Title Kvaliteta života bolesnika na peritonejskoj dijalizi
Title (english) Quality of life of patients on peritoneal dialysis
Author Jelena Repalust
Mentor Vesna Sertić (mentor)
Committee member Melita Sajko (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Vesna Sertić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Valentina Vincek (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Nursing) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2022-09-08, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Nursing
Abstract Mokraćni sustav iz čovjekovog organizma izlučuje štetne tvari, a njegov središnji i najvažniji dio su bubrezi. Bubrezi ponekad privremeno ili trajno izgube svoju sposobnost da primjereno izlučuju toksične supstancije i višak tekućine iz tijela, a tada se govori o zatajenju bubrega. Zatajenje bubrega može biti akutno zatajenje pri kojemu naglo dolazi do gubitka funkcije bubrega ili kronično zatajenje bubrega pri kojemu se javlja postepeno slabljenje bubrežne funkcije. Kada dođe do zatajenja bubrega, u organizmu se zadržavaju voda i produkti dušikovih spojeva koji se ne mogu izlučiti iz tijela. Kronična bubrežna bolest klasificira se u pet stadija u kojima je u većoj ili manjoj mjeri očuvana bubrežna funkcija, a kod bolesnika koji se nalazi u petom stadiju, koji označava gotovo potpuni gubitak bubrežne funkcije, potrebno je krenuti s nadomjesnom terapijom. Bubrežna funkcija učinkovito se može nadomjestiti hemodijalizom, peritonejskom dijalizom te transplantacijom bubrega. Peritonejska dijaliza je oblik dijalize kod kojega se krv kontinuirano pročišćava unutar bolesnikovog tijela kroz peritonejsku membranu u trbušnoj šupljini, pomoću tekućine koja se koristi za dijalizu, a koja se u trbušnu šupljinu uvodi peritonejskim kateterom. Danas se razlikuju dva glavna oblika peritonejske dijalize; kontinuirana ambulatorna peritonejska dijaliza te automatizirana peritonejska dijaliza, a svaka od njih ima prednosti i nedostatke, ovisno o osobnim obilježjima bolesnika i njegovim potrebama. Bolesnika kod kojega se utvrdi da će doći do potrebe za dijalizom potrebno je uputiti na pregled nefrologa najmanje šest mjeseci prije nastupanja potreba za dijalizom jer bolesnik aktivno sudjeluje u provođenju peritonejske dijalize te ga treba kvalitetno educirati i konstantno motivirati. Za pripremu bolesnika za samostalno provođenje peritonejske dijalize te edukaciju o svim segmentima nadomjesne terapije zadužena je medicinska sestra. Cilj ovoga rada je dati uvid u probleme bolesnika na peritonejskoj dijalizi te ukazati na ulogu i važnost medicinske sestre u procesu zbrinjavanja bolesnika te poboljšanju kvalitete života kod takvih bolesnika. U radu se stavlja poseban naglasak na provođenje preddijalizne edukacije kojoj je temeljni cilj upoznati bolesnika s bolešću, tijekom i ishodima bolesti te metodama koje se koriste za nadomjesno liječenje bubrežne funkcije. Preddijalizna edukacija bolesniku mora dati znanje, volju i snagu da se što je više moguće samostalno uključi u proces i tijek liječenja, a medicinska sestra ima odlučujuću ulogu u uspješnosti edukacije. Za uspjeh peritonejske dijalize bolesniku je nužno osigurati holističku skrb u kojoj sudjeluje tim nefrologa i medicinske sestre, a po potrebi i drugih zdravstvenih stručnjaka.
Abstract (english) The urinary system eliminates waste from the human organism and its central and most important part is the kidneys. Kidneys sometimes temporarily or permanently lose their ability to remove toxic substances and extra water from the body, which is called kidney failure. Kidney failure can be acute when suddenly the function of the kidney is lost, or chronic kidney failure when the kidney function is weakening gradually. When kidney failure occurs the organism builds up water and nitrogen bond products that cannot be extracted from the body. Chronic kidney disease is classified into five stages in which the function of the kidneys is more or less preserved, and with patients that are in the fifth stage, which signifies almost total loss of kidney function, it is necessary to start with the replacement therapy. The kidney function can successfully be replaced with hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis and kidney transplant. A peritoneal dialysis is a form of dialysis where the blood is constantly filtered inside the patient's body through a peritoneal membrane in the abdominal cavity, with the help of a fluid used for dialysis, and which is placed inside the abdominal cavity with a peritoneal catheter. Today we differentiate between two main forms of peritoneal dialysis; continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis and automated peritoneal dialysis, and each of them has advantages and disadvantages, depending on the personal characteristics of a patient and their needs. When it is defined that there will be a need for dialysis in a patient it is necessary to refer the patient to a nephrologist consult at least six months before the need for dialysis appears, because the patient is actively involved in conducting the peritoneal dialysis and he needs to be qualitatively educated and constantly motivated. A nurse is in charge of preparing the patients for performing peritoneal dialysis by themselves and educating them on each segment of the replacement therapy. This paper aims to showcase the problems of patients on peritoneal dialysis and to draw attention to the role and the importance of a nurse in the process of taking care of the patients and bettering the quality of life in these patients. In this paper, a special emphasis is put on conducting a pre-dialysis education, which has the goal to acquaint the patient with the disease, the course and outcomes of the disease and methods used for kidney failure replacement therapy. Pre-dialysis education needs to give the patient the knowledge, will and strength to include himself as much as possible in the process and the course of treatment and the nurse has a crucial role in the efficacy of the education. For peritoneal dialysis to succeed it is necessary to provide the patient with holistic care that includes a team of nephrologists and nurses, and if necessary other health specialists.
mokraćni sustav
zatajenje bubrega
peritonejska dijaliza
kvaliteta života
Keywords (english)
urinary system
kidney failure
peritoneal dialysis
the quality of life
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:515035
Study programme Title: Nursing Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-12-07 14:26:34