Abstract | Samoinicijativno uzimanje lijekova je sastavni dio samopomoći, koje osoba primjenjuje kad god se nađe u situaciji narušenog zdravlja. Razna istraživanja potvrđuju da od tisuću ljudi, njih tri četvrtine, unutar mjesec dana ima nekakav zdravstveni problem, ali se liječi samoinicijativno. Prema stavu Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije, samoliječenje je potrebno poticati, što zbog bolje osviještenosti o vlastitom zdravlju, također i zbog rasterećenja zdravstvenog sustava i financijskih ušteda. Međutim, s obzirom da se radi o supstancama, koje bi mogle imati neželjene nuspojave, ako se ne koriste prema uputama, potreban je oprezan pristup samomedikaciji.
U ovom istraživačkom radu će se prikazati opće znanje, stavovi i iskustva studenata sestrinstva o bezreceptnim lijekovima. Ciljana skupina su studenti sestrinstva u Republici Hrvatskoj, među kojima su neki tek na početku studija i bez radnog iskustva, a neki od njih su već sa višegodišnjim radnim iskustvom, na raznim područjima rada struke. Istraživanje je provedeno putem online anonimnog upitnika, proslijeđenog u grupe studenata sa raznih sveučilišta i veleučilišta Republike Hrvatske. Anketom je prikazan uvid u dob ispitanika, radni status, opće znanje i stavovi o bezreceptnim lijekovima, te vlastito iskustvo ispitanika s uporabom bezreceptnih lijekova. |
Abstract (english) | Taking medication on your own initiative is an integral part of self-help that a person applies whenever he finds himself in a situation of impaired health. Various studies confirm that out of thousand people, three-quarters of them have a health problem within a month, but treat it on their own initiative. According to the position of the World Health Organization, self-treatment should be encouraged, partly because of better awareness of one's own health, partly because of the relif of the health system and financial savings. However, considering that these are substances that could hvae unwanted side effects if not used according to the instructions, a cautious approach to self-medication is required.
This research will present the general knowledge, attitudes and experiences of nursing students about over-the-counter drugs. The target group are nursing students in the Republic of Croatia, among whom some are just at the beginning of their studies and without work experience and some already have many years of work experience in various fields of the profession. The research was conducted through an online anonymous questionnaire, fowarded to the groups of students from different universities and polytechnics in the Republic of Croatia. The survey showed an insight into the respondent’s age, work status, general knowledge and attitudes about over-the-counter drugs and their own experience with the use of over-the-counter drugs. |