Sažetak | Emocionalna inteligencija smatra se osobito važnom u svakom kontekstu, tako i u smjeru naše profesije, sestrinstva. Emocionalna inteligencija predstavlja sposobnost prepoznavanja, kontroliranja, izražavanja te razumijevanja misli i osjećaja. Medicinske sestre koje posjeduju emocionalnu inteligenciju usrećuju svoje pacijente i čine ih zadovoljnijima. Emocionalna inteligencija čini medicinske sestre otvorenijima, komunikativnijima, empatičnima i punim razumijevanja i strpljenja što pacijenta potiče na otvaranje osjećaja, na povezivanje sa medicinskim osobljem te na stvaranje povjerenja prema medicinskoj sestri koja brine o njegovom zdravlju.
Cilj istraživanja je spoznati koliku razinu emocionalne inteligencije (razinu emocionalne regulacije, kontrole te emocionalnih vještina, kompetentnosti) posjeduju studenti sestrinstva. Pokušati će se utvrditi utječu li nezavisne varijable poput starosne dobi, godine studija i godine radnog staža na razvoj emocionalne inteligencije odnosno na razvoj regulacije i kontrole te na razvoj emocionalnih vještina i kompetencija.
Podaci za istraživanje sposobnosti regulacije i kontrole emocija te emocionalnih vještina i kompetentnosti, prikupljeni su online anketom između studenata studija sestrinstva na Sveučilištu Sjever u razdoblju od 22.svibnja 2017. do 25. svibnja 2017. godine. Anketu je ispunilo ukupno 157 studenata studija Sestrinstva, svih godina studija. Anketa se sastoji od ukupno 6 pitanja zatvorenog tipa. U prvom dijelu obuhvaćena su pitanja koja su se odnosila na spol, dob, duljinu radnog staža te godinu studija. Drugi i treći dio provedene ankete su upitnici: upitnik emocionalne regulacije i kontrole (ERIK) te upitnik emocionalnih vještina i kompetentnosti (UEK-15), uz pisanu suglasnost preuzeti od Vladimira Takšića.
Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju kako ispitanici, odnosno studenti studija sestrinstva u Sveučilišta Sjever postižu iznadprosječne rezultate, tj. imaju iznadprosječne sposobnosti regulacije i kontrole emocija, ali i emocionalnih vještina i kompetentnosti. Hipoteza koja je ukazivala da studenti treće godine studija posjeduju više rezultate sposobnosti regulacije i kontrole emocija, ali i emocionalnih vještina i kompetentnosti od studenata prve i druge godine studija djelomično je potvrđena jer iako je utvrđena razlike između druge i treće godine studija, nije utvrđena statistički značajna razlika između studenata prve i treće godine studija. Provjerom povezanosti godina staža u struci sa sposobnosti emocionalne regulacije i kontrole te emocionalnih vještina i kompetentnosti je utvrđeno da dob, ali ni godine staža nisu povezane s mjerama emocionalne inteligencije. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Emotional intelligence is considered to be particularly important in every context, as well as in the direction of our profession, nursing. Emotional intelligence represents the ability to recognize, control, express and understand thoughts and feelings. Medical nurses who possess the ability of showing their emotional intelligence can improve their patient's well being and make them more satisfied. Emotional intelligence makes nurses more communicative, open minded, empathetic, and full of understanding which will encourage their patients to open up, connect to the medical staff and build trust with the nurse taking care of them.
The aim of the research was to perceive the level of emotional intelligence (level of emotional regulation, control and emotional skills, competence) of nursing students. The goal was to try and determine whether the independent variables such as age, years of study, and years of work experience affect the development of emotional intelligence, ie. the development of regulation and control, and the development of emotional skills and competencies.
Data for researching the ability to control, emotional control and emotional skills and competencies were collected through an online survey conducted by nursing students of the North University in the period from May 22nd 2017 to May 25th 2017. The survey was completed by a total of 157 students of Nursing studies, all years of studying included. The survey consisted of a total of 6 closed-type questions. The first part covered issues related to gender, age, length of practical experience and a current year of study.The second and third part of the conducted survey were questionnaires: Emotional Regulatory and Control Questionnaire (ERIK) and Questionnaire of Emotional Skills and Competence (UEK-15), with written consent taken from Vladimir Takšić.
The given results show that participants - students of nursing studies at the North University achieve above-average scores, ie. have above-average ability to regulate and control emotions as well as emotional skills and competencies.The hypothesis showing that third year students had higher results of control and emotional control skills, as well as emotional skills and competencies then the students of the first and second year was partially confirmed. Although differences between the second and third year studies were established, no statistically important difference between the students of the first and third year was confirmed. Considering the relation between years of professional training with the ability of Emotional intelligence is considered to be particularly important in every context, as well as in the direction of our profession, nursing. Emotional intelligence represents the ability to recognize, control, express and understand thoughts and feelings. Medical nurses who possess the ability of showing their emotional intelligence can improve their patient's well being and make them more satisfied. Emotional intelligence makes nurses more communicative, open minded, empathetic, and full of understanding which will encourage their patients to open up, connect to the medical staff and build trust with the nurse taking care of them.
The aim of the research was to perceive the level of emotional intelligence (level of emotional regulation, control and emotional skills, competence) of nursing students. The goal was to try and determine whether the independent variables such as age, years of study, and years of work experience affect the development of emotional intelligence, ie. the development of regulation and control, and the development of emotional skills and competencies.
Data for researching the ability to control, emotional control and emotional skills and competencies were collected through an online survey conducted by nursing students of the North University in the period from May 22nd 2017 to May 25th 2017. The survey was completed by a total of 157 students of Nursing studies, all years of studying included. The survey consisted of a total of 6 closed-type questions. The first part covered issues related to gender, age, length of practical experience and a current year of study.The second and third part of the conducted survey were questionnaires: Emotional Regulatory and Control Questionnaire (ERIK) and Questionnaire of Emotional Skills and Competence (UEK-15), with written consent taken from Vladimir Takšić.
The given results show that participants - students of nursing studies at the North University achieve above-average scores, ie. have above-average ability to regulate and control emotions as well as emotional skills and competencies.The hypothesis showing that third year students had higher results of control and emotional control skills, as well as emotional skills and competencies then the students of the first and second year was partially confirmed. Although differences between the second and third year studies were established, no statistically important difference between the students of the first and third year was confirmed. Considering the relation between years of professional training with the ability of |