Sažetak | Trudnoća je specifičan period u životu svake žene. To je period u kojem dolazi do značajnih
psihickih i fizičkih promjena U većoj ili manjoj mjeri, svaka trudnica doživljava promjene
raspoloženja, anksioznost te zabrinutost. Uzimajući u obzir sve promjene koje se događaju,
sasvim je normalno da buduće majke osjećaju strah od poroda. lako je stanje trudnoće normalno
i poželjno za svaku ženu, nije neobično da trudnice često osjećaju anksioznost. Medutim, postoje
situacije kad anksioznost preraste u ekstremni strah od porođaja, što se naziva tokofobija.
Tokofobija je psihološki poremećaj, może pogoditi sve žene od djetinjstva do starosti. Neki od
razloga za nastanak tokofobije mogu biti strah od boli na porodaju, strah od roditeljstva, strah
zbog prijašnjeg traumatičnog iskustva, nedostatak podrske, ekonomska nesigurnost. Bitno je
spomenuti pripremu trudnice za porod. Cilj pripreme je smanjiti i ukloniti strah, olakšati kontrolu
boli i olaksati porođaj, smanjiti tjeskobu, smanjiti strah od porodaja, ispravljanje zabluda o
porodjaju, učenje vježbi disanja i relaksacije Poželjno je da na tečaj s trudnicom dolazi i njezin
Kao najčešći ruzlog za strah od porođaja spominje se strah od boli. Strah od boli za neke žene
je izjednačen s strahom ed poroda. Način na koji se žene suočavaju s porodom uvelike ovisi o
kulturalnim i okolinskim faktorima, Odgoj takoder ima veliki utjecaj na emocije koje rodilja ima
tijekom porođaja. Strah i anksioznost povezuju se s vecom procjenom boli na porodu Za
smanjenje porodne boli koriste se intervencije poput objašnjenja postupaka koje se provode,
objašnjenja tijeka porodaja, razgovora i distrakcije,
Cilj ovog rada je ispitati učestalnost straha od porođaja i porodajne boli, analizirati razlike u
strahu od poroda izmedu trudnica i zena koje su vec rodile, te zadovoljstvo njihovim životom. Za
potrebe izrade ovog rada bio je izraden anketni upitnik kojeg je ispunilo 468 sudionica,
Prikupljeni podatci su analizirani prikuzani tablicno. Iz rezultatu je vidljivo da se večina
trudnica boji boli na porodu, a žene koje su već rodie opisuju porodnu bol kao napadu bol koju
su osjetile |
Sažetak (engleski) | Pregnancy is a specific period in a woman's life. It is a period of physical and psychological
changes. Every pregnant woman experiences mood swings, anxiety, or concem about childbirth
to a smaller or greater extent. Considering all the changes involved, it is perfectly normal for
future mothers to experience a fear of giving birth. Even though a pregnancy is natural and
desirable for women, it is not unusual for a mother-to-be to feel anxious. However, in some cases
the anxiety becomes a significant fear of childbirth, called "tokophobia". Tokophobia is a
psychological disorder affecting women from childhood to old age. Some of the reasons for
tokophobia arc the fear of labour pain, the fear of parenthood; other causes can be former post-traumatic stress, the lack of support, and economic insecurity. The preparation for childbirth is to
be addressed. The goal is to help pregnant women through pregnancy and childbirth by means of
reducing and relieving fears of giving birth caused by possible misconceptions, controlling pain
and making childbirth easier, as well as training breathing exercises and relaxation. Pregnancy
courses should be attended by women with their partners.
One of the most common causes of tokophobia is the fear of injury. This fear is for some women
equal to the fear of childbirth. The perception women have of giving birth depends on cultural
and environmental factors. Their upbringing also has an important influence on the emotions of
the mothers during childbirth. Fear and anxiety are associated with a higher pain assessment at
birth. Methods used to relieve the pain are explanation of the procedures performed the process
of childbirth, conversation and distraction.
This paper aims to research the frequency of fear associated with childbirth und labour pain. It
also aims to analyse the differences between the fears of giving birth in recently pregnant women
and women who have given birth before their life satisfaction. For the purposes of this research,
a survey has been conducted among 468 women. The results have been analysed, and are shown
in a tabular format. It can be observed that most of the pregnant women questioned are afraid of
labour pain, and women who have already given birth describe the pain as the most severe they
have experienced |