Abstract | Konzumacija energetskih napitaka postala je sve učestalija među srednjoškolcima, što je zabrinjavajući trend zbog potencijalno štetnih posljedica na njihovo zdravlje. Energetski napitci sadrže sastojke poput kofeina, taurina i šećera, koji djeluju kao stimulansi i mogu negativno utjecati na kardiovaskularni, neurološki i mentalni sustav. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je analizirati koliko je konzumacija energetskih napitaka prisutna među srednjoškolcima u Varaždinskoj županiji, te utvrditi glavne razloge konzumacije. Na temelju tih informacija, rad nastoji pružiti smjernice za edukaciju mladih o opasnostima povezanima s konzumacijom ovih napitaka.
Istraživanje je provedeno anketom koja je uključivala uzorak od 1987 učenika iz deset srednjih škola u Varaždinskoj županiji. Upitnik je sadržavao 12 pitanja, od kojih su dva bila vezana uz demografske podatke, a preostalih deset pitanja odnosilo se na navike i stavove prema konzumaciji energetskih napitaka. Anketa je bila anonimna i dobrovoljna, a podaci su analizirani metodama deskriptivne statistike. Za testiranje povezanosti između varijabli, kao što su spol i dob, korišten je Hi-kvadrat test. Obrada podataka provedena je korištenjem programa Microsoft Excel, a rezultati su prikazani u obliku tablica i grafikona.
Rezultati su pokazali da je 86,51% ispitanika iz srednjoškolske populacije konzumiralo energetske napitke. Muški ispitanici statistički su značajno češće konzumirali ove napitke u usporedbi sa ženskim ispitanicima. Također, konzumacija se povećava s godinama – stariji učenici češće posežu za energetskim napicima. Glavni razlozi koje su učenici naveli za konzumaciju uključuju osjećaj umora, osobito tijekom školskih obaveza, te potrebu za osvježenjem nakon fizičkih aktivnosti, poput sportskih treninga. Zanimljivo je da su djevojke češće navele umor kao glavni razlog, dok su mladići češće konzumirali napitke radi osvježenja. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju zabrinjavajući trend visoke razine konzumacije energetskih napitaka među srednjoškolcima u Varaždinskoj županiji. Ovi podaci sugeriraju da mladi nisu dovoljno svjesni potencijalnih dugoročnih zdravstvenih rizika, unatoč tomu što su mnogi svjesni sastojaka napitaka koje konzumiraju. Edukacija usmjerena na štetne učinke energetskih napitaka, uključujući kardiovaskularne probleme, poremećaje spavanja i rizik od ovisnosti o kofeinu, nužna je kako bi se smanjila njihova upotreba. Također, postoji potreba za promoviranjem zdravijih alternativnih pića, poput vode ili napitaka bez kofeina, osobito u kontekstu fizičkih aktivnosti. Preporuča se da škole i roditelji zajedno rade na educiranju mladih, dok bi zakonodavci trebali razmotriti regulaciju dostupnosti energetskih napitaka maloljetnicima, kako bi se dugoročno smanjio njihov štetan utjecaj na zdravlje mladih. |
Abstract (english) | The consumption of energy drinks has become increasingly prevalent among high school students, raising concerns about the potential negative effects on their health. Energy drinks contain ingredients such as caffeine, taurine, and sugar, which act as stimulants and can have harmful impacts on the cardiovascular, neurological, and mental systems. The objective of this study was to analyze the prevalence of energy drink consumption among high school students in Varaždin County, and to identify the main reasons for this consumption. Based on these insights, the study aims to provide guidelines for educating young people about the dangers associated with energy drinks.
The research was conducted through a survey involving 1987 students from ten high schools in Varaždin County. The questionnaire consisted of 12 questions, two of which were demographic, and the remaining ten focused on the students’ habits and attitudes toward energy drinks. Participation in the survey was voluntary and anonymous. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, and the Chi-square test was employed to assess the statistical significance of relationships between variables, such as gender and age. The data analysis was performed using Microsoft Excel, with the results presented in tables and charts.
The findings revealed that 86.51% of the high school respondents had consumed energy drinks. Male students were statistically more likely to consume these beverages compared to female students. Additionally, energy drink consumption increased with age, with older students showing a higher propensity for consuming them. The main reasons cited by students for energy drink consumption included fatigue, particularly during academic activities, and the need for refreshment after physical activities such as sports. Interestingly, girls were more likely to cite fatigue as a reason for consumption, while boys more frequently consumed energy drinks for refreshment after physical exertion.
The results of this study highlight a concerning trend of high levels of energy drink consumption among high school students in Varaždin County. These findings suggest that young people may not be fully aware of the potential long-term health risks, even though many are aware of the ingredients in the drinks they consume. Education focused on the harmful effects of energy drinks, including cardiovascular issues, sleep disorders, and caffeine dependence, is essential to reducing their use. Additionally, there is a need to promote healthier alternatives, such as water or caffeine-free beverages, particularly in the context of physical activities. Schools and parents should collaborate on educating young people, while policymakers should consider regulating the availability of energy drinks to minors, with the aim of mitigating their long-term negative impact on youth health. |