Sažetak | U prosincu 2019. godine u kineskom gradu Wuhanu otkriven je novi virus, koronavirus. U samim počecima pandemije simpotome koronavirusa kineski su liječnici su opisali kao ''pneumoniju s nepoznatim uzročnikom''. Kroz daljnja istraživanja novog virusa otkriveno je da je bolest izazvana novim CoV virusom, te je virus dobio ime ''COVID19'', prema godini u kojoj je nastao.
Prvi simptomi infekcije javljaju se kroz 5 dana, a najvažniji simptomi su groznica, kašalj, umor, stvaranje ispljuvka, povišena tjelesna temperatura, te su moguće probavne smetnje.
Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati psihičke aspekte u populaciji vezane uz krizu izazvanu koronavirusom. Prvi dio istraživanja činila su opća sociodemografska pitanja, zatim su slijedile tvrdnje koje su bile podijeljene u tri djela: emocije, misli i ponašanja tokom krize izazvane koronavirusom. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 1215 sudionika od kojih je 973 (80,1%) sudionika ženskog spola, dok je 242 (19,1%) sudionika muškog spola.
Temeljem rezultata istraživanja može se zaključiti da je dobivena statistički značjna razlika u emocijama, mislima i ponašanja žena naspram muškaraca, odnosno žene tokom krize povezane s pandemijom koronavirusa puno ugroženije od muškaraca. Ovisno o dobi ispitanika mlađi su se sudionici osjećali ugroženije od starijih sudionika. Kako bi se populacija osjećala sigurnije tokom ove krizne situacije potrebno je pružati psihološku podršku putem zdravstvenog sustava, škola i medija, dati jasne upute o ponašanju tokom krize izazvane koronavirusom, te poticati populaciju da se drže istih. |
Sažetak (engleski) | In December 2019, a new virus, coronavirus, was discovered in the Chinese city of Wuhan. In the very beginnings of the pandemic, the symptoms of coronavirus were described by Chinese doctors as the first few cases as "pneumonia with an unknown cause." Through further research into the new virus, it was discovered that the disease was caused by a new CoV virus, and the virus was named "COVID19" according to the year in which it originated.
The first symptoms of infection appear within 5 days, and the most important symptoms are fever, cough, fatigue, sputum production, fever, and possible indigestion.
The aim of this study was to examine the psychological aspects in the population related to the coronavirus pandemic. The first part of the research consisted of general sociodemographic questions, followed by claims that were divided into three parts: emotions, thoughts, and behaviors during a coronavirus-induced crisis. 1215 respondents participated in the research, of which 973 (80.1%) were female, while 242 (19.1%) were male.
Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded that the obtained statistically significant difference in emotions, thoughts and behavior of women versus men, ie women during the crisis associated with the coronavirus epidemic is much more vulnerable than men. Depending on the age of the respondents, the younger participants felt more vulnerable than the older participants. In order for the population to feel safer during this crisis situation, it is necessary to provide psychological support through the health system, schools and the media, give clear instructions on how to behave during a crisis caused by coronavirus, and encourage the population to stick to them. |