Abstract | Kralježnica je pokretni koštani stup sastavljen od kralježaka povezanih zglobovima i ligamentima. Glavni je oslonac trupa, omogućuje pokretljivost, podršku glavi i gornjem dijelu trupa te stabilizaciju zdjelice. Također održava posturalno poravnanje i štiti kralježničnu moždinu. Kralježnica povezuje kosti glave, trupa i udova, a kralješci postaju veći i čvršći od glave prema zdjelici, prenoseći opterećenje na noge. Ima blagu fiziološku lordozu u vratnom i slabinskom dijelu te blagu stražnju fiziološku kifozu u prsnom i križnom dijelu, što osigurava prilagodbu za uspravno držanje. Pravilno držanje ovisi o snazi posturalnih mišića, pravilnom položaju anatomskih dijelova, pokretljivosti zglobova te vizualnim i kinestetičkim sposobnostima za ravnotežu i poravnanje tijela. Iako je osnovna postura nasljedna, može se modificirati kroz zanimanje, tjelesnu aktivnost, prehranu i životni stil. Deformacije kralježnice uključuju lordozu, kifozu i skoliozu. Lordoza je najmanje uobičajena deformacija, uzrokovana poremećenom stražnjom segmentacijom i prednjim rastom. Često se pojavljuje u kombinaciji sa skoliozom. Kifoza je abnormalna izbočenost kralježnice prema natrag, najčešće u torakalnom dijelu, pod kutom većim od 45°, što uzrokuje povijenost trupa prema naprijed. Skolioza je trodimenzionalna deformacija koja uključuje postranično savijanje i rotaciju kralježaka. Liječenje skolioze ovisi o veličini zakrivljenosti, dobi i zrelosti pacijenta te vremenu početka liječenja. Jedan od učinkovitih pristupa koji se koristi u fizioterapiji kod skolioze je Schroth trodimenzionalna metoda. Razvijena je u Njemačkoj prije jednog stoljeća od strane Katharine Schroth, koja je sama imala navedenu deformaciju, a kasnije metodu razvija i njezina kći i unuk. |
Abstract (english) | The spine is a movable bony column composed of vertebrae connected by joints and ligaments. It is the main support of the trunk, enables mobility, supports the head and the upper part of the trunk, and stabilizes the pelvis. It also maintains postural alignment and protects the spinal cord. The spine connects the bones of the head, trunk and limbs, and the vertebrae become larger and stronger from the head towards the pelvis, transferring the load to the legs. It has a slight physiological lordosis in the neck and lumbar region and a slight physiological posterior kyphosis in the chest and sacral region, which ensures adaptation for upright posture. Correct posture depends on the strength of the postural muscles, the correct position of the anatomical parts, the mobility of the joints, and the visual and kinesthetic abilities for balance and alignment of the body. Although the basic posture is hereditary, it can be modified through occupation, physical activity, diet and lifestyle. Spinal deformities include lordosis, kyphosis, and scoliosis. Lordosis is the least common deformity, caused by impaired posterior segmentation and anterior growth. It often appears in combination with scoliosis. Kyphosis is an abnormal protrusion of the spine backwards, most often in the thoracic part, at an angle greater than 45°, which causes the trunk to bend forward. Scoliosis is a three-dimensional deformity that involves lateral bending and rotation of the vertebrae. The treatment of scoliosis depends on the size of the curvature, the age and maturity of the patient and the time of the start of the treatment. One of the most effective approaches used in physiotherapy for scoliosis is the Schroth three-dimensional method. It was developed in Germany a century ago by Katharine Schroth, she had the above-mentioned deformity, and later the method was developed by her daughter and grandson. |