Sažetak | Trudnoća je predivno iskustvo žene koje sa sobom nosi razne izazove. Da bi trudnoća bila uredna i uspješna, potrebno je pratiti njezin tijek. Tijek trudnoće prati se kroz perinatalnu zaštitu trudnica koja se dijeli na antenatalnu, partalnu i postpartalnu skrb. Antenatalna skrb obuhvaća praćenje majke i fetusa kroz fizikalne i ginekološke preglede, ultrazvučne preglede, kardiotokografije, laboratorijske nalaze i drugo. Trudnice zajedno s partnerima pohađaju trudničke tečajeve zbog edukacije i mogućnosti dolaska pratnje na porodu. Rođenjem novorođenčeta nakon otpusta iz rodilišta, u kućnu posjetu dolazi patronažna sestra koja educira majku i obavlja pregled novorođenčeta i same majke. Koncem 2019.-te godine u Kini se pojavila bolest uzrokovana SARS-CoV-2 virusom. Virus se prenosi kapljičnim putem i aerosolom, a zbog ubrzanog načina života i čestih migracija brzo se proširio svijetom i uzrokovao pandemiju. Za prevenciju od zaraze uvode se mjere poput fizičkog distanciranja, higijenskog pranja ruku, dezinfekcije ruku i površina te samoizolacije. Zbog prisutnih mjera dolazi do promijenjenog tijeka praćenja trudnica i babinjača. Broj pregleda kod liječnika je reduciran, neke države uvode zabrane pratnje na porodu, ovisno o epidemiološkoj slici države. U periodu karantene i samoizolacije, patronažne sestre nisu bile u mogućnosti ići na teren i organizirati posjete svakoj babinjači. Sve navedeno je dovelo do promjena kod žena i zdravstvenih djelatnika. Tijekom izrade rada provedeno je istraživanje s ciljem dobivanja uvida utjecaja pandemije na trudnice i babinjače. Rezultati su pokazali da je mali broj žena (29,25%) bilo zaraženo SARS-CoV-2 virusom i najčešće su bile zaražene tijekom trudnoće. Bez obzira na mjere koja pandemija sa sobom nosi, 95,26% žena je odlazilo na redovne preglede kod liječnika tijekom trudnoće, a samo 19,76 % žena je moralo raditi PCR test prije pregleda (UZV, CTG, ginekološki pregled ili prije poroda). Rezultati su pokazali da 61,26% sudionika nije pohađalo trudnički tečaj, što možemo povezati s rezultatima da 80,63% sudionica nije imalo pratnju na porodu. Maske za lice (kirurške, platnene) su uvelike ženama otežavale disanje i ograničavale komunikaciju s drugim ljudima (76,28%), a u 69,17% žena negativne osjećaje su prouzrokovale svakodnevne informacije o bolesti COVID-19. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Pregnancy is a wonderful experience for a woman, an experience that brings various challenges. In order for a pregnancy to be healthy and successful, it is necessary to monitor its course. The course of pregnancy is monitored through the perinatal protection of pregnant women, which is divided into antenatal, perinatal and postpartum care. Antenatal care includes monitoring the mother and the foetus through physical and gynaecological examinations, ultrasound examinations, cardiotocography, laboratory reports and more. Pregnant women, together with their partners, attend pregnancy courses for educational purposes and the possibility of accompanying mothers on delivery. With the birth of a new-born and after being discharged from the hospital, a health visitor comes to the mother’s home to educate her and perform an examination of the new-born and the mother herself. At the end of 2019, a disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus appeared in China. The virus is transmitted by droplets and aerosols, and due to busy lifestyle and frequent migrations, it quickly spread around the world and caused a pandemic. Measures such as physical distancing, hygienic hand washing, hand and surface disinfection and self-isolation are introduced to prevent infection. Due to the present measures, the course of monitoring pregnant women and midwives has changed. The number of medical examinations has been reduced, with some countries introducing bans on accompanying childbirth, depending on the epidemiological status of the country. During the period of quarantine and self-isolation, health visitors were not able to go out on the field and organize visits to every midwife. All of the above has led to changes in women and health professionals. While writing the paper, a research was conducted with the aim of gaining insight into the impact of the pandemic on pregnant women and midwives. The results showed that a small number of women (29, 25%) were infected with SARS-CoV-2 virus, most commonly during pregnancy. Regardless of the measures that the pandemic brings, 95.26% of women went for regular check-ups during pregnancy, and only 19.76% of women had to do a PCR test before an examination (ultrasound, CTG, gynaecological examination or before delivery). Results showed that 61.26% of the participants did not attend a pregnancy course, which can be linked to results that 80.63% of the participants did not have someone to accompany them on delivery. Face masks (surgical, cotton) made it very difficult for women to breathe and limited communication with other people (76.28%), and for 69.17% of the women everyday information about the COVID-19 disease caused negative feelings. |