Sažetak | Influenca, odnosno gripa najteža je bolest dišnog sustava koja je lako prenosiva, a uzrokuju je virusi influence. Ona se svake godine pojavljuje u obliku većih ili manjih epidemija u hladnije vrijeme. Klinički je obilježena, općim simptomima, poglavito povišenom temperaturom 2-5 dana i glavoboljom, te bolovima u mišićima i umorom. Respiratorni simptomi obično se pojavljuju nakon 1 do 2 dana, suhi kašalj i grlobolja. Influencu prate brojne komplikacije osobito u starijih ljudi i onih iscrpljenih drugim bolestima, među kojima je upala pluća vrlo česta i teška. Sezonska gripa se pojavljuje redovito zimi svake godine, za razliku od pandemijske. Pojam pandemija podrazumijeva pojavu novog virusa influence s proširenošću bolesti u cijelom svijetu. SZO je proglasila 11. lipnja 2009. šesti (najviši) stupanj pandemije, zbog pojave novog virusa gripe A/H1N1 na svim kontinentima. U pandemijskog gripi prisutno je češće obolijevanje i veći broj komplikacija, pa tako i smrtnosti kod mlađih od 60 godina.
Istraživanje je provedeno na 217 sudionika putem Google obrasca s konstruiranim anketnim upitnikom u svrhu ovog istraživanja. Istraživanje je bilo anonimno i svi sudionici su ispunjavali anketni upitnik dobrovoljno. Istraživanje je bilo anonimno i svi sudionici su ispunjavali anketni upitnik dobrovoljno. Za istraživanje je korišten anketni upitnik „Gripa u vrijeme pandemije bolesti COVID-19: presječno istraživanje znanja i stavova opće populacije.“ koji je konstruiran za potrebe ovog istraživanja. Pitanja su samostalno osmišljena. Ispitivalo se nekoliko sociodemografskih karakteristika sudionika; spol, dob i stupanj obrazovanja. Drugi dio anketnog upitnika je ispitivao znanje i vlastito iskustvo opće populacije o gripi. Upitnik se sastojao od 18 pitanja.
Od ukupnog broja sudionika (217) njih 79, 3 bilo je ženskog spola, a njih 20, 7% muškog spola. Sudionici su bili u dobi od 18 do 65 godina i više. Najviše ih je iz dobne skupine od 18 do 25 godina. Najmanje iz dobnih skupina: od 56 do 65 i od 65 godina i više. Najveći broj sudionika njih 67, 7% ima završenu srednju školu. Na pitanje o preboljenju gripe u doba pandemije bolesti COVID-19, 199 sudionika izjavilo je da nisu imali gripu, dok je 18 imalo gripu u vrijeme pandemije COVID-19. Oni koji su preboljeli kao svoje simptome gripe najviše navode umor i iscrpljenost, te glavobolju i povišenu tjelesnu temperaturu. Veći broj sudionika koji su preboljeli gripu navode da im je oboljenje uzrokovalo izostanak sa posla/ škole/ studija. Sudionici svoje znanje o gripi i mogućem cjepivu ocjenjuju sa vrlo dobro i dobro. Informacije o gripi i mogućem cjepivu najviše su dobili iz medija. 142 sudionika se ne slaže sa izjavom da influenca nije teška bolest i da se lako preboli, dok njih 74 smatra da je to točno. Velika većina sudionika (192) zna da su simptomi gripe slični kao i kod infekcije COVID-19. Na izjavu koja je ujedno i glavna hipoteza ovog rada, a ona glasi da je od početka pandemije pa do sad primijećeno da se gripa ne spominje te da su rijetki slučajevi oboljenja; 98,2 % se slaže sa izjavom dok se 1, 8% sudionika ne slaže. 81, 6 % sudionika se nije cijepilo protiv gripe prije pandemije. Tijekom pandemije protiv gripe se cijepio 21 sudionik ovog istraživanja, velika većina, njih 193 se nije cijepila. Sa izjavom: „ Kada se cijepimo protiv gripe više ne možemo oboljeti, u potpunosti smo zaštićeni.“ ne slaže se 184 sudionika, njih 30 nije sigurno, dok 3 osobe smatraju da je to točno. 70% sudionika zna da pandemiju može izazvati i COVID-19 i gripa. 17 sudionika vjeruje da cjepivo protiv gripe, može spriječiti infekciju COVID-19, a 200 sudionika u to ne vjeruje. Iako je pojam flurona relativno nov i rijetko se spominje u medijima znanje o tom pojmu je isto tako podjednako; 106 sudionika je upoznato s tim pojmom, a 111 nije. Nakon otkrića flurone 185 osoba se i dalje ne planira cijepiti protiv gripe, a nešto manje njih; njih 32 se planira.
Gripa je kako u prošlosti tako i dan danas veliki javnozdravstveni problem. Smatram da je za planiranje i provođenje odgovarajućih općih preventivnih mjera u svrhu kontrole širenja virusa gripe, a i SARS CoV-2 važno poznavanje pojave i kretanja samih respiratornih virusa. Potrebno se je zalagati za uporabu cjepiva protiv gripe i antivirusnih lijekova, osobito među skupinama s visokim rizikom od komplikacija, pri čemu se zdravstveni radnici također smatraju prioritetom za cijepljenje. Zadaća medicinske sestre je prevencija pojave influence te unaprjeđenje zdravlja. Zdravstveni djelatnici imaju ulogu objasniti zajednici kako se sprječava širenje gripe te kako se ojača vlastiti imunitet u svrhu same prevencije. Kod pacijenta sa gripom medicinska sestra treba pružiti potporu i svojim intervencijama pomoći oboljeloj osobi Pretpostavke nekih istraživanja su da će povećana uporaba novih tehnologija kao što su telemedicina i praćenje kontakata trajno promijeniti pristup liječenju zaraznih bolesti. Korištenje tih tehnologija, uz postojeće farmaceutske strategije, osigurat će postizanje holističkog pristupa globalnim javnozdravstvenim mjerama potrebnim za suočavanje s kombiniranom prijetnjom gripe i COVID-19. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Influenza, or flu, is the most serious disease of the respiratory system that is easily transmitted and is caused by influenza viruses. It appears every year in the form of larger or smaller epidemics in colder weather. Clinically, it is characterized by general symptoms, mainly elevated temperature for 2-5 days and headache, as well as muscle pain and fatigue. Respiratory symptoms usually appear after 1 to 2 days, dry cough and sore throat. Influenza is accompanied by numerous complications, especially in older people and those exhausted by other diseases, among which pneumonia is very common and severe. Seasonal flu appears regularly in winter every year, unlike pandemic flu. The term pandemic implies the appearance of a new influenza virus with the spread of the disease throughout the world. On June 11, 2009, the WHO declared the sixth (highest) degree of pandemic, due to the appearance of the new A/H1N1 influenza virus on all continents. In pandemic flu, there is more frequent illness and a greater number of complications, including mortality in people younger than 60 years old.
The research was conducted on 217 participants via a Google form with a constructed survey questionnaire for the purpose of this research. The research was anonymous, and all participants filled out the questionnaire voluntarily. The research was anonymous, and all participants filled out the questionnaire voluntarily. The survey questionnaire "Influenza during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional survey of knowledge and attitudes of the general population" was used for the research, which was constructed for the purposes of this research. The questions are independently designed. Several sociodemographic characteristics of the participants were examined, gender, age and level of education. The second part of the questionnaire examined the knowledge and own experience of the general population about the flu. The questionnaire consisted of 18 questions.
Of the total number of participants (217), 79.3 were female, and 20.7% were male. The participants were aged from 18 to 65 years and older. Most of them are from the age group of 18 to 25 years. At least from the age groups: from 56 to 65 and from 65 years and over. The largest number of participants, 67.7%, have completed high school. When asked about getting over the flu during the COVID-19 pandemic, 199 participants stated that they did not have the flu, while 18 had the flu during the COVID-19 pandemic. Those who have recovered from the flu mostly report fatigue and exhaustion, as well as headache and elevated body temperature. A greater number of participants who got over the flu state that the illness caused them to miss work/school/studies. Participants rate their knowledge about the flu and the possible vaccine as very good and good. They got most of the information about the flu and the possible vaccine from the media. 142 participants do not agree with the statement that influenza is not a serious disease and that it is easy to get over, while 74 of them believe that this is true. Most participants (192) know that the symptoms of the flu are similar to those of the COVID-19 infection. To the statement that is also the main hypothesis of this work, which reads that from the beginning of the pandemic until now, it has been noticed that the flu is not mentioned and that cases of the disease are rare; 98.2% agree with the statement while 1.8% of the participants disagree. 81.6% of the participants were not vaccinated against influenza before the pandemic. During the influenza pandemic, 21 participants of this study were vaccinated, the vast majority, 193 of them, were not vaccinated. 184 participants disagree with the statement: "When we get vaccinated against the flu, we can no longer get sick, we are fully protected.", 30 of them are not sure, while 3 people think it is correct. 70% of participants know that a pandemic can be caused by both COVID-19 and influenza. 17 participants believe that the flu vaccine can prevent the infection of COVID-19, and 200 participants do not believe it. Although the concept of fluron is relatively new and is rarely mentioned in the media, the knowledge about this concept is also the same; 106 participants were familiar with this term, and 111 were not. After the discovery of flurone, 185 people still do not plan to get vaccinated against the flu, and slightly fewer of them; 32 of them are planned.
Influenza, both in the past and today, is a major public health problem. I believe that in order to plan and implement appropriate general preventive measures to control the spread of the flu virus and SARS CoV-2, it is important to know the occurrence and movement of the respiratory viruses themselves. The use of influenza vaccines and antiviral drugs should be advocated, especially among groups at high risk of complications, with healthcare workers also considered a priority for vaccination. The nurse's task is to prevent the occurrence of influenza and improve health. Health workers have a role to explain to the community how to prevent the spread of flu and how to strengthen one's own immunity for the purpose of prevention itself. In the case of a patient with the flu, the nurse should provide support and help the sick person with her interventions. The assumptions of some studies are that the increased use of new technologies such as telemedicine and contact tracing will permanently change the approach to the treatment of infectious diseases. The use of these technologies, in addition to existing pharmaceutical strategies, will ensure the achievement of a holistic approach to the global public health measures needed to deal with the combined threat of influenza and COVID-19. |