Abstract | Respiratorni sustav dijeli se na gornji i donji dio. Pluća se nalaze u prsnoj šupljini i sastoje se od dva plućna krila desno koje je veće te manje lijevo plućno krilo. Disanje se odvija kroz dvije faze udisanje i izdisanje. Kada dođe do poremećaja u radu okolnih tkiva, organa ili samog procesa disanja, mogu nastati respiratorne bolesti. Respiratorne bolesti dijele se na akutne i kronične, pri čemu se kronične bolesti mogu dalje klasificirati kao restriktivne ili opstruktivne. Iako vanjski čimbenici mogu utjecati na razvoj respiratornih poremećaja, genetska predispozicija često igra ključnu ulogu. Astma spada u skupinu kroničnih opstruktivnih poremećaja i karakterizira je upala dišnih puteva. Simptomi astme uključuju kašalj, otežano disanje, pritisak u prsima i piskanje, a obično se javljaju ujutro ili navečer. Astma može imati akutnu, subakutnu ili kroničnu formu, a pojavu simptoma potiču različiti okidači. Dijagnoza astme obično se postavlja jednostavnim dijagnostičkim postupkom poput spirometrije, no iako se bolest ne može u potpunosti izliječiti, može se uspješno kontrolirati. Ovisno o težini astme, propisuju se lijekovi za dugotrajnu kontrolu bolesti ili za brzo ublažavanje simptoma. Uz lijekove, inhalacije (suhe i vlažne) također mogu pomoći u upravljanju simptomima. Pored medikamentozne terapije, fizioterapeuti igraju značajnu ulogu u održavanju ili poboljšanju simptoma kod pacijenata s astmom. Primjenom različitih tehnika, fizioterapeuti pozitivno utječu na pacijenta te prema njegovim specifičnim potrebama razvijaju plan i program rehabilitacije. Rehabilitacija može uključivati vježbe disanja, vježbe za mobilizaciju prsnog koša, posturalnu drenažu, perkusije, vibracije i aerobne treninge. Cijeli program rehabilitacije provodi se individualno, prilagođavajući se pacijentovim ograničenjima i potrebama. Cilj rada je proučavanje astme, prevalencije, čimbenika uzroka astme, kliničke slike te metoda liječenja astme od medikamentozne terapije do fizioterapije. Dakle astma je kronična bolest, nepredvidivog tijeka s fazama egzarcerbacija i remisija. Astma se može dobro kontrolirati pomoću lijekova i fizikalne terapije, odnosno vježbama disanja i općim kondicijskim vježbama. |
Abstract (english) | The respiratory system is divided into upper and lower parts. The lungs are located in the chest cavity and consist of two lungs, the larger one on the right and the smaller left lung. Breathing takes place through two phases: inhalation and exhalation. When there is a disturbance in the work of the surrounding tissues, organs or the breathing process itself, respiratory diseases can occur. Respiratory diseases are divided into acute and chronic, where chronic diseases can be further classified as restrictive or obstructive. Although external factors can influence the development of respiratory disorders, genetic predisposition often plays a key role. Asthma belongs to the group of chronic obstructive disorders and is characterized by inflammation of the airways. Asthma symptoms include coughing, shortness of breath, chest tightness and wheezing, and usually occur in the morning or evening. Asthma can have an acute, subacute or chronic form, and the appearance of symptoms is triggered by various triggers. Asthma is usually diagnosed with a simple diagnostic procedure such as spirometry, but although the disease cannot be completely cured, it can be successfully controlled. Depending on the severity of asthma, medications are prescribed for long-term disease control or for quick relief of symptoms. In addition to medication, inhalations (dry and moist) can also help manage symptoms. In addition to drug therapy, physiotherapists play a significant role in maintaining or improving symptoms in patients with asthma. By applying various techniques, physiotherapists positively influence the patient and develop a rehabilitation plan and program according to his specific needs. Rehabilitation may include breathing exercises, chest mobilization exercises, postural drainage, percussion, vibration and aerobic training. The entire rehabilitation program is carried out individually, adapting to the patient's limitations and needs. The aim of the work is to study asthma, its prevalence, the causes of asthma, its clinical picture and methods of asthma treatment, from drug therapy to physiotherapy. So asthma is a chronic disease, with an unpredictable course with phases of exacerbations and remissions. Asthma can be well controlled with medication and physical therapy, namely breathing exercises and general fitness exercises. |