Sažetak | Dojenje je hranjenje novorođenčeta majčinim mlijekom. Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija (SZO) preporučuje isključivo dojenje minimalno 6 mjeseci. Globalna stopa isključivog dojenja je nažalost niska, a iznosi 33%. Ipak, majčino mlijeko je idealna hrana za dojenčad, a biokemijski sastav je u potpunosti prilagođen djetetu. Mnogi su dokazani pozitivni učinci dojenja na dijete i na majku, a pokrivaju biološke, emocionalne i socijalne aspekte. Da bi se postiglo optimalno dojenje od iznimne je važnosti da majka i dijete savladaju pravilan položaj na dojci. Iako su refleksi sisanja i gutanja prirođeni, dojenje je nova vještina i za majku i za novorođenče koja se mora naučiti. Uz dobru edukaciju, savjete i potporu, taj proces je uvelike lakši. Tu dolazi uloga profesionalaca, odnosno medicinskih sestara/tehničara koji su prvi koji ostvaruju kontakt s budućim majkama. U ustanovama u Republici Hrvatskoj, koja sva imaju naziv Rodilišta – prijatelj djece, se tako potiče pridržavanje deset koraka za uspješno dojenje kako bi se majkama osigurala pomoć i podrška na početku dojenja kao i uspješan nastavak dojenja nakon izlaska iz rodilišta. Usprkos svim nastojanjima da podoj bude uredan, nerijetko se ipak javljaju mnogi problemi i poteškoće. Ti problemi između ostalog uključuju bolne bradavice, ispucale bradavice (ragade), uvučene i plosnate bradavice, tvrde prenapunjene dojke, zastojnu dojku, nedostatak mlijeka, začepljene mliječne kanaliće, gljivičnu infekciju dojke i mastitis. Istraživanje provedeno na temu ovog rada za cilj je imalo je ispitati iskustvo dojenja kod majki, učestalost pojave problema i poteškoća dojenja i u konačnici njihov utjecaj na ishode dojenja. Ključni rezultati nam pokazuju da 61 žena (41,5%) namjerava dojiti više od 6 mjeseci, a poteškoće kod dojenja, bile one velike ili male, se javljaju kod 131 žene (89,1%). Od tih poteškoća žene najčešće navode probleme s bolnim bradavicama, kod njih 116 (78,9%) i probleme s tvrdim prepunjenim dojkama, kod 116 žena (78,9%). Posljedice su toga najčešće umor i iscrpljenost koje navodi 57 žena, negativan utjecaj na mentalno stanje kojeg navodi 47 žena i sporiji napredak na težini i konstantna glad i plač djeteta kojeg navodi 41 žena. Prestanak dojenja kao posljedicu problema i poteškoća navode 32 žene (21,8%), te je to najčešće u dobi djeteta ispod 6 mjeseci starosti. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Breastfeeding is feeding a newborn with milk from the mother's breasts. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends exclusive breastfeeding for a minimum of 6 months. The global rate of exclusive breastfeeding is unfortunately low, at 33%. Nevertheless, mother's milk is the ideal food for infants, and its biochemical composition is completely adapted to the child. There are many proven positive effects of breastfeeding on the child and the mother, covering biological, emotional and social aspects. In order to achieve optimal breastfeeding, it is extremely important that the mother and the child master the correct position on the breast. Although sucking and swallowing reflexes are innate, breastfeeding is a new skill for both the mother and the newborn and it must be learned. With good education, advice and support, that process is much easier. This is where the role of professionals comes in, i.e. nurses/technicians who are the first to make contact with expectant mothers. In the institutions in the Republic of Croatia, which all function under the Baby-friendly hospital inictiative, adherence to the ten steps for successful breastfeeding is thus encouraged in order to provide mothers with help and support at the beginning of breastfeeding as well as successful continuation of breastfeeding after leaving the maternity ward. Despite all efforts to make the breastfeeding a smooth process, many problems and difficulties often arise. These problems include, among others, sore nipples, cracked nipples, indented and flat nipples, hard engorged breasts, lack of milk, blocked milk ducts, yeast infection of the breast and mastitis. The research conducted on the topic of this paper aimed to examine the breastfeeding experience of mothers, the frequency of occurrence of breastfeeding problems and difficulties, and ultimately their impact on breastfeeding outcomes. The key results show us that 61 women (41.5%) intend to breastfeed for more than 6 months, and 131 women (89.1%) have difficulties with breastfeeding, whether big or small. Of these difficulties, women most often mention problems with painful nipples, in the case of 116 women (78.9%) and problems with hard, full breasts, in the case of 116 women (78.9%). The most common consequences of this are fatigue and exhaustion, cited by 57 women, a negative impact on the mental state, cited by 47 women, and slower weight gain and constant hunger and crying of the child, cited by 41 women. Cessation of breastfeeding as a result of problems and difficulties is cited by 32 women (21.8%), and this happens most commonly when the child is under 6 months old. |