Sažetak | Gastritis predstavlja upalno oštećenje sluznice želuca, koje može varirati od blage hiperemije i edema sluznice do erozije sluznice i pojave ulkusa. Prema najčešćoj korištenoj Syndeyskoj klasifikaciji, gastritis se dijeli s obzirom na tip, lokalizaciju i etiologiju. S obzirom na tip, dijeli se na akutni, kronični ili specifični gastritis. Što se tiče lokalizacije, upalni proces s oštećenjem sluznice može zahvatiti korpus, antrum ili cijelu sluznicu želuca. Prema etiologiji, gastritis dijelimo na bakterijski uzrokovani gastritis (Helicobacter pylori i dr. mikroorganizmi), nebakterijski uzrokovan gastritis (alkohol, NSAID, stres), te na gastritis nepoznate etiologije. Dijagnoza gastritisa postavlja se na temelju anamneze, fizikalnog pregleda te ezofagogastrodudeonskopije, uz uzimanje i analizu bioptičkog tkiva. Kod liječenja gastritisa najčešće se koriste tri velike grupe lijekova – lijekovi koji smanjuju kiselost želučanog sadržaja, lijekovi koji štite želučanu sluznicu te lijekovi za eradikaciju infekcije H. pylori. Farmakološka terapija mora biti nadopunjena posebnim dijetalnim režimom, kako bi se postigao maksimalni učinak liječenja. Preporuča se izbjegavati hranu koja dovodi do pojave ili pogoršanja simptoma, a u prehranu treba uvrstiti namirnice koje poboljšavaju stanje. Tako bi trebalo izbjegavati jako začinjenu hranu, velike temperaturne razlike u hrani, rafinirane proizvode pune šećera i masti, a uvrstiti namirnice bogate prehrambenim vlaknima, fermentiranim mliječnim proizvodima, esencijalnim masnim kiselinama, vitaminima i mineralima. Uz prehranu i svakodnevnu tjelesnu aktivnost, važno je ograničiti unos kave, alkohola, gaziranih pića i prestati pušiti. U radu su prikazani rezultati provedenog istraživanja, s ciljem utvrđivanja povezanosti prehrane i životnih navika s pojavom i liječenjem gastritisa, s posebnim naglaskom na ulogu medicinske sestre/tehničara u edukaciji oboljelih. Anketni upitnik proveden je anonimno preko sustava Google docs., u razdoblju od 14. svibnja. do 14. lipnja 2024.g. Kako bi se zabilježili podaci od ciljane skupine, anketni upitnik je postavljen u dvije različite Facebook grupe, u koju su učlanjeni oboljeli od gastritisa s prostora Hrvatske i šire. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Gastritis is an inflammatory condition of the stomach lining that can range from mild hyperemia and mucosal edema to mucosal erosion and ulcer formation. According to the commonly used Sydney Classification, gastritis is categorized based on type, localization, and etiology. In terms of type, it is classified as acute, chronic, or specific gastritis. Regarding localization, the inflammatory process with mucosal damage can affect the corpus, antrum, or the entire stomach lining. Based on etiology, gastritis is divided into bacterial-induced gastritis (Helicobacter pylori and other microorganisms), non-bacterial-induced gastritis (alcohol, NSAIDs, stress), and gastritis of unknown etiology. The diagnosis of gastritis is made based on medical history, physical examination, and esophagogastroduodenoscopy, accompanied by biopsy and tissue analysis. The treatment of gastritis typically involves three major groups of medications: drugs that reduce gastric acidity, drugs that protect the gastric mucosa, and drugs for the eradication of H. pylori infection. Pharmacological therapy must be complemented by a specific dietary regimen to achieve the maximum treatment effect. It is recommended to avoid foods that trigger or worsen symptoms, and to include foods that improve the condition. Spicy foods, large temperature variations in food, refined products full of sugar and fats should be avoided, while foods rich in dietary fiber, fermented dairy products, essential fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals should be included. Alongside diet and daily physical activity, it is important to limit the intake of coffee, alcohol, carbonated beverages, and to stop smoking. This paper presents the results of a conducted study aimed at determining the correlation between diet and lifestyle habits with the occurrence and treatment of gastritis, with a particular emphasis on the role of nurses/medical technicians in educating patients. The survey questionnaire was conducted anonymously via the Google Docs tool from May 14th to June 14th, 2024. To gather data from the target group, the survey questionnaire was posted in two different Facebook groups comprising gastritis patients from Croatia and beyond. |