Abstract | Koljeni zglob predstavlja najveći zglob u ljudsokm tijelu i kao takav je
podložan mnogim ozljedama. Jedno od češćih ozljeda u sportaša i osoba koje se bave
aktivnošću je skakačko koljeno ili patellarni tendinitis. Ono spada u sindrome
prenaprezanja. Prepoznaje se po boli koja se najčešće nalazi na vrhu ivera, ali može se
osjetiti i na tuberositasu tibije, najčešće ju inicira aktivnost istezanja mišića,
kontrakcije m. quadricepsa femorisa uz otpor i kod obične kontrakcije. Nastaje radi
gomilanja mikrotrauma tokom vremena, velikog intenziteta treniga na koje tetive nisu
navikle te degenerativnih promjena. Na nastanak skakačkog koljena utječu i vanjski i
unutarnji čimbenici kao što je vrsta podloge na kojoj sportaš trenira, obuća koju nosi,
disbalans mišića, ravna stopala i mnogi drugi. Sama bol uzrokuje nemogućnost
odrađivanja svakodnevnih zadataka kod osoba i nemogućnost bavljenja sportom
općenito uzrokuje smanjnje funkcionalnosti. Ona se može javiti i kod izvođenja
čučnjeva, pri penjanju ili doskoku. Dijagnoza se postavlja pomnim kliničkim
pregledom, najčešće je to palpiranjem vrha patelle i tuberositasa tibije no, postoje i
druge metode o kojima detaljnije piše u nadolazećem tekstu. Od pomoćnih metoda za
dijagnosticiranje služi ultrazvuk, radiografske pretrage, magnetna rezonanca i
tremografska analiza. Nakon postavljene dijagnoze kreće proces rehabilitacije s
kojom je poželjno da se krene što ranije. Počinje sa potpunom ili djelomičnom
poštedom osobe od treninga, sukladno s RICE metodom (Rest, Ice, Compression,
Elevation). Nakon toga se kreće na povećanje snage muskulature m. quadriceps
femorisa i fleksibilnosti skraćenih mišića. Najpopularnija metoda vježbanja su
ekscentrične vježbe s nagibom jer simulira procese cijeljnja dodatnim opterećenjem
patelarne sveze. Postoje i druge metode liječenja kao što je udarni val ili
elektroterapija. Ako ni jedna od metoda liječenja ne uspije okreće se kirurškom
liječenju, uglavnom ako je došlo do patoloških procesa ili rupture tetive. Danas se sve
više pridaje pozornost prevenciji od nastanka ozljeda. Na način da se prvo otklone
unutarnji i vanjski čimbenici, zatim počne raditi na snagi i fleksibilnosti. |
Abstract (english) | The knee joint is the largest joint in the human body and as such is subject to
many injuries. One of the most common injuries in athletes and active people is
jumper's knee or patellar tendinitis. it`s a part of overuse injuries. It is characterized
by the pain that is often located on the top of the patella, but it can also be located on
the tuberosity of the shin bone, it`s mostly initiated by the activity of muscle
stretching, contraction of the quadriceps femoris muscle with resistance and during
simple contraction. It occurs due to the accumulation of microtraumas over time,
high-intensity training to which the tendons are not used, and degenerative
changes. The occurrence of jumper's knee is influenced by both external and internal
factors, such as the type of surface on which the athlete trains, the shoes he wears,
muscle imbalance, flat feet and many others. The pain itself causes people to be
unable to perform daily tasks and quit their sport activities, generally it causes
reduced functionality. It can also occur when squatting, climbing or landing. The
diagnosis is made by a careful clinical examination, most often by palpating the top of
the patella and the tuberosity of the shin bone, but there are other methods, which are
described in more detail in the upcoming text. Other diagnostic methods include
ultrasound, radiographic examinations, magnetic resonance imaging and tremographic
analysis. After the diagnosis, the rehabilitation process begins, which should be
started as early as possible. It starts with a complete or partial sparing of the person
from training, in accordance with the RICE method (Rest, Ice, Compression,
Elevation). After that, focus is on increasing strength of the musculature of m.
quadriceps femoris and flexibility of shortened muscles. The most popular exercise
method is eccentric exercises with an incline because it simulates the healing process
by putting additional stress on the patellar ligament. There are other treatment
methods such as shock wave or electrotherapy. If none of the treatment methods
succeeds, surgical treatment is unavoidable, mainly because pathological processes or
tendon rupture have occurred. Nowadays, more and more attention is paid to the
prevention of injuries. Firstly, it should start by eliminating internal and external
factors, then the focus be on building strength and increasing the flexibility of muscles. |