Sažetak | Zadatak funkcije nabave logistike je napraviti plan poslovanja nabave robe ili usluge što znači da mora proučiti i povezati sve funkcije poduzeća. Da bi u tome uspjela, funkcija nabave mora imati na raspolaganju važne informacije o stanju na tržištu, o količini potražnje za robom ili uslugom, načinom isporuke iste, mora povezati funkciju planiranja, voditi kontrolu realizacije strategije i kontrolu poslovanja. Najvažniji element kod nabavne logistike je kupac, količina potražnje za robom ili uslugom. Ovo je polazište za organizaciju nabave nekog poduzeća. Prema količini potražnje od kupaca vrši se organizacija nabave, skladištenja, transporta i distribucije robe. Tijek informacija je jako važan čimbenik u poslovanju nabavne logistike. Što je brži i lakši tijek informacija to su informacije kvalitetnije za daljnje plasiranje. U današnje vrijeme napredne informatičke tehnologije menadžerima je posao znatno olakšan jer je protok informacija dosta brz, a to znači da mogu brzo poduzimati potrebne radnje za unaprjeđenje poslovanja čime stječu konkurentsku prednost na tržištu. Da bi strategija bila uspješno provedena potrebno je da organizacija ima kvalitetno vodstvo, što znači da pravi menadžer mora razlikovati dobre i loše strane poslovanja i na vrijeme poduzimati potrebne akcije za postizanje zacrtanih ciljeva, a isto tako treba razlikovati i zalaganje zaposlenika i adekvatno ih nagrađivati za postignute rezultate, tj. mora izabrati odgovarajuće motivacijske alate za dobivanje predanosti djelatnika. Pravi menadžer mora težiti ka stalnom usavršavanju i stalno napredovati u stjecanu znanja i vještina. Da bi se svi procesi odvijali kvalitetno potrebno je stalno vršiti kontrolu poslovanja i uspoređivati za zacrtanim ciljevima i ako je potrebno moraju se donositi druge odluke i čak mijenjati strategija poslovanja. Bez kvalitetne kontrole poslovanja poduzeće može vrlo brzo izgubiti nadzor nad svojim poslovanjem i zbog toga je potrebna stalna kontrola, a i samo popravci grešaka su znatno jeftiniji ako se na vrijeme uoče i na taj način se spriječe veći gubitci i nepravilnosti. Svaka ozbiljna organizacija ovoj funkciji daje veliki značaj i zapošljava djelatnike koji imaju adekvatno znanje i iskustvo u obavljanju svojih zadataka. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The task of the procurement function of logistics is to make a business plan for the procurement of goods or services which means that it needs to consider and integrate all functions of the company. In order to succeed, procurement functions must have access to important information about the market situation, the amount of demand for a good or service, the manner of delivery of the same, must link the function of planning, take control of strategy implementation and control of the business. The most important element in the cost of logistics is the buyer, the amount of demand for a good or service. This is the starting point for the organization of procurement of an enterprise. According to the amount of demand from customers is made of organizations purchasing, storage, transportation and distribution of goods. Flow of information is a very important factor in the cost of logistics operations. What is faster and easier flow of information to the information quality for further placement. The modern world, characterized by advanced informational technology, puts managers in a somewhat better position since the information flow is much faster than it used to be, allowing them to make swift decisions in order to enhance business activities and to gain market advantage in comparison to their competitors. In order for a strategy to be successfully implemented, it is necessary to feature a good quality management, meaning that the first manager in rank has to be able to discern between the good and the bad sides of business activities and to take well-timed steps in order to achieve the pre-set goals. At the same time, he is to discern between the various employees' activities and offer prompt awards for excellent results. In other words, the manager has to make an intelligent and right choice of motivational tools which he has at his disposal. A true manager has to be ready for continuous education and self-improvement, as well as continuous acquisition of new skills and knowledge. In order to make all the processes run successfully it is necessary to apply continuous control of all the business activities, as well as continually compare all the pre-set goals and make necessary modifications in the activities, or even modify the business strategy as a whole. Lack of a good control of business activities could result in complete loss of supervision over the enterprise as a whole, which is why continuous control is a pre-requisite of a successful and prosperous enterprise. Needless to say that minor alterations and troubleshooting are much more cost-effective if done on time in comparison with disastrous losses and irregularities. Any serious enterprise pays a lot of attention to this particular
function of management and seeks to employ staff featuring adequate knowledge and experience in their respective field of activities. |