Sažetak | Tema ovog diplomskog rada je uvođenje i implementiranje 5S+1 metode i ostale alate
Lean filozofije u poduzeće DELTABLOC Components d.o.o.. Diplomski rad sastoji se od dva
glavna dijela. U prvom dijelu opisuju se začetci Lean proizvodnje, karakteristike i obilježja.
Opisuje se TPS i Lean kuća koja je jedan od bitnijih alata za razumijevanje redoslijeda primjene
Lean alata u proizvodnji. Također se opisuju Lean alati kao što su Kaizen, Demingov tj. PDCA
krug poboljšanja i 5S+1 Metoda, odnosno 6S Metoda. 5S+1 Metoda je koncept koji je nastao u
pogonima Toyote s ciljem organizacije radnih mjesta, da se uvijek brine o čistoći, urednosti i
sigurnosti radnih mjesta, sve u svrhu postizanja bolje produktivnosti i postizanja boljeg radnog
okruženja. U počecima se metoda sastojala od pet faza; Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Shitsuke, Seiketsu
(hrv. sortiranje, uređivanje, čišćenje, standardiziranje, održavanje) kojima se u SAD-u uvela i
šesta faza sigurnost. Opisane su sve faze, njihove prednosti, načini implementacije i ciljevi. U
drugom dijelu diplomskog rada krenulo se od istraživanja primjene Lean filozofije u stranim i
domaćim poduzećima među kojima je i Toyota kao osnivač i pokretač ove metode. Opisani su
neki od primjera kako se Lean filozofija i 5S+1 metoda, s odgovarajućim opisima i slikama,
već uvela u poduzeće DELTABLOC Components d.o.o. koje se bavim raznim čeličnim
sigurnosnim barijerama, poluproizvodima za izgradnju betonskih sigurnosnih barijera i
dodacima koji se mogu montirati na njih u svrhu povećanja sigurnosti. Prikazani su rezultati
provedene ankete u poduzeću čiji su rezultati komentirani i prikazani grafikonom s
odgovarajućim daljnjim postupcima stvaranja Lean tima i uvođenja Lean filozofije u
proizvodnju. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The Theme of this master’s work is the introduction of Lean philosophy and the
implementation of the 5S+ 1 method and other tools of Lean philosophy at
DELTABLOC Components d.o.o. The Master’s work consists of two main parts. The
first part describes the origins of Lean production, characteristics and characteristics. It
describes the TPS and the Lean house, which is one of the more essential tools to
understand the order of application of Lean tools in production. It also describes Lean
tools such as Kaizen, Deming, i.e. PDCA circle of improvement and 5S+ 1 Method, i.e.
6S Methods. 5S+ 1 Method is a concept created by Toyote plants to organise jobs, to
always take care of the cLeanliness, regularity and security of jobs, with a view to
achieving better productivity and achieving a better working environment. In the
beginning, the method consisted of five phases; seiri, seitono, seiso, sitches, seiketsu
(sorting, editing, cLeaning, standardisation, maintenance) which also introduced the
sixth phase of safety in the US. All stages, their strengths, implementation methods and
objectives are described. The second part of master’s work began to explore Lean
philosophy in foreign and domestic companies, including Toyota as the founder and
instigator of this method. Some examples of how Lean philosophy and the 5S+ 1
method, with appropriate descriptions and images, have already been introduced into
DELTABLOC Components d.o.o., a company active in various steel safety barriers,
semi-finished products for the construction of concrete safety barriers and accessories
that can be mounted on them for safety purposes. It shows the results of a survey
conducted in the company, the results of which were commented on and presented by a
graph with the corresponding follow-up processes for creating a Lean team and
introducing Lean philosophy into production. |