Sažetak | Psihoaktivne supstance su kemijske supstance koje kada se unesu u organizam (a mogu se unijeti na različite načine) mijenjaju tjelesne i psihičke funkcije kod čovjeka i izazivaju psihičku i/ili tjelesnu ovisnost. Cigarete, alkohol i droge su najveća prijetnja za zdravlje adolescenata. ”Udaljavanje” od roditelja u buri sukoba s jedne strane i okretanje vršnjacima, druženje i stjecanje niza novih iskustava s druge strane, stvaraju prostor u kojemu vrebaju dobro poznata ”krizna” stanja. Unutar kriznih stanja depresivnog tipa moguća ”rješenja” koja stoje na raspolaganju adolescentu kreću se od povlačenja i izbjegavanja, pretjeranog i prenaglašenog druženja, konzumiranja sredstava ovisnosti koje se nažalost nude kao ”brza i efikasna” rješenja, do onih težih koja vode u bolest (ovisnost, anoreksija itd.) i onih najtežih i najdrastičnijih – autoagresivnih reakcija adolescenata koje ponekad završavaju i suicidom.
Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati znanje i stavove o psihoaktivnim tvarima, dostupnost psihoaktivnih tvari, vlastito iskustvo vezano uz konzumiranje psihoaktivnih tvari, vrstu i utjecaj odgoja na konzumaciju, poznavanje određenih poznatih i manje poznatih droga kod maturanata gimnazijskog i ekonomskog usmjerenja srednje škole Ivanec.
U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 105 (N=105) maturanata srednje škole Ivanec, gimnazijskog i ekonomskog smjera. Prema dobi, 79% su činili osamnaestogodišnjaci, 20% devetnaestogodišnjaka te jedan dvadesetogodišnjak. Prosječna dob je stoga bila 18, 22 godine. Prema spolu, najviše je sudjelovalo ženskih maturanata, 61 (58%), a muških 44 (42%).
Za provođenje istraživanja je korištena anonimna anketa. Anketa se sastoji od 18 pitanja, 17 pitanja zatvorenog tipa i 1 pitanje otvorenog tipa. Prvi dio ankete odnosi se na sociodemografska obilježja, koja uključuju podatke o dobi i spolu ispitanika. Drugi dio ankete odnosi se na vlastito iskustvo sa alkoholom, cigaretama, lijekovima i drogama, odnosno, vrijeme prvog konzumiranja, najčešće konzumirane psihoaktivne tvari. U trećem dijelu ankete se ispitivao njihov stav i znanje o drogi, alkoholu, cigaretama i lijekovima.
Istraživanjem provedenim u srednjoj školi Ivanec može se zaključiti kako su mladi upoznati sa svim sredstvima ovisnosti, od kojih ih neki svakodnevno konzumiraju. Alkohol i cigarete su još uvijek najdostupniji i najzastupljeniji među adolescentima, no i marihuana je počela biti sve popularnija ne samo što se tiče srednje škole Ivanec, nego i općenito na državnoj razini. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Psychoactive substances are chemical substances that, when they are introduced into the body (and they can be introduced in a variety of ways), change the physical and mental functions of humans and cause psychic and / or physical addiction. Cigarettes, alcohol and drugs are the biggest threat to adolescent health. „Departure“ from parents during the conflicts on the one hand and turning peers, socializing and gaining new experiences on the other hand, create a space where the well-known "crisis" start. Within the crisis situation of a depressive type, the "solutions" available to an adolescent range from retreatment and avoidance, excessive and overjoyed socializing, consumption of addictive drugs which unfortunately offer as "quick and efficient" solutions to those who lead to illness (addiction , anorexia, etc.) and those of the most difficult and most painful - auto-aggressive reactions of adolescents who sometimes end up with suicide.
The purpose of this study was to examine the knowledge and attitudes about psychoactive substances, the availability of psychoactive substances, their own experience regarding the consumption of psychoactive substances, the type and influence of education on consumption, the knowledge of some known and lesser known drugs in high school and economic orientation of secondary school Ivanec.
In the survey, 105 (N = 105) secondary school graduates Ivanec, Gymnasium and Economics were involved. By age, 79% were eighteen-year-olds, 20% of nineteen and one twelve. The average age was therefore 18, 22 years. According to gender, female graduates participated most, 61 (58%), and male 44 (42%).
An anonymous survey was used to conduct the research. The survey consists of 18 questions, 17 closed type questions and 1 open type question. The first part of the survey refers to sociodemographic features, which include data on the age and sex of the respondent. The second part of the survey refers to their own experience with alcohol, cigarettes, drugs and drugs, that is, the time of first consumption, the most commonly consumed psychoactive substances. In the third part of the survey, their attitude and knowledge of drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, and medicines was explored.
The research conducted at Ivanec high school can be concluded that young people are familiar with all addictive drugs, some of which are consumed daily. Alcohol and cigarettes are still the most accessible and most common among adolescents, but marijuana has become more popular not only for Ivanec secondary school but also generally at the state level. |