Abstract | Infekcije urogenitalnog sustava jedne su od najčešćih upalnih bolesti koje pogađaju društvo u cjelini te ugrožavaju bolesnika u njegovim svakodnevnim aktivnostima i radu. Uretritis ili upala mokraćne cijevi jest infekcija koja se najčešće prenosi spolnim putem. Žene imaju veći rizik od razvoja uretritisa i infekcija mokraćnog sustava od muškaraca, što je posljedica ženske anatomije. Mokraćna cijev je kod žena kraća, te tako lakše ulaze mikroorganizmi. Simptomi su disurija, iscjedak, učestalo mokrenje, neugoda i bol u području uretre. Uretritis se etiološki kategorizira kao gonokokni, ukoliko je uzročnik Neisseria gonorrhoeae ili može biti negonokokni čiji su uzročnici Chlamydia trachomatis, Mycoplasma genitalium, Ureaplasma urealyticum i Trichomonas vaginalis. Osim infektivnih uzroka postoji i onaj koji nastaje kao posljedica djelovanja kemijskih, mehaničkih i neinfektivnih uzroka. Uretritisi kao i ostale spolno-prenosive bolesti, velik su javnozdravstveni problem. Razvoju uretritisa dodatno potpomažu loše higijenske navike, oslabljen imunitet te nezaštićen spolni odnos. Kronični uretritis često dovodi do strikture uretre (suženje uretre), a osim uretritisa pojavljuju se i epididimitis i prostatitis. Antibiotici su glavna terapija za pacijente koji imaju uretritis, a liječnik određuje doziranje i pravilno liječenje. Prevencija u području reproduktivnog zdravlja ne smije biti usmjerena samo na stjecanje znanja i sprječavanje spolno prenosivih bolesti i neželjene trudnoće, nego na promjenu stavova i usvajanja odgovornog spolnog ponašanja. Uloga je visoko educirane medicinske sestre da pruži pacijentu što bolju njegu i uputiti ga u daljnje liječenje. Cilj je ovog rada opisati uretritis, etiologiju, dijagnostiku, liječenje i prevenciju uretritisa. |
Abstract (english) | Urogenital infections are one of the most common inflammatory diseases that affect society as a whole and endanger the patient in his daily activities and work. Urethritis or inflammation of the urethra represents a sexually transmitted infection. Women have an increased risk of developing urethritis and urinary tract infections than men, which is a consequence of female anatomy. More specifically, the urethra is shorter in women, making it easier for microorganisms to enter and cause infection. Most notable symptoms of urethritis are dysuria, urethral discharge, frequent urination, discomfort and pain in the urethra. Urethritis is etiologically categorized as gonococcal, if the causative agent is Neisseria gonorrhoeae, or as non-gonococcal, which are caused by Chlamydia trachomatis, Mycoplasma genitalium, Ureaplasma urealyticum and Trichomonas vaginalis. In addition to infectious causes, there are types that occur as a result of chemical, mechanical and non-infectious causes. Urethritis, like other sexually transmitted diseases, represents a major public health problem. The development of urethritis is further aided by poor hygiene habits, impaired immunity, as well as unprotected sex. Chronic urethritis often leads to the stricture of the urethra (narrowing of the urethra), and epididymitis and prostatitis can also occur. Antibiotics are the main treatment for urethritis, while the dosage and drug selection is guided by the physician. Reproductive health prevention should not only focus on acquiring knowledge and preventing sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancy, but on changing attitudes and adopting responsible sexual behaviour. The role of highly educated nurse is to provide the patient with the best care possible and to refer him or her for further treatment. The aim of this paper is to describe urethritis, aetiology, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of urethritis. |