Title Specifičnosti sestrinske skrbi u prevenciji padova kod osoba starije dobi
Title (english) Specifics of nursing care in the prevention of falls in elderly people
Author Biljana Bekavac
Mentor Ivana Herak (mentor)
Committee member Melita Sajko (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Herak (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Željka Kanižaj Rogina (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Nursing) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2023-10-26, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Nursing
Abstract U današnje vrijeme velik je porast starijih osoba u zajednici, kako radi poboljšanja kvalitete života, tako i radi unaprjeđenja medicine. Nažalost, starost uzrokovana normalnim procesom starenja donosi i nedostatke. Veliki javnozdravstveni problem predstavlja prenapučenost domova za starije osobe i ostalih zdravstvenih ustanova. Starijih osoba je sve više i više, a medicinskog osoblja koje bi se trebale brinuti za unaprjeđenje kvalitete života je sve manje. Starenjem se smanjuje funkcionalna
... More sposobnost te je sve više padova koji mogu dovesti do smrtnog ishoda. Također, dolazi do općih promjena kao što je smanjenje imunološkog sustava, mišićne mase, količine hrskavice između zglobova, mineralnih svojstava, poremećaja kardiovaskularnog sustava i tako dalje. Sve ove promjene mogu dovesti do rizika za pad. Pad se nalazi na drugom mjestu kao uzrok smrtnosti uslijed ozljeda. Pad je definiran kao nenamjerna i iznenadna promjena položaja tijela koja dovodi osobu na niži nivo, do predmeta, na pod ili na zemlju. Čimbenici rizika za pad mogu biti biološki, ponašajni, okolišni, socioekonomski te prema mjestu pada. Pad se definira kroz četiri faze: poremećaj centra za ravnotežu, nemogućnost održavanja uspravnog položaja tijela, dodir s površinom, fizičke i psihičke posljedice. Najčešća posljedica jest strah. Povjerenje je teško povratiti i potrebna je ustrajnost medicinske sestre/tehničara. Uzrok pada također mogu biti i različite bolesti. Posljedice pada mogu biti fizičke, društvene i psihološke. Najteža posljedica za osobu starije dobi i njegovu obitelj je invaliditet i nepokretnost. Takvim osoba potrebna je dugotrajna skrb. Unaprjeđenjem zdravstva, na odjelima i staračkim domovima, medicinska sestra/ tehničar danas ima prisutne skale za procjenu rizika pada s kojima se lako može služiti te procijeniti koje je osobe starije životne dobi potrebno motriti više, a koje manje. Najpoznatija skala za procjenu rizika od pada jest Morseova skala. Kako bi se smanjio broj padova tokom hospitalizacije, velika uloga je na medicinskoj sestri/tehničaru. Medicinsko osoblje potrebno više educirati uz pomoć različitih edukativnih programa, obratiti pažnju na rizične čimbenike, identificirati ih i evaluirati. Većim uvidom medicinske sestre/tehničara u rizične čimbenike mogu se razraditi mjere prevencije koje bi imale širi opseg primjena, čime stvaramo sigurnije okruženje za najugroženiju grupu stanovništva. Less
Abstract (english) Today, there is a great increase in the elderly in the community, both to improve the quality of life and to improve medicine. Unfortunately, age caused by a normal aging process also leads to deficiencies. A major public health problem is the overcrowding of nursing homes and other health facilities. Older people are getting more and more, and medical staff who should be concerned about improving the quality of life are getting less and less. Ageing reduces functional ability and there are
... More more and more falls that can lead to death. There are also general changes such as reduction of the immune system, muscle mass, cartilage between joints, mineral properties, cardiovascular disorders and so on. All these changes can lead to a risk of collapse. The fall is second to the cause of death due to injuries. The fall is defined as an unintentional and sudden change in the position of the body that brings the person to a lower level, to the object, to the floor or to the ground. The risk factors for the fall can be biological, behavioral, environmental, socio-economic and by the place of the fall. The fall is defined through four phases: disturbance of the balance centre, inability to maintain the upright position of the body, contact with the surface, physical and psychological consequences. Fear is the most common consequence. Trust is difficult to regain and nurses'/technicians' persistence is needed. The fall can also be caused by various diseases. The consequences of the fall can be physical, social and psychological. The most serious consequence for an elderly person and his family is disability and immobility. Such a person needs long-term care. By improving health care, in departments and nursing homes, a nurse/technician today has available scales to assess the risk of falling that can be easily used and to assess which older people need to be monitored more and less. The most famous scale for assessing the risk of falling is the Morse scale. In order to reduce the number of falls during hospitalisation, a great role is placed on the nurse/technician. Medical staff should be educated more with the help of various educational programmes, pay attention to risk factors, identify and evaluate them. A greater insight of nurses/technicians into risk factors can elaborate preventive measures that would have a wider scope of applications, thus creating a safer environment for the most vulnerable population group. Less
osoba starije dobi
medicinska sestra/tehničar
procjena rizika
Keywords (english)
risk assessment
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:917103
Study programme Title: Nursing Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva (prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2024-01-17 13:58:54