Sažetak | Infekcija virusom hepatitisa B veliki je javnozdravstveni problem, a ujedno i jedan od najvećih uzroka smrtnosti od zaraznih bolesti u svijetu. Nadalje, rak jetre jedan je od najčešćih zloćudnih tumora, a virus hepatitisa B odgovoran je za otprilike 75% ukupnih hepatocelularnih karcinoma. ]. Trećina svjetskog stanovništva ima serodijagnostičke dokaze prošle ili trenutne infekcije virusom hepatitisa B, a gotovo četiri stotine milijuna ljudi trajno nosi virus hepatitisa B – od kojih će 15% umrijeti nakon desetak godina zbog ciroze ili raka jetre. Cijepljenje utječe na smanjenje prevalencije kronične infekcije virusa hepatitisa B, a time i smrtnost zbog ciroze i raka jetre. Shodno tome, cilj istraživanja je utvrditi znanje i stavove opće populacije o cijepljenju protiv hepatitisa B kao ključnoj javnozdravstvenoj intervenciji. Provedena je presječna studija korištenjem Google Forms sustava, uz korištenje anketnog upitnika koji se sastojao od 18 pitanja. Prvih pet pitanja odnosilo se na ispitanikovu dob, spol, stupanj obrazovanja, bračni status te broj djece. Sljedeća četiri pitanja odnosila su se na stav o cijepljenju protiv virusa hepatitisa B, o procijepljenosti te postoji li skeptičnost prema cjepivu. Naredna četiri pitanja ciljala su otkriti znanje ispitanika o virusu, načinu prijenosa zaraze, vrstama oboljenja te smatraju li ispitanici zarazu ozbiljnom posljedicom na zdravlje. Posljednja četiri pitanja odnosila su se na opću informiranost ispitanika o zarazi virusom, mišljenju i stavovima o cijepljenju te postojanju edukacije, mjerama zaštite i izbjegavanju rizičnih čimbenika. Obrazac je ispunilo 208 ispitanika, a pozitivan stav prema cijepljenju imalo je 48,1% ispitanika. Čak 73,1% ispitanika smatra da infekcija hepatitisom B može dovesti do ozbiljnih zdravstvenih posljedica, a 76% njih smatra da je procijepljenost smanjila zaraženost populacije od virusa hepatitisa B. Nadalje, 76,4% ispitanika naglašava kako je osim preventivnog cijepljenja bitno uključiti i edukaciju o mjerama zaštite i izbjegavanju rizičnih čimbenika. Uloga medicinske sestre/tehničara jest zaštita zdravlja bolesnika i posredno bolesnikove obitelji, a njihove kompetencije usmjerene su na stjecanje znanja i vještina u zbrinjavanju bolesnika oboljelih od hepatitisa B, ali i drugih infektivne bolesti. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Infection with the hepatitis B virus represents a major public health problem and one of the leading causes of death from infectious diseases worldwide. Furthermore, liver cancer is one of the most common malignant tumours, with the hepatitis B virus being responsible for approximately 75% of all hepatocellular carcinomas. One-third of the world’s population harbours serodiagnostic evidence of past or current hepatitis B virus infection, and nearly four hundred million people carry the virus permanently – of whom 15% will die after ten years due to cirrhosis or liver cancer. Vaccination reduces the prevalence of chronic hepatitis B virus infection and, consequently, mortality from cirrhosis and liver cancer. Therefore, the aim of the research conducted for the purposes of this thesis is to determine the knowledge and attitudes of the general population about vaccination against hepatitis B as a key public health intervention. A cross-sectional study was conducted using Google Forms, with an 18-item questionnaire. The first five questions related to the respondent’s age, gender, education level, marital status, and number of children. The next four questions related to the attitudes towards vaccination against the hepatitis B virus, vaccination coverage, and scepticism towards the vaccine. The next four questions aimed to determine respondents’ knowledge about the virus, the mode of transmission of infection, types of disease, and whether respondents consider infection a serious health consequence. The last four questions related to respondents’ general awareness of virus infection, opinions and attitudes towards vaccination, as well as the existence of education, protective measures, and avoidance of risk factors. The form was completed by 208 respondents, and 48.1% of respondents had a positive attitude towards vaccination. A total of 73.1% of respondents believe that hepatitis B infection can lead to serious health consequences, and 76% of them believe that vaccination coverage has reduced the population’s infection with the hepatitis B virus. Furthermore, 76.4% of respondents emphasize the importance of including education on protective measures and avoiding risk factors in addition to preventive vaccination. The pivotal role of nurses/technicians is to protect the health of patients and (indirectly) their families, while their competencies are steered towards acquiring knowledge and skills in the care of patients with hepatitis B, but also other infectious diseases. |