Title 3D animacija - "Neslomljeno platno"
Title (english) 3D animation - "Unbroken canvas"
Author Luka Tomas
Mentor Simon Bogojević Narath (mentor)
Committee member Iva Matija Bitanga (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mario Periša (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Simon Bogojević Narath (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Koprivnica) (Department of Media Design) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2024-09-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline FIELD OF ART Design
Abstract Ovaj završni rad istražuje proces stvaranja animiranog filma „Unbroken Canvas“, s fokusom na tehničke, kreativne i simboličke aspekte produkcije. Kroz godine rada u video montaži i pripovijedanju vizualnim medijima, došao sam do animacije kao sredstva izražavanja, koje mi pruža veću kontrolu nad kreiranjem likova, svjetova i pokreta. Kao glavna inspiracija za moj rad poslužila je videoigra Team Fortress 2, čiji prepoznatljivi likovi, zahvaljujući alatu Source Filmmaker, postaju idealni „glumci“
... More u mojim animacijama.
Proces rada uključivao je faze predprodukcije, produkcije i postprodukcije, pri čemu sam koristio razne tehnike animacije, uključujući simulaciju animacije na dvojkama kako bih postigao željeni „isprekidani“ izgled pokreta. Postprodukcija je uključivala dodavanje 2D efekata, montažu u programu Adobe Premiere Pro, kao i kolor korekciju kako bih bili naglašeni tematski tonovi priče, osobito kroz sukob crvene i plave boje koje koristim kao simbol kreativnosti i simbol povučenosti.
Rad također istražuje dublje teme poput sukoba kreativne individualnosti i društvenih pritisaka, te se osvrće na temu kreativnosti kao izlaska iz zone ugode, što je glavna poruka filma. Unatoč tehničkim ograničenjima Source Filmmakera, rad na ovom projektu me potaknuo na inovativna rješenja i kreativni rast, omogućivši mi da se suočim s brojnim izazovima te naučim više o sebi kao kreativcu. Less
Abstract (english) This thesis explores the process of creating the animated film "Unbroken Canvas," focusing on the technical, creative, and symbolic aspects of the production. Through years of working in video editing and visual storytelling, I arrived at animation as a means of expression, which offers me greater control over creating characters, worlds, and movements. The main inspiration for my work was the video game Team Fortress 2, whose distinctive characters, thanks to the Source Filmmaker tool, become
... More the ideal "actors" in my animations.
The work process included the stages of pre-production, production, and post-production, during which I employed various animation techniques, including simulating animation on twos to achieve the desired "stuttered" motion effect. Post-production involved adding 2D effects, editing in Adobe Premiere Pro, as well as color correction to emphasize the thematic tones of the story, particularly through the battle of red and blue as symbols of creativity and introversion.
The thesis also delves into deeper themes such as the conflict between creative individuality and societal pressures, and reflects on creativity as stepping out of one's comfort zone, which was the main message of the film. Despite the technical limitations of Source Filmmaker, working on this project inspired innovative solutions and creative growth, allowing me to face numerous challenges and learn more about myself as a creator. Through this work, the importance of creativity, perseverance, and the fight for individual expression in a world that often suppresses individuality is highlighted. Less
animirani film
Source Filmmaker
Team Fortress 2
hibridna animacija
animacija na dvojkama
Keywords (english)
animated film
Source Filmmaker
Team Fortress 2
hybrid animation
animation on twos
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:840093
Study programme Title: Media design Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) medijskog dizajna (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) medijskog dizajna)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2025-03-04 12:26:37