Sažetak | Suvremena međunarodna trgovina u stalnom je rastu posebno u razdoblju snažne digitalizacije, tamo iza 2005. godine kada se međunarodno tržište sve više seli na internetske platforme. Razlog tome se može tražiti u potrebama tržišta, jer robu predstavlja hrana, odjeća, lijekovi, gorivo i sl. što predstavlja veliki značaj u egzistenciji ne samo industrije, nego i pojedinca. Ipak pojava Interneta učinila je usluge puno dostupnijima međunarodnom tržištu, a snažan tehnološki rast digitalne industrije učinio je upravo neke internetske usluge i aplikacije svakodnevnicom pojedinca što ujedno čini i usluge koje se razmjenjuju na međunarodnoj razini. Iako međunarodna trgovina pojavom interneta doživljava stalnu ekspanziju, zadnja pandemijska kriza pokazala je da se javljaju novi rizici s kojima se međunarodna trgovina mora nositi, a to su pandemije i ograničavanje kretanja ljudi.
Globalna pandemija COVID-19 utjecala je na svakodnevan život ljudi diljem svijeta, pa tako i na trgovinu, a posebno na međunarodnu trgovinu. Najveći problem pandemije je zatvaranje gospodarstava pa samim time i bilo kakve integracije ljudi. Ne mogućnost izravne komunikacije uveliko je utjecalo na međunarodne razmjene posebno u području turizma i drugih međunarodnih usluga koje primarno ovise o izravnom kontaktu.
U ovom radu prikazani su učinici pandemije COVID-19 na međunarodnou trgovinu. Prema dosadašnjim istraživanjima može se zaključiti da je pandemija imala negativan utjecaj na meĎunarodnu trgovinu, no isto tako da je pandemija pojačala inovacije trgovine posebice u području primjene suvremenih internetskih tehnologija što je rezultiralo rastom internetske trgovine. Kako se kaže, „svaka kriza može biti i šansa― tako je i ova kriza pružila šansu svima onima koji su bili spremni na inovacije i jedan novi pristup u međunarodnom trgovanju. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Modern international trade is constantly growing, especially in the period of strong digitalization, there after 2005 when the international market is increasingly moving to Internet platforms. The reason for this can be found in the needs of the market, because goods are food, clothing, medicines, fuel, etc., which is of great importance in the existence not only of industry but also of the individual. However, the advent of the Internet has made services much more accessible to the international market, and the strong technological growth of the digital industry has made some Internet services and applications everyday for an individual, which is one of the services exchanged internationally. Although international trade is experiencing constant expansion with the advent of the Internet, the recent pandemic crisis has shown that new risks are emerging that international trade must deal with, namely pandemics and restricting the movement of people.
The global COVID-19 pandemic has affected the daily lives of people around the world, including trade, and especially international trade. The biggest problem of the pandemic is the closure of economies and thus any integration of people. The inability to communicate directly has greatly affected international exchanges, especially in the field of tourism and other international services, which depend primarily on direct contact.
This paper presents the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on international trade. According to previous research, it can be concluded that the pandemic had a negative impact on international trade, but also that the pandemic has strengthened trade innovations, especially in the application of modern Internet technologies, which has resulted in the growth of e-commerce. As they say, "every crisis can be a chance", so this crisis gave a chance to all those who were ready for innovation and a new approach to international trade. |