Abstract | Gotovo jedna trećina svih ljudi u dobi od 65 godina i starijih padne barem jednom godišnje te se taj udio povećava sa starenjem i pomanjkanjem zdravlja. Ozljede kuka predstavljaju značajan javnozdravstveni i obiteljski problem kojim se smanjuje kvaliteta života bolesnika. Kuk, najveći zglob u ljudskom tijelu, održava optimalnu posturu koštanog sustava te je zaslužan za održavanje statike cijelog tijela. Ozljede kuka nastaju pod utjecajem raznih sila, no vrsta ozljede ovisi o jačini sile koja djeluje na kost. Najčešće vrste ozljeda kuka su prijelom vrata bedrene kosti, pertrohanterni prijelom, subtrohanterni prijelom te prijelom bedrene kosti. Vrste ozljeda razlikuju se s obzirom na proširenost lomne linije, integritetu kože nakon prijeloma te položaju koštanih ulomaka. Liječenje ovisi o vrsti prijeloma.
Analizom podataka, prikupljenih na Odjelu za ortopediju i traumatologiju Opće bolnice Varaždin, iz Bolničkog informacijskog sustava (BIS) na temu „Monocentrično istraživanje stopa ozljeda kuka tijekom ljetnih i zimskih mjeseci u 2019. i 2020. godini“ željela se ispitati incidencija ozljeda kuka te pridonose li vremenske prilike stopi porasta ozljeda kuka. Ciljevi istraživanja su ispitati javljaju li se ozljede kuka češće kod muškaraca ili žena, zatim utječu li godine bolesnika na stopu ozljeda kuka te smanjuje li se stopa ozljeda kuka za vrijeme pandemije koronavirusa. Za obradu navedenog korišten je SPSS program (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences). Podaci za potrebe istraživanja uzimani su od ukupno 163 bolesnika za obje godine. U 2019. godini za vrijeme ljetnih i zimskih mjeseci bilo je 77 ozljeda kuka, odnosno ozljede je zadobilo 16 muškaraca i 61 žena. Nadalje, u 2020. godini zbroj ozljeda za vrijeme ljetnog i zimskog godišnjeg doba bilo je 86, odnosno bilo je hospitalizirano 24 muškaraca i 62 žene. Uvidom u podatke, uočeno je kako su žene sklonije ozljedama kuka, a tome pridonose osteoporoza, menopauza, artrtis. S obzirom na pojavu pandemije koronovirusa, nije uočeni pad u stopi ozljeda kuka. Godine također utječu na ozljede kuka, istraživanjem je uočeno kako su ozljedama skloniji bili bolesnici u srednjoj (75-84 god.) i dubokoj (85 i više) starosti.
Prevencija ozljeda i padova najčešća je mjera koje se potrebno pridržavati kako ne bi došlo do ozljeda kukova i ostalih zglobova. S obzirom da su ozljedama skloniji stariji bolesnici, potrebna je dodatna edukacija njihovih obitelji, njegovatelja u domovima za starije i nemoćne osobe te medicinskog osoblja. Ozljedama kukova treba pristupiti multidisciplinarno kako bi se povećala kvaliteta života bolesnika i obitelji nakon liječenja i rehabilitacije. Važnu ulogu u samom procesu ima i medicinska sestra, magistra sestrinstva, koja je, najprije, odgovorna za edukaciju i prevenciju padova, a samim time i ozljeda kuka. |
Abstract (english) | Almost one third of all people aged 65 and older fall at least once a year and that share increases with aging and health deprivation. Hip injuries are a significant public health and family problem that reduces the quality of life of patients. The hip, the largest joint in the human body, maintains the optimal posture of the bone system and is credited with maintaining the static of the whole body. Hip injuries occur under the influence of various forces, but the type of injury depends on the strength of the force acting on the bone. The most common types of hip injuries are a femoral neck fracture, a pertrochanter fracture, a subtrochanter fracture, and a femur fracture. The types of injuries vary in terms of fracture line enlargement, skin integrity after fracture, and bone fragment position. Treatment depends on the type of fracture.
Analysis of data, collected at the Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology of the Varaždin General Hospital, from the Hospital Information System (BIS) on the topic „Monocentric study of hip injury rates during the summer and winter months in 2019 and 2020“ wanted to examine the incidence of hip injuries and whether the weather contributed to the rate of increase in hip injuries. The objectives of the study are to examine whether hip injuries occur more frequently in men or women, then whether the years of patients affect the rate of hip injury and whether the rate of hip injury decreases during a coronavirus pandemic. An SPSS program (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) was used to process the above. Data research purposes were taken from a total of 163 patients for both years. In 2019, during the summer and winter months, there were 77 hip injuries, ie injuries sustained 16 men and 61 women. Furthermore, in 2020, the sum of injuries during the summer and winter seasons was 86, and 24 men and 62 women were hospitalized. Insight into the data, it has been observed that women are more prone to hip injuries, and osteoporosis, menopause, artrtis contribute to this. Due to the occurrence of a coronovirus pandemic, no decline in the hip injury rate was observed. The years also affect hip injuries, the study noted that the patients in middle (75-84 years) and deep (85 and up) age were more prone to injury.
Injury and fall prevention is the most common measure that needs to be followed to avoid injury to the hips and other joints. Given that older patients are more prone to injury, additional education is needed for their families, carers in nursing homes, and medical staff. Cook injuries should be approached multidisciplinary to increase the quality of life of patients and families after treatment and rehabilitation. An important role in the process itself is played by a nurse, a master's degree in nursing, who is, first, responsible for educating and preventing falls, and thus hip injuries. |