Title Povezanost pušenja cigareta i karcinoma bronha i pluća
Title (english) The relationship between cigarette smoking and bronchial and lung cancer
Author Ivana Žunić
Mentor Ivan Milas (mentor)
Committee member Tomislav Meštrović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivan Milas (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Irena Canjuga (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Nursing) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2024-09-24, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Abstract UVOD: Karcinomi pluća i bronha među vodećim su uzrocima smrtnosti diljem svijeta. Glavni uzročnik (u oko 90% slučajeva) je pušenje cigareta. Smanjivanjem prevalencije pušenja može se smanjiti i pojavnost karcinoma pluća i bronha.
METODE: Podaci o demografskim karakteristikama ispitanika, prisutnosti čimbenika rizika karcinoma bronha i pluća, medicinskoj dijagnozi i metodi operativnog liječenja prikupljani su iz bolničkog informacijskog sustava KBC-a Zagreb. Ispitanici su prvih 100 pacijenata oboljelih od karcinoma bronha i pluća, a liječeni operativno u 2023. godini u Klinici za anesteziologiju, reanimatologiju, intenzivno liječenje i terapiju boli KBC-a Zagreb.
REZULTATI: Od 100 pacijenata oboljelih od karcinoma bronha i pluća 83% ih je aktivno pušilo ili apstiniralo od pušenja, čime je dokazana postavljena hipoteza: „Među pacijentima operiranim od karcinoma bronha i pluća značajno više je osoba koje puše ili su pušile u prošlosti.“ Podjednako je bilo žena i muškaraca. Prosječna dob ispitanika bila je 66,68 godina. Većina ispitanika imala je završenu srednju školu, bila u mirovini i živjela u gradu. Najznačajniji čimbenik rizika karcinoma pluća bio je trenutno ili prijašnje pušenje cigareta. Prosječan broj dnevno popušenih cigareta bio je 27,81. Prosječan broj godina pušačkog staža bio je 40,43. U većine ispitanika, njih 75%, bio je prisutan adenokarcinom. Nisu uočene značajne razlike s obzirom na vrstu provedenog operativnog zahvata. Muškarci su značajno češće apstinirali od pušenja u usporedbi s ženama, dok žene značajno češće nisu pušile u usporedbi s muškarcima. Značajno učestalije su pušili ispitanici od 65 i manje godina u usporedbi s ispitanicima od 66 i više godina.
ZAKLJUČAK: Uočena je značajna povezanost aktivnog i pasivnog pušenja duhana s karcinomom pluća i bronha. Potrebno je provoditi preventivne intervencije usmjerene prestanku pušenju među medicinskim sestrama i tehničarima i educirati ih kako bi oni postali učinkoviti provoditelji prevencije pušenja među pacijentima, što može doprinijeti smanjenju incidencije, prevalencije i smrtnosti od karcinoma pluća.
Abstract (english) INTRODUCTION: Lung and bronchial cancers are among the leading causes of death worldwide. The main cause of smoking (in about 90% of cases) is cigarette smoking. By reducing the prevalence of smoking, the incidence of lung and bronchial cancer can also be reduced.
METHODS: Data on the demographic characteristics of the subjects, presence of risk factors for bronchial and lung cancer, medical diagnosis and method of operative treatment were collected from the hospital information system of the Clinical Hospital Center Zagreb. The respondents are the first 100 patients with bronchial and lung cancer, treated operatively in the year 2023 at the Clinic for Anesthesiology, Reanimation, Intensive Care and Pain Therapy of the Zagreb Clinical Hospital Center.
RESULTS: Out of 100 patients with bronchus and lung cancer, 83% actively smoked or abstained from smoking, which proved the hypothesis: "Among patients operated on for bronchus and lung cancer, there are significantly more people who smoke or have smoked in the past." It is equally both women and men. The average age of the respondents was 66.68 years. Most of the respondents had completed high school, were retired and lived in the city. The most significant risk factor for lung cancer was current or former cigarette smoking. The average number of cigarettes smoked per day was 27,81. The average number of years of smoking experience was 40,43. Adenocarcinoma was present in most subjects (75%). No significant differences were observed with regard to the type of surgical procedure performed. Men abstained from smoking significantly more often compared to women, while women significantly more often did not smoke compared to men. Respondents aged 65 and under smoked significantly more often compared to respondents aged 66 and over.
CONCLUSION: A significant association of active and passive tobacco smoking with lung and bronchial cancer was observed. It is necessary to implement preventive interventions aimed at smoking cessation among nurses and technicians and to educate them so that they become effective implementers of smoking prevention among patients, which can contribute to the reduction of incidence, prevalence and mortality from lung cancer.
karcinom bronha i pluća
medicinska sestra / tehničar
pušenje cigareta
Keywords (english)
Broncho and lung cancer
cigarette smoking
nurse / technician
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:440654
Study programme Title: Nursing Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni magistar/magistra sestrinstva (sveučilišni magistar/magistra sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-10-17 10:34:46