Title Stavovi odgajatelja u dječjim vrtićima o pedikulozi
Title (english) Attitudes of kindergarten teachers about pediculosis
Author Ines Banfić
Mentor Tomislav Meštrović (mentor)
Committee member Ivana Živoder (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Meštrović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Irena Canjuga (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Nursing) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2020-07-17, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Medical Microbiology
Abstract Dječji vrtići oblik su kolektivnog smještaja sa specifičnim epidemiološkim karakteristikama, budući da u kolektivnim smještajima postoje posebni uvjeti koji pogoduju širenju zaraznih bolesti. Posebitosti u dječjim vrtićima koje pridonose širenju zaraznih bolesti su vrlo bliski međusobni kontakti između djece, ali i između djece i odgajatelja te karakteristike imunološkog sustava djece. Kao najčešće zarazne bolesti u dječjim vrtićima ističu se streptokokna angina, šarlah, vodene kozice, enteroviroze, salmoneloze, uzrokovane bakterijama i virusima, u manjoj incidenciji gljivicama ili drugim mikroorganizmima te kao parazitarne zarazne bolesti enterobioza, svrab i ušljivost. Ušljivost glave, Pediculosis capitis je sveprisutna parazitska bolest. Uš glave je najčešći nametnik koji se javlja u kolektivima poput dječjih vrtića te najčešće parazitira kod djece u dobi od 3 do 11 godina, iako se može pojaviti i kod odraslih osoba.
S obzirom da uš glave najčešće parazitira kod predškolske djece, u takvim kolektivima potreba je za provođenjem određenih epidemioloških mjera radi prevencije i sprječavanja daljnjeg širenja zarazne bolesti. Odgajatelji i odgajateljice u dječjim vrtićima osobe su koje se često prve susreću s pojavom zaraze kod djeteta, stoga trebaju imati određena znanja i iskustvo u rješavanju tog problema. Samo iskustvo s određenom situacijom pridonosi stvaranju vlastitog pozitivnog ili negativnog stava. U svrhu istraživanja stavova odgajatelja i odgajateljica u dječjim vrtićima o pedikulozi, konstruiran je polustrukturirani intervju. Naglasak je bio na iznošenje osobnih stavova, ali i iskazivanje stavova nakon postavljanja pitanja o određenim specifičnostima prethodno spomenute zarazne bolesti. U istraživanju su osim odgajatelja i odgajateljica, ukupno četrnaest ispitanika, sudjelovali i zdravstveni voditelji, odnosno voditeljice, ukupno troje ispitanika. Intervju se sastojao od tri skupine pitanja.
Njihovi stavovi temeljeni su pretežito na problemima s kojima se susreću prilikom pojave zaraze u kolektivu, no usprkos svim problemima, ističu pozitivan stav prema spomenutoj tematici. Kao najveći problem ispitanici ističu neadekvatnu edukacija samih odgajatelja i odgajateljica, ali i roditelja. Stoga je potrebno pokrenuti određene mjere, koje bi uključivale rad medicinskih sestara/tehničara prvostupnika sestrinstva te na taj način pridonijele stvaranju ukupno pozitivnog stava i lakšem pristupu prevenciji i liječenju pedikuloze.
Abstract (english) Kindergartens are a form of collective accommodation with specific epidemiological characteristics, since there are special conditions in collective accommodations that favor the spread of infectious diseases. The particularities in kindergartens that contribute to the spread of infectious diseases are the very close contact between children, but also between children and kindergarten educators and the characteristics of the immune system of children. The most common infectious diseases in kindergartens include streptococcal angina, scarlatina, chickenpox, enterovirosis, salmonellosis, caused by bacteria and viruses, with a lower incidence of fungi or other microorganisms, and as parasitic infectious diseases enterobiosis, itching and lice. Head lice, Pediculosis capitis is a ubiquitous parasitic disease. Head lice is the most common disease that occurs in collectives such as kindergartens and most commonly parasites in children aged 3 to 11 years, although it can also occur in adults.
Since head lice are most commonly parasitic in pre-school children, it is in such collectives that certain epidemiological measures need to be taken to prevent and prevent the spread of infectious disease. Kindergarten educators are people who first notice the onset of infections in a child, and therefore need to have some knowledge and experience in dealing with this problem. Only experience with a particular situation contributes to creating your own positive or negative attitude. A semi-structured interview was designed to investigate the views of pedagogues in kindergartens on pediculosis. The emphasis was on presenting personal views, but also expressing views after asking questions about certain specificities of the aforementioned infectious disease. In addition to educators, a total of fourteen respondents participated in the study, as well as health leaders, three in total. The interview consisted of three sets of questions.
Their attitudes are predominantly based on the problems they encounter when they become infected in the collective, but despite all the problems, they emphasize a positive attitude towards these topics. Respondents point out the inadequate education of the educators themselves, as well as the parents, as the biggest problem. It is therefore necessary to take certain measures, which would include the work of nurses / nursing technicians, thus contributing to the creation of an overall positive attitude and easier access to the prevention and treatment of pediculosis.
medicinske sestre/tehničari
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:806396
Study programme Title: Nursing Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2020-09-07 12:30:49