Sažetak | Dojenje je najprirodniji način prehrane dojenčeta. Omogućuje bolji rast i razvoj djeteta, ima zaštitnu ulogu i stvara bliskost između majke i djeteta. Odvija se u tri faze: mamogeneza, laktogeneza i galaktopoeza. Ima pozitivne učinke i na majku. Kontakt „koža na kožu“ odvija se na način da se dijete stavi potrbuške na gola prsa majke. Odvija se neposredno nakon poroda u minimalnom trajanju od jednog sata. Ostvaruje dobrobiti za dijete i majku te olakšava uspostavu i dulje trajanje dojenja. Provođenje kontakta „koža na kožu“ utječe na razvoj boljeg imuniteta, rast i razvoj novorođenčeta. U slučaju da majka zbog svog zdravstvenog stanja ne može ostvariti kontakt s djetetom zbog, na primjer, carskog reza tada se kontakt „koža na kožu“ može uspostaviti s ocem djeteta.
Tijekom izrade završnog rada provedeno je online istraživanje s ciljem provjere znanja i stavova roditelja o utjecaju kontakta „koža na kožu“ na uspostavu dojenja. Provedeno je putem Google Docs obrasca postavljenim na društvene mreže Facebook, Instagram i WhatsApp te je bio dijeljen preko e-mail adrese. Anketa se provodila od 11. do 21. listopada 2023. godine. U anketi je bilo ukupno dvadeset i jedno pitanje. Prva četiri pitanja odnosila su se na socio-demografske podatke, dok je ostalih 17 pitanja bilo o dojenju i kontaktu „koža na kožu“.
U istraživanju su sudjelovale devedeset i dvije sudionice. Rezultati su pokazali da je 85,9% sudionica ostvarilo prvi kontakt „koža na kožu“. Od njih, 36,7% je kontakt ostvarilo na više od 20 minuta, također njih 36,7% je kontakt ostvarilo na 10 minuta, 6,3% sudionica je kontakt ostvarilo na sat vremena, a kod 20,3% sudionica kontakt „koža na kožu“ trajao je više od sat vremena. 92,4% sudionica je dojilo. Od njih je 51,8% uspostavilo dojenje po dolasku na odjel, 35,3% u odmah nakon poroda u rađaoni, a 12,9% tek nakon nekoliko dana. 62,0% sudionica smatra da je kontakt „koža na kožu“ moguće ostvariti s ocem djeteta ukoliko to ne može majka; 22,8% sudionica ne zna, a njih 15,2% ne smatra da je moguće ostvariti taj kontakt s ocem. 39,1% sudionica ne smatra da je prekid ranog kontakta „koža na kožu“ izravno povezan s neuspješnim dojenjem, 34,8% smatraju da je povezano, dok njih 26,1% ne zna je li povezano. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na potrebu za daljnjim istraživanjem ovog područja i edukacijom roditelja o dojenju i čimbenicima koji utječu na njih te o dobrobitima i načinima provođenja kontakta „koža na kožu“. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Breastfeeding is the most natural way to nourish an infant. It promotes better growth and development while fostering a protective role and creating closeness between mother and child. It occurs in three phases: mamogenesis, lactogenesis, and galactopoiesis. Breastfeeding has positive effects on the mother as well. "Skin-to-skin" contact happens by placing the newborn belly down on the mother's bare chest right after the birth and lasts for at least an hour. It provides benefits for both the child and the mother and facilitates the establishment and prolonged duration of breastfeeding. „Skin-to-skin“ contact also has an impact on the development of better immunity, growth and infant development. If the mother cannot have contact with the child due to her health condition, for example due to a cesarean section, "skin-to-skin" contact can be established with the child's father.
During the making of this final paper a research was conducted to determine parents' knowledge and attitudes regarding the impact of "skin-to-skin" contact on breastfeeding establishment. It was conducted through an anonymous survey using Google Docs forms posted on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and was shared via email. The survey took place from October 11, 2023, to October 21, 2023. The survey consisted of 21 questions. The first four questions focused on socio-demographic data, while the remaining questions addressed breastfeeding and "skin-to-skin" contact.
Ninety-two participants took part in the research. The results showed that 85,9% participants have made „skin-to-skin“ contact. 36,7% of them have made contact for more than 20 minutes, also 36,7% have made contact for 10 minutes, 6,3% participants have made contact for an hour and finally 20,3% have made „skin-to-skin“ contact for more than an hour. 92,4% participants have breastfed. From them 51,8% established brestfeeding upon arrival at the ward, 35,3% right after the birth in the delivery room, and 12,9% of them only after a few days. 62,0% of participants thinks that „skin-to-skin“ contact can be established with the father if the mother is not able to do it, 22,18% don`t know, and 15,2% of them does not think that this contact can be established with the father. 39,1% of participants don`t think that the cease of early „skin-to-skin“ contact is directly connected to unsuccessful breastfeeding, 34,8% think that it is connected, while 26,1% of them don`t know if it is connected. Research results indicate the need for further research of this area and the importance of educating parents about breastfeeding, factors influencing it, and the benefits and methods of implementing "skin-to-skin" contact. |