Sažetak | Rad obuhvaća kompletnu obradu pojma računalnih igara, kao sredstva zabave, novog način učenja ali i kao alata sposobnog da zabavu pretvori u ozbiljnu ovisnost koja može znatno utjecati na razvoj i kvalitetu života djeteta.
Ovaj rad bavi se usporedbom stajališta roditelja i djece osnovnoškolske i srednjoškolske dobi prema računalnim igrama i njihovim utjecajima na učenike. U radu je obrađena povijest računalnih igara od prvih igara koje su se igrale prije 60-ak godina i sastojale se od svega nekoliko elemenata koji su se pomicali pomoću nekoliko tipki na tipkovnici pa sve do današnjih igara u kojima igrač na prvu ima beskrajne mogućnosti. Zatim su obrađene vrste računalnih igara koje danas postoje.
Za potrebe ovog rada provedeno je istraživanje u 1 osnovnoj i 2 srednje škole, nad sveukupno 106 djece i 90 njihovih roditelja. U istraživanju su postavljene 3 hipoteze prije početka istraživanja od kojih su 2 potvrđene i 1 odbijena. Potvrđeno je da djeca srednjoškolske dobi konzumiraju više računalnih igara od djece osnovnoškolske dobi, djelomično je potvrđeno da su djeca svjesna negativnih utjecaja računalnih igara na njihovo ponašanje i uspjeh u školi te je odbijena hipoteza da roditelji svojoj djeci zabranjuju igranje računalnih igara. Zaključeno je da računalne igre imaju utjecaja na djecu osnovnoškolske ali i srednjoškolske dobi, taj utjecaj je u nekim slučajevima izrazito pozitivan jer djeca kroz igranje uče nove jezike, poboljšavaju vizualnu percepciju i lakše kontroliraju svoje emocije. Dok je u nekim slučajevima utjecaj loš jer djeca koriste igre kao bijeg od stvarnosti, udaljavanje od obitelji i prijatelja te uzrok negativnih emocija. Primijećeno je kako većina roditelja dozvoljava svojoj djeci igranje računalnih igara, ponekad uz vremenska ograničenja. No postoje i roditelji koji zanemaruju činjenicu da njihovo dijete graniči sa ovisnošću o računalnim igrama kako bi oni sami imali više vremena za sebe ili „mir u kući“. |
Sažetak (engleski) | This thesis includes the complete exploration of computer games as a source of fun, new way of learning, as well as a tool capable of turning fun into serious addiction that can heavily influence the quality of life and development of a child.
This thesis addresses the comparison of the viewpoints from the parents, primary school children and high school children towards computer games and its influence on pupils. The thesis explains the history of computer games from the first games, that were played 60 years ago consisting only of a few elements that were moved by using a few keys on the keyboard, up to contemporary computer games in which the player has endless possibilities right away. Furthermore, the thesis addresses types of computer games that exist and are played today.
For the purposes of this thesis, a research has been conducted in one primary and two high schools. Altogether, 106 pupils and 90 parents participated in this research. There were three hypotheses set before the conduction of the research, two of which have been confirmed and one rejected. It has been confirmed that high school children spend more time playing video games than primary school children do. It has been party confirmed that children are aware of the negative influences the computer games have on their behaviour and school performance. The hypothesis that states that parents forbid their children playing computer games has been rejected. It has been concluded that computer games influence both, primary as well as high school children. Also, the influence, in some cases, can be extremely positive due to the fact that children learn new languages, develop visual perception and manage their emotions easier through computer games. However, some cases show bad influence due to the fact that some children use computer games as an escape from reality, they distance themselves from their families and friends. In addition to that, computer games can cause the occurrence of negative emotions. It has been noticed that most of the parents allow their children to play computer games, sometimes with time limits. However, there are also the parents that neglect the fact that their child is on the verge of computer game addiction in favour of having more time for themselves or maintaining ‘’peace in the house’’. |