Abstract | Marketing uključuje društveni proces putem kojeg se stvaraju i razmjenjuju proizvodi s drugima pojedincima uz dobivanje onoga što im je potrebno ili ono što žele. Pod pojmom marketinga ovisi da li neka osoba ima malo ili nema nikakvog iskustva u poslovanju, a povezuje se isključivo sa pojmovima prodaje i oglašavanja. Proces marketinga sastoji se od istraživanja marketinga, oblikovanje marketinškog miksa, implementacija marketinga i marketing kontrole. Društvene mreže obuhvaćaju web uslugu putem koje korisnici izrađuju svoj profil, te ga koriste za komunikaciju uz dijeljenje vlastitih slika i sadržaja. Bitno sredstvo marketinga na društvenim mrežama predstavlja prodaju proizvoda. Sve više korisnika izrađuje profile na društvenim mrežama zbog čega se osobna komunikacija polako gubi. Marketing putem društvenih mreža obuhvaća brojne aktivnosti poput istraživanja tržišta, razvojem novih proizvoda, kreiranje i provjeru ideja, unapređenje odnosa s kupcima, povećanje prepoznatljivosti proizvoda ili marke, povećanje online prometa na vlastitim stranicama, povećanje e-trgovina, uspješno lansiranje novih proizvoda. Influenceri također imaju ključnu ulogu u marketinškom okruženju. Utjecajni pojedinci, često nazivani influencerima, imaju sposobnost utjecati na odluke drugih, bilo u poslovnim ili osobnim stvarima. Što ih veći broj pojedinaca prati, to se više odražavaju njihove sklonosti, stavovi i ponašanja. U ovom diplomskom radu provedeno je istraživanje čiji je cilj bio utvrditi u kojoj mjeri influencer i recenzije utječu na odluku o kupnji putem društvenih mreža. U svrhu saznavanja odgovora, proveden je online anketni upitnik na koji je ukupno odgovorilo 127 ispitanika, a rezultati su detaljno prezentirani u radu. |
Abstract (english) | Marketing involves the social process through which products are created and exchanged with other individuals in order to obtain what they need or want. The term marketing depends on whether a person has little or no experience in business, and is associated exclusively with the terms sales and advertising. The marketing process consists of marketing research, marketing mix design, marketing implementation and marketing control. Social networks include a web service through which users create their own profile, and use it to communicate by sharing their own images and content. An essential means of marketing on social networks is the sale of products. More and more users are creating profiles on social networks, which is why personal communication is slowly being lost. Marketing through social networks includes numerous activities such as market research, development of new products, creation and verification of ideas, improvement of relations with customers, increase of product or brand recognition, increase of online traffic on own pages, increase of e-commerce, successful launch of new products. Influencers also play a key role in the marketing landscape. Influential individuals, often called influencers, have the ability to influence the decisions of others, whether in business or personal matters. The more individuals follow them, the more their preferences, attitudes and behaviors are reflected. In this thesis, research was conducted, the aim of which was to determine the extent to which influencers and reviews influence the decision to purchase via social networks. In order to find out the answers, an online questionnaire was conducted, to which a total of 127 respondents answered, and the results are presented in detail in the paper. |