Title Teorijsko projektiranje male CNC glodalice
Title (english) Theoretical design of small CNC milling machines
Author Antonio Hrastić
Mentor Antun Stoić (mentor)
Committee member Zlatko Botak (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Antun Stoić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marko Horvat (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Mechanical Engineering) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2019-07-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Mechanical Engineering Production Mechanical Engineering
Abstract Tema ovog završnog rada je teorijski projektirati troosnu CNC glodalicu dimenzija do 1x1x1 [m]. Stroj je zamišljen u konzolnoj izvedbi sa ugraĎenim SHIP sustavom, što znači da će radni prostor stroja biti zatvoren. Stroj je predviĎen za obradu drva, aluminija i čelika.
Postupak projektiranja započinje izradom 3D modela konstrukcije stroja. Konstrukcija se dijeli na zone radnog područja alata, posudu za emulziju sa pumpom, elektroničke komponente, i dio sa pomičnim elementima.
Nakon konstrukcije odabiru se elementi posmičnog gibanja. Računaju se sile kod glodanja i bušenja sa parametrima za koje je stroj namijenjen, te se provjerava zadovoljavaju li odabrani elementi te zahtjeve. Zbog izvedbe stroja potrebno je FEM-om (eng. finite element method) provjeriti imaju klizni elementi dovoljnu nosivost.
Za SHIP se odabire brzina mlaza na izlazu iz mlaznica i promjer mlaznica. Time se može izračunati volumni protok na izlazu, te se onda odabire pumpa za SHIP. Odabiru se i ostali elementi potrebni za pravilan rad polijevanja. ObraĎuje se način filtriranja odvojenih čestica od emulzije i zaštita hidrauličkih elemenata od sitnih čestica.
Zbog velike brzine na izlazu iz mlaznica, emulzija sa odvojenim česticama može letjeti velikom brzinom od alata prema bilo kojem smjeru. Stoga je potrebno spriječiti izlazak emulzije is radnog područja stroja na razne načine. Kablovi u radnom području moraju biti dodatno zaštićeni, a vrata moraju biti tako napravljena da sa njih emulzije ne istjeće izvan stroja kad su otvorena.
Kada je mehanički dio stroja gotov, slijedi odabir elektronskih komponenata. Glavne elektronske komponente su motor glavnog vretena sa inverterom i koračni motori sa pogonima, a pomočne su krajnji sklopnici, senzor duljine alata, rasvjeta, ventilatori, solenoidni ventil SHIP-a, i ostalo.
Time se završava fizički dio stroja. Nakon toga je potrebno odabrati upravljački program. Odabrani je program linuxcnc zbog veće stabilnosti linux operativnih sustava, te je besplatan. RazraĎuju se najbitnije stavke iz dokumentacije upravljačkog programa, a to su postavljanje stroja, način zamjene alata i rad sa strojem.
Na kraju se uzimaju elementi za koje su poznate cijene i procijenjuje se cijena ostalih elemenata kako bi se dobila ukupna cijena izrade ovoga stroja. Na osnovu te cijene zaključuje se je li isplativa izrada stroja.
Abstract (english) The topic of this bachelors thesis is a theoretical design of a three axis mill with dimensions up to 1x1x1 [m]. The machine is indented to have built in cooling and lubricating system, which means that the machines work space has to be enclosed. It is designed to mill wood, aluminum and steel.
Designing starts with making a 3D model of the construction. Construction is separated in zones of work space, coolant container, electrical components, and the section with moving parts.
After construction is designed, parts for feed movement have to be chosen. Chosen parts have to be checked whether they satisfy operating conditions. The forces during drilling and milling have to be calculated with the parameters that the machine is designed to operate. FEM (finite element method) is used to check stress applied on sliding rails and blocks during operation.
Speed of the coolant at the exit of nozzle and diameter of the nozzle is selected for cooling and lubricatng system. They are used to calculate volumetric flow of coolant, and with that to calcultate needed power of the coolant pump. Other elements of the system are selected to ensure proper working conditions and to reduce damage due to metal shavings.
Due to high speed of coolant, the mix of coolant and shavings can fly of in any direction. Therefore it is necessary to prevent coolant from exiting work space with various methods. Cables in work space have to be additionaly protected, and doors have to be made so that coolant wont leak when they are in open position.
After mechanical part come the electrical components. Main components are spindle motor and its VFD inverter, and feed motors with drives. Auxiliary components are mechanical endstop switches, tool length sensor, lighting, ventilation, return valve for coolant, and others.
This concludes the physical part of the machine. After that comes the selection of controller software. Chosen software is linuxcnc due better stability of linux operating systems, and also because it is free. Most important parts of controllers documentation are shown. Those are setting the machine up, tool changing, and working with the machine.
Finally, the estimated price of the machine parts is calculated. Most parts have a known price, and for others it is estimated. With the price in mind, conclusion is made whether the machine is profitable to be made.
CNC stroj
elementi kliznog gibanja
koračni motori
motor glavnog vretena
pogoni motora
upravljanje CNC strojem
cijena izrade
Keywords (english)
CNC machine
sliding rail and block
stepper motor
main spindle motor and drive
cooland and lubrication system
motor drives
CNC controller software
cost of machine
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:462728
Study programme Title: Mechanical Engineering, with emphasis in Production Engineering Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka strojarstva (stručni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka strojarstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2019-09-09 13:16:23