Sažetak | Fitoterapija ili korištenje biljaka u svrhu liječenja, sve je popularnija kao dopunski oblik medicine. Zdravstveni djelatnici imaju ključnu ulogu u savjetovanju pacijenata o sigurnoj i učinkovitoj uporabi biljnih preparata. Međutim, njihovo znanje o fitoterapiji često varira. Iistraživanja pokazuju da je edukacija zdravstvenih djelatnika o fitoterapiji često nedovoljna, što može rezultirati nesigurnim preporukama ili zanemarivanjem koristi biljne terapije.
Sredinom travnja 2024. godine provedeno je istraživanje na temu „Znanje, stavovi i navike zdravstvenih djelatnika o primjeni fitoterapije“ u svrhu izrade diplomskog rada. Istraživanje je uključivalo 212 ispitanika koja su činila medicinske sestre/tehničari, doktori medicine, fizioterapeutski tehničari i farmaceutski tehničari s područja Republike Hrvatske. Cilj je istraživanja bio utvrditi razinu znanja zdravstvenih djelatnika, njihove stavove te navike na temu fitoterapije s obzirom na spol, dob, stručnu spremu, duljinu radnog staža, obrazovni status, djelatnost zdravstvene zaštite u kojoj trenutno rade te županiju iz koje dolaze.
Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da ne postoji razlika u razini znanja zdravstvenih djelatnika s obzirom na obrazovni status. Isto tako utvrđeno je da ne postoji razlika u stavovima i navikama primjene fitoterapije zdravstvenih djelatnika s obzirom na spol. Također nema razlike u razini znanja zdravstvenih djelatnika s obzirom na razinu obrazovanja kao ni u navikama zdravstvenih djelatnika s obzirom na dob. Povećana svijest i znanje o fitoterapiji omogućuje zdravstvenim djelatnicima da pružaju informirane savjete pacijentima, integrirajući biljnu medicinu s konvencionalnim tretmanima na siguran i učinkovit način. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Phytotherapy, or the use of plants for medicinal purposes, is becoming increasingly popular as a complementary form of medicine. Healthcare professionals play a key role in advising patients on the safe and effective use of herbal preparations. However, their knowledge of phytotherapy often varies, and research shows that the education of healthcare professionals on this topic is frequently insufficient, which can result in unsafe recommendations or the neglect of the benefits of herbal therapy.
In mid-April 2024, a study was conducted on the topic "Knowledge, attitudes, and practices of healthcare professionals regarding the use of phytotherapy" as part of a thesis project. The research included 212 participants consisting of nurses/technicians, medical doctors, physiotherapy technicians, and pharmacy technicians from the Republic of Croatia.
The aim of the study was to determine the level of knowledge of healthcare professionals, their attitudes, and practices on the topic of phytotherapy, considering gender, age, professional qualifications, length of work experience, educational status, the healthcare sector in which they currently work, and the county they are from.
The research results show that there is no difference in the level of knowledge of healthcare professionals based on educational status. It was also found that there is no difference in the attitudes and phytotherapeutic practice of healthcare professionals based on gender. Likewise, there is no difference in the level of knowledge based on education, nor in the practices of healthcare professionals based on age. Increased awareness and knowledge of phytotherapy enable healthcare professionals to provide informed advice to patients, integrating herbal medicine with conventional treatments in a safe and effective way. |