Sažetak | Tema ovog diplomskog rada je „ Položaj žena u menadžmentu“. Rad se bavi istraživanjem zastupljenosti žena na rukovodećim pozicijama u Republici Hrvatskoj. Općenito danas u svijetu daleko je manji broj žena na rukovodećim pozicijma nego što je muškaraca.
Osim samog položaja žena u današnjem svijetu, u radu se navode i različiti tipovi sterotipa kao i bitne karakteristike ženskog vođenja u menadžmentu. Još od povijesnih vremena žene su podređenom položaju s obzirom na muškarce. Rušenje stereotipa o ženama u poslovanju najbrže se odvija u Europi. Ipak, većina ljudi još uvijek percipira obiteljske obaveze i bračnu vezu kao nedostatak kod zaposlenih žena. U našem društvu očito još postoji stereotip da majka ima dominantnu ulogu u odgoju djece.
Iako su sve obrazovanije te u prosjeku i obrazovanije od muškaraca, teže nalaze posao, rade na lošijim pozicijama, imaju manje mogućnosti napredovanja te manje plaćene na istim radnim mjestima kao i muškarci.
Rad objašnjava također i pojam „staklenog stropa“ tj. u novije vrijeme sve više upotrebljavan termin „stakleni labirint“ te njegov utjecaj na položaj žena u poslovnom svijetu, a najviše u sferi menadžmenta gdje su žene danas najmanje zastupljne.
Prilikom izrade ovog rada korištene su različite metode. Izdvajaju se deskriptivna, povijesna, analitička, komparativna te kompilacijska. U svrhu rada provedeno je i istraživanje koje se provelo putem anketnog upitnika. Rad je podijeljen na dva osnovna dijela, a to su teorijski i praktični dio. Teorijski dio podijeljen je na poglavlja i potpoglavlja. Na kraju rada nalazi se zaključak te popisi literature, tablica, slika, grafikona i anketa. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The theme of this graduate thesis is "The Position of Women in Management". The work deals with research on the representation of women in managerial positions in the Republic of Croatia. Generally, today, there are far fewer women in managerial positions than men.
Apart from the position of women in today's world, various types of stereotypes are also mentioned, as well as the essential characteristics of women's leadership in management. Since the time of history, women are in a subordinate position with regard to men. Demoting stereotypes about women in business is the fastest in Europe. Still, most people still perceive family responsibilities and marital relationships as a lack of women employees. In our society there is obviously a stereotype that mother plays a dominant role in child rearing.
Although they are more educated and more educated than men, they find it harder to find work, work in worse positions, have fewer opportunities to progress and less paid at the same jobs as men.
The work also explains the term "glass ceiling", or more recently the term "glass labyrinth" and its influence on the position of women in the business world, and most of the management of women where the least present are women.
The development of a women's society is gaining ever greater significance in running a company, as emotionally-driven women are considered to have a greater ability to look at the company and all inner interdependencies as a whole, and not only have the focus on victory, which in most cases is characteristic of male leader’s style.
Different methods have been used during this work. They are descriptive, historical, analytical, comparative and computational. The research carried out through the questionnaire was conducted for the purpose of the work. The work is divided into two basic parts, which are theoretical and practical. The theoretical part is divided into chapters and subchapters. At the end of the paper there are conclusions and lists of literature, tables, pictures, charts and surveys. |