Sažetak | Porod predstavlja završetak trudnoće, različito se odvija kod svake žene, stoga se u
partalnoj skrbi individualno pristupa svakoj rodiji. Svaki porod ide svojim tijekom, pri čemu
su uz rodilju liječnici, neonatolozi, medicinske sestre i primalje koji svojim stručnom
znanjem, vještinama i iskustvom pomažu budućoj majci prilikom i nakon poroda. Svi imaju
svoju ulogu u ostvarivanju što boljih uvjeta te pomoći u važnom činu za svaku rodilju.
Pozitivna komunikacija, ozračje, partnerstvo i suradnja dovode do boljih rezultata.
Medicinska sestra svojim pristupom, empatijom, profesijom, odgovornošću i stručnim
znanjem olakšava rodilji bolove, ali i pruža utjehu u iščekivanju poroda. Potpora koju
medicinska sestra daje u tim trenucima je od iznimne važnosti za stvaranje odnosa povjerenja
i suradnje same rodilje. Edukacijom, poticanjem i provedbom kontakta "koža na kožu" majke
i djeteta, medicinska sestra pomaže u ostvarivanju prvog kontakta majke i djeteta nakon
poroda, koji ima utjecaja na laktaciju te daljnji rast i razvoj djeteta. Tijekom izrade rada
provedeno je istraživanje koje je obuhvatilo uzorak od 1409 žena. Cilj istraživanja bio je
dobiti informacije o tijeku i načinu završetka poroda, informiranosti trudnica i rodilja,
zastupljenosti pratnje i podrške u porodu, učestalosti korištenja lijekova u porodu, doživljaja o
porodu i kontaktu „koža na kožu“ te kvalitete provedbe samog kontakta. Rezultati su pokazali
da je najčešći tijek poroda bio vaginalni, da sama informiranost pozitivno raste kao i pratnja i
podrška u porodu. Također se pokazalo da se u sve većem broju za ublažavanjem boli
prakticira tehnika opuštanja i disanja, te je dobiven uvid u ulogu i važnost podrške u porodu.
Više od polovice ispitanih majki (68%) smatra da je prvi kontakt „koža na kožu“ s djetetom
važan i da potiče daljnju laktaciju. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The birth is the end of pregnancy, it is different in every woman, so she is individually
approachable to each parent in parental care. Every childbirth goes in it's own course, where
doctors, neonatologists, nurses and midwives who, with their expertise, skills and experience,
assist the future mother during and after childbirth. Everyone has a role in achieving the best
conditions and helping in an important act for every parent. Positive communication,
atmosphere, partnership and co-operation bring better results. With her approach, empathy,
profession, responsibility, and professional knowledge, her nurse facilitates childbearing pain,
but also provides consolation in her expectation of childbirth. The support that a nurse gives
at these moments is of utmost importance for creating a relationship of trust and co-operation
with the woman in labor. By educating, encouraging and implementing the contact of "mother
skin and skin" to the skin, the nurse helps to achieve the first contact between mother and
child after childbirth, which has an impact on lactation and further growth and development of
the child. During the work, a study was carried out that included a sample of 1409 women.
The aim of the research was to get information on the course and method of termination of
childbirth, pregnancy and maternity information, attendance and delivery support, frequency
of use of medication in delivery, birth and skin contact and quality of the contact itself. The
results showed that the most common course of labor was vaginal, that information itself
increased positively, as well as escort and support at birth. It has also been shown that the pain
relieving pain is increasingly practiced by realxing and breathing techniques, and has gained
insights into the role and importance of birth support. More than half of the examined mothers
(68%) believe that the first contact of skin with the child is important and stimulates further
lactation. |