Sažetak | Za svakog pojedinca bolest ima različito značenje i uključuje različite mehanizme suočavanja s novonastalom situacijom. Postupci u liječenju bolesti pacijentima donose niz stresnih situacija, strahova, uspona i padova, što ostavlja trajne posljedice, ali bez obzira na to koliko je teško, odustajanje ne može i ne smije bit opcija.
Jedan od vodećih uzroka smrtnosti u razvijenim zemljama su maligne bolesti, iako stalan napredak u liječenju kontinuirano umanjuje smrtnost. Sama riječ “rak“ nosi niz negativnih misli kod većine ljudi, a prvenstveno je to strah od smrti, boli i umiranja. Kao što rak nije isključivo bolest pojedinca, nego cijele obitelji, tako rak ne zahvaća samo tjelesni aspekt čovjeka, nego njegovo cjelokupno “ja“ koje uključuje psihičko, socijalno i duhovno funkcioniranje. U svakom čovjeku budi se niz različitih psihičkih reakcija jer ljudi različito reagiraju kada saznaju da boluju od maligne bolesti i da ih očekuje zahtjevno liječenje praćeno neizvjesnošću i brojnim medicinskim procedurama. Dijagnoza maligne bolesti donosi velike promjene u životnoj strukturi. Pravilna procjena problema i potreba s kojima se susreće osoba oboljela od maligne bolesti presudna je za pružanje prikladne pomoći i skrbi. Utječe na sve aspekte života oboljele osobe te ujedno predstavlja bolest cijele obitelji i okoline koja ju okružuje. Jedno od ključnih dimenzija kvalitete života pacijenata s malignim bolestima je psihološko stanje. Obzirom da je kvaliteta života oboljele osobe znatno smanjena, a najčešće na tjelesnoj, psihosocijalnoj, duhovnoj i profesionalnoj dimenziji potrebno je pristupiti osobi sa psihosocijalnog gledišta.
Kvaliteta života koja se temelji na zdravlju u onkologiji sadrži subjektivni doživljaj pozitivnih i negativnih aspekata oboljenja na tjelesne, emocionalne, socijalne i kognitivne funkcije, te učestalost simptoma i nuspojava tretmana. Važno je na vrijeme potražiti pomoć jer to ohrabrujuće djeluje na svakoga od nas.
Cilj ovog završnog rada je opisati zdravstvenu kvalitetu života oboljelih od malignih bolesti, osoba koje su preboljele malignu bolest, utjecaj koji maligna bolest člana obitelji ima na obitelj te važnost i ulogu medicinske sestre u liječenju i edukaciji maligno oboljelih bolesnika i njihovih obitelji. |
Sažetak (engleski) | For each individual, the disease has a different meaning and includes different mechanisms of coping with the new situation. Procedures for treating illnesses bring a series of stressful situations, fears, ups and downs to patients, which leaves lasting consequences, but no matter how difficult, giving up cannot and should not be an option.
One of the leading causes of mortality in developed countries are malignant diseases, although steady progress in treatment is continuing to reduce mortality. The word "cancer" itself carries a number of negative thoughts in most people, and it is primarily a fear of death, pain and dying. Just as cancer is not exclusively a disease of the individual, but of the whole family, it does not only affect the physical aspect of a person, but his or her entire self, which includes mental, social and spiritual functioning. A variety of psychic reactions are aroused in each person because people respond differently when they find out that they are suffering from malignant disease and that they are awaiting demanding treatment accompanied by uncertainty and numerous medical procedures. The diagnosis of malignant disease brings major changes in the life structure. A proper assessment of problems and needs, faced by people suffering from malignant disease, is crucial to provide appropriate assistance and care. It affects all aspects of a person's life and is also a disease of the whole family and the environment that surrounds it. One of the key dimensions of quality of life of patients with malignant diseases is a psychological state. Considering that the quality of life of the diseased person is significantly reduced, and most often on the physical, psychosocial, spiritual and professional dimension, it is necessary to approach the person from the psychosocial point of view.
Health-based quality of life in oncology contains a subjective experience of the positive and negative aspects of the disease on physical, emotional, social and cognitive functions, as well as the frequency of symptoms and side effects of treatment. It is important to seek help in a timely manner as it has an encouraging effect on each of us.
The aim of this paper is to describe the health quality of life of patients with malignant diseases, people who have had malignant disease, the impact that a family member's malignant disease has on the family, and the importance and role of the nurse in the treatment and education of malignant patients and their families. |