streptococcus agalactiae) je najčešće prepoznatljiv po uzrokovanju neonatalne (novorođenačke) sepse kod novorođenčadi. Nadalje, Streptoccocus pneumoniae ili poznatiji kao pneumokok je najučestaliji uzročnik upale pluća i srednjeg uha kod djece. Dijagnoza streptokoknih bolesti postavlja se na temelju mikrobioloških kultura, a ponekad i brzim antigenskim testovima. Za streptokokne bolesti uzrokovane BHS-A kao što su faringitis, šarlah, itd. u većini slučajeva lijek izbora je penicilin. Liječenje neonatalne sepse uzrokovanu BHS-B obuhvaća antimikrobno liječenje i potpornu terapiju, dok liječenje bolesti uzrokovanih Streptococcus pneumoniae također obuhvaća antibiotsku terapiju. Cilj liječenja je kontrola boli te suzbijanje infekcije antibioticima. Za većinu streptokoknih infekcija ne postoji cjepivo (izuzev za pneumokoka), te su to infekcije od kojih djeca mogu oboljeti više puta. Iako se streptokokne bolesti liječe penicilinom, medicinska sestra/tehničar ima važnu ulogu u zdravstvenoj njezi oboljelog djeteta, prevenciji te edukaciji roditelja i oboljelog djeteta. Medicinska sestra/tehničar je član multi discipliniranog zdravstvenog tima koji se brine za dijete u procesu liječenja. Potrebno je educirati djecu i roditelje o pravilnoj higijeni te pravilnom i čestom pranju ruku te uputiti na važnost istog, a osobito nakon kihanja i kašljanja, ali i drugim dezinfekcijskim i preventivnim postupcima.
Abstract (english) Microorganisms are tiny living beings that are found all around us and are too small to be seen with the eyes. Some of them makes us sick, while the others are essential and important for our health. The most common types of microbes are bacteria, viruses and fungi. Bacteria are microscopic single-celled organisms that have nucleus and a cell wall built from peptidoglycan. They mostly lack cell organelles such as mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum, but they have their own membrane. Streptoccocal diseases are caused by bacteria from the Streptoccocus genus. They are widely distributed across the entire planet. Infections and ilnesses caused by Streptococcus occur throughout the year, although more frequently during the winter. Children, especially those who attend daycare or school are more susceptible to infection. The most common transmission for streptoccocal infection is through respiratory system. The most significant pathogen causing streptoccocal diseases is S. pyogenes, also known as beta-hemolytic streptoccocus group A. The two most notabable diseases caused by him are acute pharyngitis and skin infections. S. agalactiae, also known as beta-hemolytic streptoccocus group B, is most commonly recognized as an agent that causes neonatal sepsis in newborns. S. pneumoniae, known as pneumococcus, is the most common cause of pneumonia and otitis media acuta in child's age. The diagnosis of streptoccocal diseases is based on microbiological cultures and sometimes with rapid antigen tests. Streptococcal diseases caused by group A streptoccocus, such as pharyngitis, scarlet fever, etc., in most cases, penicilin is the antibiotic of choice for therapy. The treatement of neonatal sepsis caused by group B streptococcus involves antimicrobal therapy and supportive treatement, while the treatement of diseases caused by pneumoccocus also includes antibiotic therapy. The main goal of therapy is pain management and suppression of infection with antibiotics. Even though streptococcal diseases are treated with penicillin, the nursing professional plays important role in the healthcare of the affected child. The nursing professional is a member of the multidisciplinary healthcare team that cares for the child during treatement. It is neccessary to educate children and parents about proper hygiene, frequent handwashing and other prevention methods to suppress possible streptoccocal infections.
streptokokne bolesti
uloga medicinske sestre/tehničara
Keywords (english)
streptococcal diseases
the role of nurse
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:324434
Study programme Title: Nursing Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-10-23 11:16:31