Sažetak | Šećerna bolest ili dijabetes melitus je kronična metabolička bolesti, odnosno
bolest u kojoj je poremećena izmjena tvari u organizmu. Prema pronađenim spisima,
koji potječu još iz vremena prije naše ere, šećerna bolest je već odavno poznata ljudima.
Unatoč tome tek početkom ovog stoljeća počela se uspješno liječiti primjenom inzulina.
Uočivši da ovi bolesnici mokre mnogo slatkaste mokraće, stari su joj liječnici dali ime
dijabetes melitus. Dijabetes na grčkom znači protjecanje, a melitus na latinskom znači
meden, sladak kao med. Valja napomenuti da se bolest u odrasloj dobi, vrlo često javlja
u blažem obliku i ne zahtjeva trajnu primjenu inzulina. S druge strane, u djece je
inzulinska terapija uglavnom neophodna, ne samo za kontrolu bolesti već i za
preživljavanje bolesnika. Bolest nije rijetka u dječjoj dobi, a učestalost se razlikuje u
različitim krajevima i raznim etničkim skupinama. Tako je vrlo česta među djecom u
Skandinaviji, dok je mnogo rjeđa u Japanu. U Hrvatskoj je registrirano oko 800 djece
koja se liječe zbog šećerne bolesti.[1] |
Sažetak (engleski) | Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disease with an unknown cause. In Croatia there is
around a thousand children with diabetes. The first symptoms of the disease are:
increased thirst, frequent urination, tiredness and lack of energy. Diagnosing the disease
is very simple, it includes doing blood tests, whereas the doctor can also an oral glucose
tolerance test. Clinical signs of diabetes are: polydipsia, polyphagia, polyuria, weight
loss and physical weakness. If the disease is not regulated and controlled, it can cause
acute complications, which can also be life threatening if they're not treated and
medicated properly. Acute complications include hypoglycemia, which suggests low
blood sugar (glucose) and hyperglycemia, also known as high blood sugar (glucose).
Chronic complications usually appear many years after setting the diagnosis and are
reflected mainly in blood vessel changes, around the heart, eye, kidney... We
differentiate between type 1 and type 2 of diabetes. Type 1 is insulin-dependent and is
common with children and younger people and necessitates insulin therapy. Type 2
doesn't depend on insulin and is common with people of adult or mature age. Other than
insulin therapy, a proper nutrition regime, frequent physical activity and self-control are
very important. Treating diabetes also depends greatly upon education of children and
their parents about the disease, complications and types of treatment, application of
insulin, creating a food regime, the importance of personal hygiene, self-control and
keeping a journal. |