Abstract | Bol je neugodni senzorni i emocionalni doživljaj povezan s akutnim ili potencijalnim oštećenjem tkiva. Osjet bola prati oštećenje tkiva, ali također intenzitet bola može biti veći od očekivanog s obzirom na oštećenje koje je nastalo na tijelu. Obzirom na simptome, bol može biti pulsirajuć, probadajuć, oštar, žareći, ali i tup ili stalan. Jaki bol izaziva snažnije reakcije pacijenta i manifestira se u intenzivnijoj emocionalnoj i fizičkoj reakciji. Najčešći uzrok bola kod sportaša je ozljeda koja nastaje zbog prekomjernog treniranja, a posljedica toga je da dolazi do oštećenja tkiva. U procesu procjene bola koriste se jednodimenzonalne skale, a to su : verbalna ljestvica, numerička ljestvica, vizualna analogna ljestvica te ljestvica izraza lica, a najčešće multidimenzionalne ljestvice koje se koriste su: McGillov upitnik i Kratki upitnik o bolu. Liječenje bola možemo tretirati farmakološki i nefarmakološki. Farmakološko liječenje bola započinje procjenom intenziteta bola te se liječenje primjenjuje prema trostupanjskoj analognoj ljestvici. Primjena nefarmakoloških metoda započinje dobrom edukacijom kod pacijenata kako bi je znali primijeniti u svakodevnom životu. Neke od metoda nefarmakološkog liječenja su: okupacijska terapija, vođenje imaginacije, relaksacije, akupktura, promjena položaja. Stoga je zadatak medicinske sestre/tehničara educirati pacijenta o uzrocima bola, načinima procjene bola te metodama liječenja bola.
Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati znanja i iskustva o doživljaju bola kod sportaša i nesportaša. U svrhu izrade ovog rada bila je izrađena anketa te je ukupno sudjelovalo 135 ispitanika od kojih su 50 bili studenti Sveučilišta sjevera. Podaci su analizirani te prikazani tablično. Iz rezultata možemo zaključiti da postoje razlike u znanju o iskustvu doživljaja bola kod sportaša i nesportaša. |
Abstract (english) | Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with acute or potential tissue damage. The sensation of pain accompanies tissue damage, but also the intensity of the pain may be greater than expected considering the damage that has occurred on the body. Considering the symptoms, the pain can be pulsating, stabbing, sharp, burning, but also dull or constant. Severe pain causes stronger reactions from the patient and is manifested in an intense emotional and physical reaction. The most common pattern of pain in athletes is an injury that occurs due to excessive training, the consequence of which is tissue damage. In the pain assessment process, one-dimensional scales are used, namely: verbal scale, numerical scale, visual analogue scale and facial expression scale, and the most commonly used multidimensional scales are: McGill questionnaire and Short pain questionnaire. Pain treatment can be trained pharmacologically and non-pharmacologically. Pharmacological treatment of pain begins with an assessment of pain intensity, and the treatment is applied according to a three-step analogue scale. The use of non-pharmacological methods begins with good education for patients so that they know how to apply them in everyday life.Some of the methods of non-pharmacological treatment are: occupational therapy, guided imagination, relaxation, acupuncture, change of position. Therefore, the role of the nurse is to educate the patient about pain patterns, ways to assess pain and methods of pain treatment. The goal of the research was to examine the knowledge and experience of pain in athletes and non-athletes. For the purpose of creating this paper, a survey was created and a total of 135 respondents participated, 50 of whom were students of the University of the North. The data were analyzed and presented in a table. From the results, we can conclude that there are differences in knowledge about the experience of pain in athletes and non-athletes. |