Abstract | Svrha i cilj ovog rada bilo je upoznati budućeg govornika kako uspješno i kvalitetno prezentirati sebe ili organizaciju koju predstavlja.
Za kvalitetan javni nastup, govornik bi trebao znati kako se dobro prezentirati, kako što jednostavnije prenositi informacije, kako motivirati slušatelje ili pak probuditi emocije. Najvaţnije je da poruka koju prenosi bude jasna i učinkovita, te da prevlada strah kako bi ta poruka djelovala uvjerljivo i utjecajno.
Svaki govornik treba različita znanja, vještine i sposobnosti, a za dojmljiv nastup potrebno je sve to pretvoriti u jednu jasnu i zanimljivu priču. Sposobnost razumijevanja publike, prilagoĎavanje izlaganja interesima slušatelja, dobra organizacija sadrţaja i komunikacijske kompetencije dat će javnom nastupu profesionalni izgled i ostaviti dugotrajan pozitivan učinak na slušatelje.
Vaţno je da se poštuju tri glave faze javnog nastupa. U prvoj fazi, fazi pripreme govora, ključno je izaberati glavnu poruku koju ţelite prenesti svojim govorom, upoznati publiku, izbacite iz glave negativne misli, istraţiti temu govora, koristiti priče, metafore i šale, te zapisati govor na papir. Druga faza je faza vjeţbanja govora. Iako se mnogima čini nepotrebna, ovo je faza gdje govornik moţe ispraviti sve mane govora; moţe poraditi na glasu (tonu, tempu, glasnoći), izgovoru, govoru tijela, stavu, drţanju tijela, izrazu lica, gestama i ostalim neverbalnim i verbalnim znakovima. Treća faza jest drţanje govora. Ovdje bi govornik trebao misliti o drţanju i govoru tijela, trebao bi koristiti rekvizite (brošure, fotografije ili grafikone koje moţe dati publici...), voditi računa o pogledu, mijenjati tonalitet glasa, ne zaboraviti pauze, te završiti govor kratkim i upečatljivim izlaganjem glavne ideje, osmijehom i jednostavnim „hvala“. |
Abstract (english) | The purpose and objective of this study was to meet future public speakers how to successfully and quality present himself or the organization he represents in public appearance.
For quality public appearance, the speaker would need to know how well presented himself, tell easily understandable information, how to motivate public, or wake up the emotions. The most important thing in is that the message conveyed is clear, effective, convincing and influential.
Each speaker should have different knowledge, skills, abilities, and for the impressive performance it is necessary all that convert in a clear and interesting story. Ability to understand the audience, adjusting exposure to interest the listener, good organization of content and communicative competence will give a public performance a professional look and leave a long-lasting positive effect on the listeners.
It is important to respect the three main phase of public appearances. The first phase, the phase of preparation of speech, it is important to select the key of the main message you want tell the audience, get out of your head a negative thoughts, to explore the topic of speech, use stories, metaphors and jokes, and write a speech on paper. The second phase is the phase of the exercise of speech. Although it seems unnecessary, this is the stage where the speaker can correct all defects of speech; can work on voice (tone, tempo, and volume), pronunciation, body language, stance, posture, facial expressions, gestures and other nonverbal and verbal signs. The third phase is making speeches. Here the speaker should think about posture and body language, should use props (brochures, pictures or graphs which can give the audience...), take control of view, change the tonality of voice, do not forget the break, and finish the speech short and striking presentation main ideas, a smile and a simple "thank you". |