Abstract | Vodeći uzrok smrti u Europi je iznenadni srčani zastoj, odnosno iznenadni zastoj srca. Po dolasku na mjesto intervencije počinje njega bolesnika. Za to vrijeme postavite praćenje pacijenta kako biste osigurali praćenje srčanog ritma. Pregled djece ABCD metodom sličan je pregledu odraslih, no ipak postoje neke specifičnosti zbog dobi bolesnika. Učestalost kompresija ne smije biti manja od 100 puta u minuti. Postoje dva načina pritiska, jedan od njih je da pritisnete s dva prsta, dva prsta jedne ruke stavite na donju polovicu prsne kosti i pritisnete prsnu kost za 1/3 dubine. Druga metoda je da pritisnete i uhvatite prsa s oba palca, postavljena paralelno jedan s drugim na donjoj polovici prsne kosti. Drugim dijelom šake, skupljenih prstiju, pokrivamo donji dio prsnog koša tako da vršcima prstiju omotanih oko prsnog koša podupiremo bebina leđa. U sklopu zdravstvenog sustava postoji posebna zdravstvena dispečerska služba. Može djelovati u sastavu određenih zdravstvenih agencija ili kao samostalna zdravstvena agencija na različitim razinama djelovanja (regionalna, državna ili lokalna razina). Dispečer kod preuzimanja poziva mora ustanoviti informacije o nastalom događaju, stupanj hitnosti te podatke pozivatelja. Nakon toga počnite telefonski davati upute za prvu pomoć. Pojavom automatskog vanjskog defibrilatora (AED, eng. Automated external defibrillator) početkom 1980-ih, studije su pokazale poboljšane stope preživljavanja ljudi koji su doživjeli srčani udar i defibrilirali ih. Kada se AED aktivira, daje upute spasiocu da provjeri disanje i puls, daje upute za postavljanje elektroda na prsa žrtve, identificira ritam koji treba defibrilirati i na kraju daje upute kada treba pritisnuti tipku za šok. Zadnji po važnosti u oživljavanju su lijekovi. Dostupno je više od desetak lijekova za reanimaciju, a neki od najvažnijih su: vazokonstriktori (epinefrin, dopamin itd.), antiaritmici (amiodaron, lidokain, adenozin, beta-blokatori itd.), kisik i drugi lijekovi. Podatci koje sam dobila istraživačkom dijelu rada gdje je cilj bio istražiti utjecaj laika na stopu preživljavanja u Karlovačkoj županiji unazad 3 godine govore da je unazad 3 godine bilo 779 izvanbolničkog aresta. Od 779 slučajeva SA, u 606 slučajeva nije pokušana. KPR od strane laika. Razlog tomu mogu biti prisutni znaci cirkulacije, strah da ne učini unesrećenom gore nego što jest ili nedovoljno znanje laika da započne KPR. |
Abstract (english) | The leading cause of death in Europe is sudden cardiac arrest, or sudden cardiac arrest. Upon arrival at the intervention site, patient care begins. During this time, set up patient monitoring to ensure heart rhythm monitoring. The examination of children using the ABCD method is similar to the examination of adults, but there are still some specificities due to the age of the patient. The frequency of compressions must not be less than 100 times per minute. There are two ways to press, one of them is to press with two fingers, place two fingers of one hand on the lower half of the sternum and press the sternum 1/3 of the depth. Another method is to press and grasp the chest with both thumbs, placed parallel to each other on the lower half of the sternum. Cover the lower part of the chest with the other part of the hand, fingers together, so that we support the baby's back with the tips of the fingers wrapped around the chest. As part of the health system, there is a special health dispatch service. It can act as part of certain health agencies or as an independent health agency at different levels of activity (regional, state or local level). When taking a call, the dispatcher must establish information about the incident, the degree of urgency and the caller's information. After that, start giving first aid instructions over the phone. With the advent of the automated external defibrillator (AED) in the early 1980s, studies have shown improved survival rates for people who have had a heart attack and been defibrillated. When the AED is activated, it instructs the rescuer to check for breathing and pulse, instructs the victim to place electrodes on the victim's chest, identifies the rhythm to be defibrillated, and finally instructs when to press the shock button. Last in importance in resuscitation are medicines. More than a dozen resuscitation drugs are available, and some of the most important are: vasoconstrictors (epinephrine, dopamine, etc.), antiarrhythmics (amiodarone, lidocaine, adenosine, beta-blockers, etc.), oxygen, and other drugs. The data I received for the research part of the work, where the goal was to investigate the influence of lay people on the survival rate in Karlovac County for the past 3 years, says that there were 779 out-of-hospital arrests in the past 3 years. Out of 779 cases of SA, in 606 cases CPR was not attempted by a layperson. The reason for this may be the presence of signs of circulation, the fear of making the victim worse than he already is, or insufficient knowledge of laymen to start CPR. |