Title Comedia del´arte kao inspiracija za ilustracije i izradu ženskog kostima
Title (english) Comedia del´Arte as inspiration for illustrations and making a female costume
Author Laura Nađ
Mentor Antun Franović (mentor)
Committee member Iva Matija Bitanga (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mario Periša (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Antun Franović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Koprivnica) (Department of Media Design) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2024-10-23, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline FIELD OF ART Design
Abstract Završni rad pod nazivom "Commedia dell'arte kao inspiracija za ilustracije i izradu ženskog kostima" istražuje bogatu povijest i kulturnu važnost Commedia dell'arte te način na koji ovaj talijanski kazališni žanr može poslužiti kao kreativna osnova za suvremeni dizajn kostima. Commedia dell'arte, koja je svoje korijene pustila u Italiji tijekom 16. stoljeća, obilježena je prepoznatljivim likovima, improvizacijom i legendarnim kostimima koji su i dalje izvor nadahnuća za mnoge dizajnere i umjetnike. Fokus u ovom radu stavljen je na lik Colombine, sluškinje poznate po inteligenciji, lukavosti i šarmu, koja je odabrana za izradu ženskog kostima. Teorijski dio rada istražuje povijesni razvoj Commedia dell'arte, bavi se analizom likova i njihovih karakterističnih kostima te objašnjava kako su ti elementi utjecali na stil i estetiku kazališnih izvedbi. Istraženo je kako kostimografija doprinosi karakterizaciji likova, uz proučavanje simbolike materijala, krojeva, boja i maski koje definiraju pojedine uloge. Praktični dio rada obuhvaća izradu ilustracija kostima nadahnutih likovima Commedia dell'arte, uz cilj da se stvori inovativni pristup kombinaciji tradicije i unikatnog dizajna. Opisan je proces koji vodi od početne ideje do realizacije ženskog kostima, obrađuju se tehnike krojenja, izbor materijala te kreiranje dodataka kao što su maska i rukavice. Posebna pažnja posvećena je upotrebi prirodnih i tradicionalnih materijala u kombinaciji sa suvremenim tehnikama šivanja tkanina kako bi se uspostavila veza između povijesnog nasljeđa i moje verzije kostima likova. Pored toga, istraženi su estetski i tehnički izazovi prilikom oblikovanja kostima koji odgovara karakteru, ali istovremeno ostaje funkcionalan za scensko izvođenje. Cilj ovog rada je pokazati kako se elementi iz bogate baštine Commedia dell'arte mogu reinterpretirati u suvremenom kontekstu, pružajući svježu perspektivu na kazališnu kostimografiju te otvarajući mogućnosti za daljnja istraživanja i inovacije u dizajnu i scenskoj umjetnosti.
Abstract (english) The bachelor's thesis, entitled "Comedia del'arte as an inspiration for illustrations and making of a female costume," explores the rich history and cultural significance of commedia dell'arte and the way in which this Italian theatrical genre can serve as a creative basis for contemporary costume design. Commedia dell'arte, which has its roots in Italy during the 16th century is characterized by its recognizable characters, improvisation and iconic costumes that continue to inspire many designers and artists. The focus of this work is the character of Colombine, a servant girl known for her intelligence, cunning and charm, who is chosen as the character to make the female costume for. The theoretical part of the work explores the historical development of Commedia dell'arte, deals with the analysis of the characters and their characteristic costumes, and explains how these elements influenced the style and aesthetics of theatrical performances. It has been investigated how costuming contributes to characterization of characters, with the study of the symbolism of materials, cuts, colors and masks that define individual roles. The practical part of the thesis includes the creation of costume illustrations inspired by the characters of Commedia dell'arte, with the aim of creating an innovative approach to the combination of tradition and my interpretation of the characters. It describes the process from the initial idea to the realization of a woman's costume, discussing tailoring techniques, the choice of materials, and the creation of accessories such as masks and gloves. Particular attention is paid to the use of natural and traditional materials combined with modern techniques of sewing fabrics to establish a link between historical heritage and my interpretation of the characters. In addition, the aesthetic and technical challenges in designing costumes that fit the character but remain functional for the stage performance were explored. The aim of this work is to show how elements from the rich heritage of Commedia dell'arte can be reinterpreted in a contemporary context, providing a fresh perspective on theatrical costume design and opening up opportunities for further research and innovation in design and the performing arts.
commedia dell'arte
Keywords (english)
Costume design
commedia dell'arte
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:113414
Study programme Title: Media design Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) medijskog dizajna (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) medijskog dizajna)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-12-13 08:31:50